Sunday, May 2, 2021

As families bury their dead, recriminations begin over deadly crush at a religious festival in Israel 

 Levi told Channel 13 News he blamed the leaders of the mostly Hassidic sects that take part in the Lag B'Omer festival, along with their political representatives in government, for running what he described as "a mafia" that controlled the festival site.

"This mountain is strange. It is supposed to be clean and religious when it is in fact it is corrupt in the full sense of the word," he said.
In a growing indication that the tolerance many Israelis feel is shown towards the ultra-Orthodox might be slipping, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has spoken out about the abuse it said its female soldiers received as they took part in rescue and recovery efforts at the festival site.


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 2, 2021 at 4:02 PM

    Der rodef

  2. Garnel IronheartMay 2, 2021 at 4:09 PM

    Here's the general rule: the one shouting "He's to blame!" the loudest is generally the one who's actually responsible.
    Once the horror of the tragedy settles, we'll come to see what actually happened: 100 000 people assembled in a place set up for 10 000. The physical set up violated every safety rule the State has because "Who cares about State laws! We only follow the Torah!" Stories will emerge of female soldiers and paramedics being assaulted when they tried to do their job. Chareidi leaders and politicians will shout that the police did this, the State did this, locusts did this, just as long as everyone realizes that the Chareidim are innocent victims and have no responsibility for this.
    The greatest tzidkus of the Chiloni population is that after 70 years of aggravation, maybe only now their tolerance for this spoiled brat of a community is starting to slip.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 2, 2021 at 5:28 PM

    there is another side tot he story, whcih does not involve casting blame.

    One of the narratives we are hearing fromt eh authorities, the police, local government etc - is that there is some sort of religious autonomy in this region, like in Meah Shearim - where the Haredim have de facto control of certain parts of Eretz Yisrael, and the secular government does not really have any say in the matter.
    A big sector involved seems to be Toldos Aaron - who are even more anti-zionist than Satmar.

    See the problem? The whole shaky basis for the opposition to Zionism and the State is the alelged 3 oaths, which says do not go up as wall, and do not have ribbonus on eretz Yisroel, until the Moshiach comes.

    Now, we have such a large groups of Hassidim who came up from Hungary, and have taken ribbonus on their "tribal areas" , eg Meron in the upper Galilee. In other words, they don't really accept or abide by the so-called 3 oaths, no. This is just a game, to set themselves apart, to justify calling other Jews behemos, and to justify their hescherim which makes their matzos and shechita 10x the price of regular rabbanut hescher.
    I am all for the tribes or mini tribes taking ribbonus of their land in E.Y. The settlers are doing it too. The anti-zionist Hareidim are also settlers, and that is good, theyjust need to be honest now and admit their ideology is debunked - by themselves.

  4. Mordechai SniderMay 2, 2021 at 5:46 PM

    How is hate speech allowed on this website, as long as it is directed against Chareidim??

  5. I noticed that Rabbi Eidensohn scrubbed this blog from all the guest posts by the recently exposed Christian missionary "Rabbi" Michael Tzadok Elkohen, who used to be a very very frequent poster here.

    Though, his thousands of individual comments on this blog are still up.

    Will Rabbi Eidensohn address this issue?

  6. This struck me as a very level-headed and wise consideration about this event and planning of things going forward. It requires buy-in from all sides and a breakdown of whatever "mafias" stand in the way.

  7. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 2, 2021 at 11:53 PM

    it will take hundreds of hours to scrub thousands of comments
    hard work

  8. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 2, 2021 at 11:53 PM

    sheer fantasy to think anyone will listen to him, a marked man in the ultra world.

  9. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 3, 2021 at 12:08 AM

    This article I posted earlier about the pandemic, brings two concepts - exponential growth and exponential decay - in virus transmission.

    The same principle applies to mass gatherings. Havnig a minyan in a shtibl of 30 souls, is less comlex than a wedding of 300. A football game with 10,000 spectators is exponentially more complex than a wedding.
    Having 100,000 people in an area on the mountain, not designed for large crowds is extremely complex, and the physical forces involved are exponentially higher than anything normal people are experienced in.

  10. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 3, 2021 at 12:38 AM

    Can you specify which comments count as hate speech? It seems you're less bothered by the sad tragedy of 45 people being killed, than you are from people pointing to the areas which may have led to such a disaster.
    Considering the fact that you are a very smart guy and learned in many things, why are you doing your witch hunting when it would be more productive to implement new procedures and planning for such events?

  11. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 3, 2021 at 12:43 AM

    I remember a tour or around the ruins of the holy temple in Jerusalem and what remains were they outside the steps going down from the temple . The tour guide said that these were not uniform in length but staggered, and modern Architects who had analysed the design of these steps had suggested the reason was fan out people leaving the temple to avoid congestion and stampedes.
    So the Meron autonomy should employ Architects and civil engineers to REdesign the entire complex perhaps based on the principles we can derive from the Jerusalem temple.

  12. The problem is the extent of "All that is new is forbidden by the Torah". The Mennonites and Amish are honest - they reject electricity, still go around in horse-drawn wagons and make all their own clothes. On the other hand, you have these Chareidi factions who claim to believe in the principle but use electricity and toilet paper, both innovations.
    The other problem is the contradiction that is the existence of Chareidism. Chareidism forbids innovation but it itself is an innovation. Maybe that's why they're always angry.

