Wednesday, November 3, 2021

This is exactly how dumb our politics have gotten

 In the final days of the Virginia governor's race, Republican Glenn Youngkin did everything he could to suggest the contest was a referendum on what is being taught to the commonwealth's schoolchildren.

"There's no place for critical race theory in our school system, and why, on day one, I'm going to ban it," Youngkin told Fox News' Mark Levin over the weekend, adding that critical race theory "teaches children to see everything through a lens of race and then to divide them into buckets and have children [who] are called privileged and others [who] are victims."

1 comment :

  1. There is no place for critical race theory amongst decent, intelligent people. If CNN had been around and reporting on Russia in October, 1917 they'd have been condemning White Russians for opposing Lenin and Stalin.


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