Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Homeland Security says white supremacists ‘most persistent and lethal’ US threat

 The Homeland Threat Assessment, released on Tuesday, details an array of violent domestic threats in the United States. It also notes that, among other qualities, white supremacists are characterized by their hate of Jews, or by “their perception that the government is controlled by Jewish persons.” 

 It is also published a month after a whistleblower alleged that high-ranking Homeland Security appointees told officials in the department to downplay the threat posed by white supremacists. Brian Murphy complained that in writing the Homeland Threat Assessment, he was asked “to specifically modify the section on White Supremacy in a manner that made the threat appear less severe, as well as include information on the prominence of violent ‘left-wing’ groups.”

1 comment :

  1. Right, because it's right wing groups that have overrun major cities and burned large parts of them, taken over major campuses and tried to destroy Jewish life on them...


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