  13. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2021 at 1:33 AM

    There's an Israeli hitech company that makes synthetic diamonds - undercuts raw diamonds but genius technology.

  14. Whether anyone listens to HIM or not, he is right in what he wrote. Surely it is not only him on this planet who has this opinion or considers it reasonable.

  15. I think it's important to leave all those posts up to see what kind of kefira is pushed by those who wish to deceive the Jewish world. We should study it. From my limited google searching I see an obsession with Kabalah as red flag number 1 and pushing rashbi authorship of zohar as red flag number 2. I wonder if these somehow lead to his ultimate goal of yoshke promotion somehow....

  16. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2021 at 10:16 PM

    i don't know if he did any yashke stuff, was talking halacha and kabbalah,
    was active maybe on the nachlaot case.

    He seemed to have a lot of research into this and that, but he came across as a studious "rabbi".

  17. But you now know he was a missionary and so he clearly had an agenda. Maybe he saw an opening in the way that kabbalah was used to help Shabtai tzvi

  18. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 12:32 AM

    the kabbalah stuff - well, I think he was talking mumbo jumbo anyways,

    it is not clear what his agenda was - he had a website (still does) which was locked to private users - where he teaches "kabbalah" - so it is possible he is working on his clients there.
    There is no witness evidence yet that he has tried missionary work - but it could be his plan was to build up his standing as a Kabbalist, and then take as many down with him as possible. That is what Berland did with his followers, who have Sabbatean like views of their leader, who "purifies through sin".
    Had he been honest and converted, then he would be accepted as he was quite talented, at least in having access to sources. Whether his level of learning was good or not , I can't say. I fear he was talking nonsense, and didn't really have a grasp of halacha.
    He acted like a grandiose imposter, claiming to be related to the Arizal, and being a cousin of the Baba Sali!
    B'H he was exposed.

  19. It's weird that you keep saying, if he was this or that, he could have been a convert. He could have been a contender. Huh? He was never interested in being a Jew except to deceive Jewish people and convert them. That's what missionaries do. He lied about his background and pretended to be Jewish. That is not what a potential convert does. That is not what someone genuinely interested in Judaism does. This guy was playing a con, and he was working toward the goal of all missionaries which is to convert and spread the yoshke gospel. I can't say I know exactly what his methods were, but I'm sure there are ways to study what he was doing and figure out exactly what his angle was or was going to be. He is openly a jebus freak, we are not in doubt about this.

  20. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 1:17 PM

    His comments on here have a pro-mystical, pro Sephardi agenda, and his claims of having traditions from the great mystics.
    If he'd pushed a yashka agenda, would be busted much sooner.
    Even fantasists, identify with their false identity.

  21. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 1:26 PM

    I searched "Jesus" posts, there are a few,,

    But I can't see comments

    Maybe on a PC or different browser they are viewable

  22. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 1:35 PM

  23. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 1:48 PM

    this is a typical Tzadok type exchange, see the many comments he made

    one of the commenters attacks him calling him a fake mekubal!

    the point being, there is no overt mention of yashke, or covert. It is about these seruvim and divorce cases. whehter or not he knows his stuff, I cannot say.

  24. He's a known antisemite here.

  25. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 3:18 PM

    Are the rotzeach organisers of the meron rave not antisemites?

  26. I think the mention "turned out to be a christian missionary" should be added next to his usernames, after every one of his posts.

  27. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 4:34 PM

    There are 1000s of comments, you are welcome do start the good work 😆

  28. I'm not sure why you keep hammering away based on a premise that a missionary would be bringing up or mentioning Jebus. It's a false premise. You shouldn't expect that. He pretended to be Jewish. He embedded in the community. He was playing a long con. If he preaches Jesus all day long we'll all know he's a weirdo or assume he's possibly a J4J missionary. My whole point here is about the deception he was using to build toward his goal. I am suggesting that all his Torah discussions were a trojan horse method to produce an environment that will eventually be more receptive to his Yoshke

  29. The Israeli police are murderers for causing the stampede.

  30. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 10:01 PM

    they also had a part to play
    but if you do not build a maakeh on a roof, then the nofel will fall

    this place is one big roof, with 100,000 illegal people dancing on it

  31. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2021 at 10:05 PM

    Here is what i said a few talkbacks ago:

    " but it could be his plan was to build up his standing as a Kabbalist, and then take as many down with him as possible. That is what Berland did with his followers, who have Sabbatean like views of their leader,
    who "purifies through sin"."

    So are you merely rephrasing what I said then attacking me for nto saying it first?

    At least an Xtian is doing his "mitzvah" according to his own religion. Berland was essentially a Sabbatean, posing as an Orthodox Rabbi.

  32. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 6, 2021 at 1:20 AM

    "After Israel stampede, some ultra-Orthodox are looking at their role in the tragedy
    "It's a call for rethinking what is it that we didn't do right," said Yehoshua Pfeffer, an ultra-Orthodox rabbi in Jerusalem."

  33. I am in touch with the architect hired by the Israeli government to work on Meron. I don't advertise my work.

  34. I'm torn up over these deaths.


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