Friday, November 5, 2021

George Soros is not a Nazi, explained

Donald Trump Jr. is more than his father’s right-hand man — he’s his most important link to the conspiratorial far right.

He tweets constantly about the “deep state” to more than 2 million followers, continually sending them the signal: Trump hears you.

And as the 2018 election heats up, many of Trump Jr.’s tweets center on billionaire and longtime progressive donor George Soros. Specifically, they focus on a conspiracy theory regarding the Hungarian-born Jewish investor: that he’s a Nazi. 


So yes, George Soros is a billionaire with ties to progressive causes. But he is not a Nazi. Or a Nazi sympathizer. At all. Despite what one might see on Twitter (or Reddit or Facebook) — or even hear from members of Congress. When one Republican Congress member suggested to Vice News that Soros had funded the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VIrginia, last summer in an effort to discredit the right, he made sure to add that Soros ”turned in his own people to the Nazis.” 

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