Thursday, September 3, 2020

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Has Trump incited violence?

 Now back to the present use of words to incite violence. President Trump has been accused of inciting violence by his use of words. He has said many things: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” “Knock the crap out of them,” “any guy who can do a body slam, he’s my type,” and “the audience hit back; that’s what we need a little more of.”

Even though the president’s language was referring to violence in American cities last summer and this summer, and even though his supporters may take some consolation in his harsh and supportive words, because there was time for more speech to rebut what he said, his words are protected.

I write this as a constitutional analysis, not a political one. The voters will decide if Trump’s words are prudent or helpful or even presidential. But the courts will leave him alone.



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