Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Psak on Alternative Medicine by yadmoshe on Scribd



  2. Having read this again, it is almost comical , if it were not signed by 3 major Hareidi Gedolim (albeit 2 of which were rejected by the Litvish Daas Torah).

    They say that anything produced by "atheism" is assur. So presumably all modern pharmaceuticals medicines must be scrutinized to see if the developers or manufacturers are atheists? will Hareidim stop taking pills and drugs from Teva because it is a secular zionist company, now run by a goy?

    If any of these rabbis, or their close ones, were chas v'shalom sick, would they refuse to be treated by christian, secular or reform doctors? How about muslim?
    And kefirah - as i said before, the basis of modern pharmaceutical medicine is based on the Periodic Table which is koifer on the Rambam and the Zohar (one copied the other). these seforim claim that there are 4 fundamental chemical elements - earth, air, fire, and water. Yet chemistry tells us there are over 100 such elements - air contains oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and other minor components; water is hydrogen and oxygen combined. So the molecules - modern drugs - that we all require at various stages in our lives, are all based on kefira against the 2 holiest sources of the oral law - halacha, and kabbalah.

    So for this psak to have any validity, it would require all frum people to give up on vital medicines, and instead go back to the kind of cures that Rambam had. onions for asthma, carrot and garlic mix as an aphrodisiac, etc.

  3. Let's make it simple - think what you want, just wear your mask and go see a real doctor.


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