Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trump Thinks He’s Found Biden’s Greatest Vulnerability

After 18 months of flogging the Hunter Biden story, what does President Donald Trump have to show for his efforts? His opposition research on former Vice President Joe Biden’s son culminated in his own impeachment. Despite railing against the scion’s alleged swampiness at nearly every rally, Trump’s convoluted narrative about Biden family corruption has taken root only on Fox News. At the very least, the accusation that Hunter leveraged his father’s high office to enrich himself has failed to measurably move the polls. Even Trump’s ardent supporters are now encouraging him to change the subject. Yet he remains obstinate in his obsession.

 Without a coherent message or an affirmative vision for a second term, Trump has clearly been betting his reelection on what military planners would call a “psyop,” or a psychological operation. That is, he hopes to use gamesmanship to destabilize the mind of his adversary, forcing him into a moment of anger or incoherence that illustrates his lack of fitness for the office. (“Too old and out of it” is how Trump puts it.) His attacks on Hunter Biden should be understood as the pillar of this strategy.


  1. Or perhaps after four years of watching how he was blamed and damned for every misstep by Jared, Donald Jr and Ivanka, he's wondering: why shouldn't the same standard hold for the Bidens?

  2. nope apples and oranges comparison
    Like saying Trump says words and Biden says words - therefore claims against them must be equal!

    Please give a case where BIDEN AND Trump did the same thing or Ivanka or Jared

  3. Torah thought on וירא
    Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page l05b
    "God said to Abraham, “Then the Lord said, The cry זעקת of Sodom and Gomorrah is so great כי רבה, and their sin חטאתם so grave כי כבדה מאד!” (Genesis 18:20), as much as to say: I have taken note of their behavior towards their fellow-men, which causes all men to avoid setting foot in Sodom and Gomorrah. So it is written: “There is a mine for silver, And a place where gold is refined. Iron is taken out of the earth, And copper smelted from rock. He sets bounds for darkness; To every limit man probes, To rocks in deepest darkness. They open up a shaft far from where men live פרץ נחל מעם גר, [In places] forgotten by wayfarers הנשכחים מני רגל, Destitute of men, far removed דלו מאנוש נעו. Earth, out of which food grows, Is changed below as if into fire. Its rocks are a source of sapphires; It contains gold dust too. No bird of prey knows the path to it; The falcon’s eye has not gazed upon it.” (Job 28:1-7) The stream made a chasm for strangers, so they are forgotten of the foot that passeth by; they are the poorest of men, they move away” (Job. XXVIII, 4). The stream divided to swallow up any stranger who ventured to enter Sodom; for if anyone was detected offering food or drink to a stranger, the people of the town would cast him into the deepest part of the river, as well as the recipient. Hence, they are forgotten of the foot, i.e. men avoided it and never put foot into it; and as for those who happened to enter it-they are the poorest of men, they move away, i.e. as no food or drink was given to them, their bodies became so emaciated that they scarcely looked any more like human beings, and hence they moved away, i.e. people passed it by on one side. Even the birds of heaven”

    בראשית פרשת וירא פרק יח פסוק כ
    וַיֹּאמֶר יְקֹוָק זַעֲקַת סְדֹם וַעֲמֹרָה כִּי רָבָּה וְחַטָּאתָם כִּי כָבְדָה מְאֹד:
    מלבי"ם בראשית פרשת וירא פרק יח פסוק כ
    ויאמר ה' על פי זה אמר למלאכיו במעמד אברהם שישמע משפט ה' וטעם גזר דינו, א] זעקת סדום רוצה לומר שהם חטאו חטאים רבים בין אדם לחבירו שעל זה עולה צעקת הדלים והנעשקים וה' עושה משפט לעשוקים. ב] חטאתם ביתר ענינים כבדה מאד באיכות החטא עבודה זרה וגילוי עריות, בענין שיש רבוי הכמות ורבוי האיכות:
    איוב פרק כח פסוק ד
    פָּרַץ נַחַל מֵעִם גָּר הַנִּשְׁכָּחִים מִנִּי רָגֶל דַּלּוּ מֵאֱנוֹשׁ נָעוּ:
    רש"י איוב פרק כח פסוק ד
    פרץ נחל - על סדום ועמורה נחלי אש וגפרית:
    מעם גר - ממקום שהוא נובע ונוגר:
    הנשכחים מני רגל - אלו אנשי סדום ששיכחו תורת רגלי אורחים מארצם שהיו משכיבים האורח במטה אם היה ארוך יותר מקטעין רגליו ואם היה קצר מאריכין אותו כך מפורש באגדה:
    דלו - ע"י פריצת נחל זה ומאנוש נעו:
    My theory. If, Heaven forbid, Biden wins, Iran will be emboldened and cause wars which will drive millions from their homes to Europe and to America (source: Dr. M. Kedar). The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah caused refugees.

  4. No, it's not that they did the exact same thing. It's that in both cases, children do something dirty and only in one case is the parent held responsible.

  5. and who decides it is dirty?
    obviously you believe all accusations justify publicizing and investigation!


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