Sunday, January 9, 2022

Health Ministry: Significant increase in serious cases

The Ministry of Health announced Sunday morning that 17,521 new COVID diagnoses were made in the last day - out of about 151,000 tests. The percentage of positives was 11.71%.

Over 115,000 Israelis are considered "active," and 523 of them are hospitalized.

The number of people considered seriously sick has increased significantly and stands at 208, with the condition of 68 of them defined as critical. 16 patients are connected to ECMO machines and 48 to respirators.

For comparison, yesterday there were 172 were considered in serious condition and last weekend, 103 were.

1 comment :

  1. Depends how you look at it. 17521 new cases and you can probably safely assume that for every one of those there's probably 2 people who avoided getting tests. Meanwhile only 523 hospitalized. Not a huge percentage. In earlier waves it would've been 5230 hospitalized. We are entering the endemic phase where, just like with the flu, we will have seasons where there will be massive case numbers but controllable hospital numbers.


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