Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Only 60% of Israelis think Yigal Amir murdered Rabin — poll


Only 60 percent of Israelis believe Yigal Amir assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, according to a poll released Friday.

The survey, which was aired on Hadashot TV news, was conducted to mark 23 years since Rabin was fatally shot by Amir at a peace rally in Tel Aviv. The report did not give details on the size of the poll or its margin of error

1 comment :

  1. Again, I happen to be one of those folks who thinks that
    a) Rabin was foundering in the polls, Oslo was failing and Labour's tactic of turning the right and especially the Religious Zionists into the new enemies of the state was turning into a disaster
    b) A fake assassination attempt would counter all that beautifully, creating new sympathy for Rabin and giving him the power to push Israel further towards disaster
    c) A real assassination attempt would give Peres what he always wanted - the prime minister's office
    But as I noted earlier, none of that matters now. It's nice to speculate but it doesn't change that one has to deal with the current situation, not sit back and ignore it and wondering about the past.


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