Wednesday, December 2, 2020

US attorney general finds 'no voter fraud that could overturn election'

"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election," he said.

His comments are seen as a big blow to Mr Trump, who has not accepted defeat.

He and his campaign have filed lawsuits in states that he lost, as they begin certifying Joe Biden as the winner.


  1. “US attorney general finds no voter fraud that could overturn election” Torah thought וישלח:
    “Early in the morning Laban rose up וישכם לבן, and kissed וינשק his sons and daughters and blessed ויברך them אתהם. And Laban departed and returned וילך וישב לבן to his place למקמו.” (Genesis 32:1).
    בראשית פרשת ויצא פרק לב פסוק א
    וַיַּשְׁכֵּם לָבָן בַּבֹּקֶר וַיְנַשֵּׁק לְבָנָיו וְלִבְנוֹתָיו וַיְבָרֶךְ אֶתְהֶם וַיֵּלֶךְ וַיָּשָׁב לָבָן לִמְקֹמוֹ:
    הכתב והקבלה בראשית פרשת ויצא פרק לב פסוק א
    וכן כאן בלבן אמר וילך וישב, שהליכתו לביתו כעת לא היתה רק לפי שעה כי חזר עוד לשוב לעשות תחבולות מרמה נגד יעקב, כמוזכר בספר הישר, אחר שעבר לבן מאת יעקב מהר ושלח את בעור בנו בן שבע עשרה שנה ועמו אבי חורף בן עוץ בן נחור אל ארץ שעיר אל עשו לעורר אותו לבוא על יעקב להרגו, ויעש עשו כן ויקבוץ את כל חילו וילך לקראת יעקב, והדבר בא עד רבקה אם יעקב, ותמהר ותשלח שבעים ושנים איש מעבדי יצחק לעזור ליעקב, ויאמר יעקב כאשר ראם מחנה לעמוד לי מאת אלהים זה, ויקרא יעקב את המקום ההוא מחנים. ע"כ.
    In the midrash Laban returned to his wicked ways. He sent his son to tell Esau to kill Jacob. In the midrash, Rebekah finds out and sends 72 worthy fighters of Isaac to aid Jacob. It’s these 72 warriors of Isaac: “Jacob went on his way, and angels of God encountered ויפגעו him. Jacob said when he saw them, This is God’s camp. So he called ויקרא that place Mahanaim [connected with Heb. מחנה]” (Genesis 32:2-3).
    “It certainly appears that Obama’s intention is for his readers to conclude that the “movement for a Jewish state in Palestine had no legitimacy or international consent,” portraying the Jews as “strong conquerors flooding into Palestine,” and not “a persecuted and desperate people searching for safety.” Obama also refers to and uses the term “Zionist leaders” instead of “Jewish leaders.” But heaven forbid anyone should accuse Obama of being an anti-Semite. He is only an anti-Zionist, and is conveniently encouraging his readers to be the same. Looking at Biden’s cast of appointees, it appears nothing less than homecoming day. Indeed, the book is rife with descriptions that would lead a reader with no knowledge of the subject to assume that the Jewish state is illegitimate. After all, it ostensibly “wronged others to establish itself,” and is the “aggressive occupier that seeks conflict and not peace.” It’s too late to vote based on what emerges in the book as Obama’s true feelings about Israel. He already served eight years as president. The past is the past”
    Laban, as does Obama in his 760 page book, portrays Jacob as a strong conqueror flooding into Israel, to Israel where Jacob no legitimate right as Israel belongs to Esau, the firstborn.
    Of course Barr must keep neutral, or he’ll get sued. Only the SCOTUS, maybe, could truly look into this.

  2. And the Chinese government assures us that it isn't illegally occupying Tibet or putting Uighers into concentration camps.

  3. So what?
    All statements made by all governments must therefore be false?!

  4. Well assuming the government is lying is usually a quick bet.
    It's a clear sign of a limited intellect to say "When the government agrees with what I think, they're telling the truth and when they disagree, they're lying"


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