Sunday, December 6, 2020

Anyone who thinks Trump is good for the Jews is a ‘freier’

The latest argument put forth by Trump supporters on these pages – that he is repugnant but you should vote for him anyway because he is good for the Jews – is head-spinning in its obscenity.
This argument that an amoral narcissist is somehow good for us as Jews does not bode well for us as a people. At the very least, if your best friend is a psychopath, you probably need new friends.



  1. Donald Trump lost the election.

    But in one sense he won: he remains a force to be reckoned with.

    Just check out the electoral map: all those Red States are the places that had a majority of voters who supported Mr. Trump. And check out the popular vote. Mr. Trump had more votes than he had in in the last election. It's hard to believe, but he got around 60 million votes in the last election and around 70 million in this election.

    The Senate may possibly remain Republican, and the House is almost evenly split by political party.

    One can imagine that Donald Trump.will use his wealth and popularity to harass and undermine some of the Democrat initiatives over the next four years.

    Most importantly, many of his supporters are not disappointed in him that he lost. Many believe he won, and/or there was widespread fraud and irregularities related to to the election. Some may accept that the Democrats won, but consider the Democrat leadership is out to destroy the U.S., turning it into who knows what, a U.N. vassal run on Communistic principles -- hard to say what some people hold, since they seem to be frothing and ventilating which makes it challenging to comprehend what they are articulating and expressing.

    All in all, the country is culturally riven.

    Perhaps those who think that Donald Trump is an amoral narcisstic psychopath need to work on themselves and come to the realization that Western democracies in their current form are designed to favor leaders who are amoral narcissistic psychopaths.

  2. There's a difference between "Is Trump good for the Jews" and "Is Trump a Jew-hater" but liberals try to conflate the two.
    You could make a good argument that he's a danger to the Jewish community. The left is burning down shuls during BLM protests because they hate Trump and associate Jews with him. The right is shooting up shuls because they think Trump gave them permission. Either way we lose.
    But to then conclude that Trump hates Jews, which is the next thing liberals say, is unfounded. Trump doesn't hate Jews. Trump loves himself and decides on whether or not he likes you depending on how useful you are to him.

  3. “Anyone who thinks Trump is good for the Jews is a freier” No. Bravo Joseph Orlow. Torah thought on וישב:
    Will Joseph rule? (Will Trump rule?)
    “These are the generations תולדות of Jacob: Joseph, being 17 years old was feeding רעה the flocks with his brothers את אחיו בצאן, being still a lad והוא נער, even with את the sons of Bilhah and with the sons of Zilpah his father’s wives. And Joseph brought ויבא יוסף bad reports of them את דבתם רעה to their father אל אביהם. Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children אהב את יוסף בכל בניו, because כי he was the son בן of his old age; and he had made him a coat of many colors כתנת פסים. And when his brothers saw ויראו אחיו that their father loved him more than all his brothers כי אתו אהב אביהם מכל אחיו, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him ולא יכלו דברו לשלם.” (Genesis 37:2-4).
    I heard a vort. Joseph tried to talk to the sons of Leah but they would not talk with him. Joseph brought exactly the words of his brothers as if a recording. Joseph put himself aside saying “to their father אל אביהם”.
    Just out:
    No. 20-6525 Title: Gerald Aranoff, Petitioner v Susan Aranoff Docketed:December 4, 2020 Lower Ct: Court of Appeals of New York Case Numbers: (2020-352) Decision Date: September 10, 2020 Date Proceedings and Orders Sep 21 2020 Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed. (Response due January 4, 2021) NAME ADDRESS PHONE Attorneys for Petitioner Gerald Aranoff 8 Miriam Haneviah Street Bnei Brak 51583 Israel, XX 51583 972-523-602370 Party name: Gerald Aranoff SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543
    Thank you God in heaven. I had to send my documents five times to SCOTUS to get this docket number 20-6525.

  4. no statement was made that he hates Jews - he only hates those he sees as disloyal to him

  5. That's what I said. The point remains: the liberal left wants you to believe that he is specifically a Jew-hater and he isn't.

  6. For some, it's a horrifying thought: he'll be back running again for the Rep's in 2024 against Harris.
    For this blog, it's a godsend! Endless material to post for the next 4 years!


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