Sunday, October 25, 2020

What is the Hunter Biden laptop scandal?

The New York Post published installments of the leaked emails, claiming they proved Joe Biden met with an adviser to Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a board member. However, the emails alone do not prove that allegation. The emails use vague wording, and it is not clear whether the laptop actually belonged to Hunter Biden.

Currently, no one has been able to confirm the ownership of the laptop, the authenticity of the emails, or whether they had any effect on Joe Biden’s actions. If a verifiable source is found, News 10 will report it.


1 comment :

  1. The Hunter-Biden scandal is that, for the first time, mainstream media and social media have acted in ways that resemble Soviet mainstream media, except that the USSR official censored their news and these organizations are doing it voluntarily.


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