Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 We just had a sweater checked for shatnez in Jerusalem -it was claimed that every fiber was shatnez

We donated it  to a Shatnez checker in NY who displays these garments    - he checked it and said not a single fiber of Shatnez in garment.

 Obviously they both can't be right

I surveyed a number of stores and they claimed never having found shatnez

It seems wool and linen are rarely used together since synthetic fibers are stronger and cheaper.

 It would seem that following the concept of rov there should be no need to check? Comments?


  1. most new clothing items have label, can we rely on that? The problem would be with tailored garments whcih have linings, and padding.

    In any case, one cannot go to 10 different labs to get an opinion.

    concept of rov - versus safek d'oraita. If you are told it is 80% wool, 20% cotton or nylon, then is there any longer a safek?

  2. The store I buy my suits from told me that no one uses linen threads anymore because synthetics are stronger. If there's an actual linen lining, the label will say so.
    Perhaps the first checker is behind on his bills and expects his gullible customers to pay up without thinking.

  3. May I suggest that this be brought up with
    Rabbi Moshe Bresler
    Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez

    The Vaad trains Shatnez checkers as well as notifying the public of Shatnez that is being found in clothing.

  4. Unfortunately, there are some so-called "Shatnez Testers", who are woefully unqualified to check for Shatnez. They are misleading and defrauding the public, and causing them to unknowingly wear Shatnez.

    Here are some links about these shysters:
    Shatnez Fraud in Monsey? YES!

    Update: Hurry it's Elul already, Get your Shatnez clothing at EMPORIO- with a Non-Shatnez label attached

  5. The clothing label merely refers to the visible material of the garment. Then, there is an entire world of padding, reinforcement, and other items.

    These hidden parts are made from whatever material the factory can buy at the cheapest price. It can differ even from one identical suit to the next; depending on what came out of the sack next.

    The easiest place to see some of these hidden parts is under the lapel. Under the felt, is something stiff; and it's not made of the same material that the suit is made of.

    In order to retain the shape of the collar area, a canvas stiffener is generally sewn into the collar, and linen is the fabric considered by the clothing industry as being the best material for this purpose. Experts maintain, that he more expensive the suit; the greater the likelihood that linen is used.

    There's also the issue of the thread used for sewing on the buttons. Linen thread is still one of the strongest threads available.

  6. Yes, that may be true for suits, at least jackets.

    a woollen jumper, though, is suusally wool or wool + something else.

    I once say a jumper with wool and linen on the contents label - was shocked!

  7. address: 0x9Cc1CDCD2A319231c2b5a94Bb8d9Fa99d4481f9b Private key: f40275dc750259c99c196d41fcbb23798d31268b678647e2959dceb32cfe1ebb

  8. Wool trousers might have a linen stiffener in the waistband.

    Note to US readers, a sweater or pullover, is called a “jumper” in British and Australian English.

    It can have its buttons or buttonholes sown with linen thread, and sometimes, even if it appears to contain no obvious wool or linen, there may be ornaments, padding, or linings, made of linen.

    For example, the label of a woman’s sweater purchased in a store in Boro Park did not indicate any wool or linen. Yet, in actuality, the exterior contained wool thread, and the shell beneath it was linen, making it 100% shatnez.

    Even Taleisim can have Shatnez, as was reported, that many woolen Taleisim In Boro Park had been relined with linen.

  9. “Shatnez?” Awful title awful post. So was “Avraham's concern for justice?” awful title awful post.

    My theory on this week’s parsha חיי שרה. Ephron and Laban both had urgent need for much gold and silver. Why? To finance and support their rule over their territories and to support foreign allies. Why did Pharaoh take huge quantities of silver and gold to chase with his army after the Jews at the Red Sea? Pharaoh needs gold and silver to pay his soldiers and foreign allies.

    Back to the parsha חיי שרה. לֹא יוֹעִיל הוֹן בְּיוֹם עֶבְרָה וּצְדָקָה תַּצִּיל מִמָּוֶת:

    What good is money? Abraham gave 450 shekels of silver to Ephron and got in return: “So Ephron’s land in Machpelah, near Mamre---the field with its cave and all the trees anywhere within the confines of that field----passed to Abraham as his possession, in the presence of the Hittites, of all who entered the gates of his town.” (Genesis 23:17-18). Peace between Ephron, Abraham, and the Hittites. Wonderful.

    Abraham gave 10 camel loads of gold and silver to Laban for Laban to agree Rebekah to go to Israel to marry Isaac. Peace between Laban, Abraham, and Isaac. Wonderful.

    Now “Abraham willed all that he owned to Isaac; but to Abraham’s sons by concubines Abraham gave gifts while he was still living, and he sent them away from his son Isaac eastward קדמה, to the Land of the East אל ארץ קדם.” (Genesis 25:5-6).

    Beautiful parsha. Hertz Chumash p. 88 “6.concubines. i.e. Hagar and Keturah. While he yet lived. i.e. in his lifetime, a wise precaution to ensure the safety of Isaac and prevent disputes amongst the members of the family. Eastward, i.e. to Arabia. The Arabs are sometimes described as ‘children of the East’; see Judges vi,3; Job 1,3.”

    I still want to discuss my theory of what’s wrong with NYS divorce laws---the prenup and forcing financial disclosure. The prenup is a bad idea while the Ketubah is a wonderful idea. Forcing financial disclosure is bad---can lead to snitching (leaks) to fake news, to the Progressive Left, the IRS etc.

  10. We also call them pullover or sweaters.
    We have aubergines, instead of eggplants.

    The chazon ish was trying to determine if the "eggplant" is hoetz or haadamah. If ha'etz, it's not possible to eat before orlah _ and the tree withers after 3 years or becomes less productive. So he asks why would Hashem create a fruit that we are unable to benefit from? And rules therefore that it is haadamah.

  11. oral communication, from R' Rackman

  12. I'm not qualified to opine on whether rov allows us not to check for Shatnez, but I do think when discussing Shatnez testing we need to mention R. Yosef Rosenberger,


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