Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Jen Psaki lays waste to Peter Doocy's bogus vaccination talking points


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday easily shredded Fox News reporter Peter Doocy's criticisms of President Joe Biden for calling the COVID-19 pandemic a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

At the start of his question, Doocy noted that both he and Psaki had come down with cases of COVID-19 even though both of them had received both vaccinations and booster shots against the virus.

"You’re triple-vaxed, still got COVID," said Doocy. "Why is the president still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated?"

"Well I think, Peter, that there's a significant difference," she said. "I had been triple-vaxxed. I had minor symptoms. There is a huge difference between that and being unvaccinated. You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you're unvaccinated, 20 times more likely to die."

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