Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trump visibly distressed over Atlantic story fallout from claims he disparaged the military


 It was a relatively quiet weekend at the White House until Trump decided he wanted to hold a Labor Day news conference. Just as aides believed the story was quieting down, Trump accused top Pentagon military leaders of being beholden to defense contractors, an astonishing comment from the President as he's trying to bolster support with those people. Trump had been privately upset that more of the top brass at the Pentagon had not defended him in the wake of The Atlantic's story and some saw this as a response to that.



  1. So when liberals accuse the military of being in thrall to the military-industrial complex, they're pointing out "the truth" but when Trump does it, then it's not the truth anymore?

  2. Further proof that the rebbe had no connection or possibility of being moshiach : https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/4267071/jewish/Its-Not-About-Politics.htm

    "This flowed into the next topic: whether or not it would be wise for the Rebbe to immigrate to Israel. The Rebbe said that his influence over the wider Jewish world was greater from the United States. He was concerned that, in Israel, he wouldn’t be able to express his opinions freely on topics of Torah and Jewish law without entering into confrontations with the political leadership. On the other hand, how could he hold back if he thought it was necessary? For this reason, he thought that his presence in Israel would not be good – neither for the Jews in Israel nor for those in the Diaspora.

  3. when Trump makes such claims it means what?
    Since when is Trump concerned with the Truth?

  4. https://nationalsecurityaction.org/newsroom/trump-military-industrial-complex


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