Monday, October 25, 2021

‘Down the rabbit hole’: Arizona GOP goes full fringe

 Just when it seemed Arizona Republicans couldn’t make more of a spectacle, they found another way.

As the party hardens around its fealty to former President Donald Trump, the GOP is filling up its midterm ballot with a roster of conspiracy theorists and extremists that could threaten the party’s prospects in a state that’s drifted leftward in recent elections.

1 comment :

  1. It's called politics. When a party embraces a plank on its political platform, this generally has the effect of strengthening the allegiance of some voters, and weakening the allegiance of other voters. That is the nature of party politics that must find common ground and create a consensus among thousands, sometimes millions, and even tens of milliins of people.

    Pointing that out isn't a substitute for political commentary.

    The Democrats to some extent have embraced the idea that a man can choose to be a man, a woman, both or neither.

    The Republicans have embraced the idea to some extent that Donald Trump won in the last election.

    These ideas bring in some voters and repel some voters.


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