Monday, September 14, 2020

Fauci: Trump downplaying COVID-19 threat 'not a good thing'; expect no 'normality' until 2021

Trump told Woodward in a recorded interview Feb. 7 about how much "more deadly" COVID-19 would be than the flu, a startling juxtaposition from the president's public remarks at the time and in the months since about COVID-19, its lethality and its spread. 

For months in public, the president assured the public that the coronavirus was "under control" in the U.S. and would "go away."

"When you downplay something that is really a threat, that is not a good thing," he said.


  1. And if he'd come right out and given the worst case scenario there would have been mass panic and he'd have been blamed for that too.

  2. Sorry. Dr.Fauci is a top scientist. He is not the Chief Executive. He gets to run NIH. He doesn't get to run the country. So his statements about how the President handled the virus are pertinent but ultimately irrelevant.

  3. there are 5 or 6 regular commenters on this blog

    I don't know who the 11,000 viewers are, is is page, comment, etc counted as a view?
    Perhaps 1 in 10 readers comment here.
    Do you think you can sway the elections with your comments, considering many readers are outside the USA?

  4. Child molesters, corrupt community leaders, and bribed decisors checking in to make sure they haven't been outed.

  5. Actually from my own blogging days long ago, I'm pretty sure most of his "visitors" are the same as mine were - spambots from Russia, China and Africa.

  6. And those are some of the the same countries trying to influence the U.S. elections through Facebook and hacking voting machine computers.

    So, given the level of artificial intelligence in those spambots, maybe they are influenced by the anti-Trump drumbeat on this blog. Maybe they are here to raise the rankings of this blog thus amplifying the anti-Trump rhetoric online.

    Spooky. But entirely unlikely.

  7. Torah thought on האזינו.
    “Give ear, O heavens, let me speak; Let the earth hear the words I utter! May my discourse come down as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, Like showers on young growth, Like droplets on the grass [i.e., may my words be received eagerly; cf. Job 29.22–23]” (Deuteronomy 32:1-2).
    דברים ל"ב
    א) הַאֲזִינוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם וַאֲדַבֵּרָה וְתִשְׁמַע הָאָרֶץ אִמְרֵי פִי:
    ב) יַעֲרֹף כַּמָּטָר לִקְחִי תִּזַּל כַּטַּל אִמְרָתִי כִּשְׂעִירִם עֲלֵי דֶשֶׁא וְכִרְבִיבִים עֲלֵי עֵשֶׂב:
    Hertz Chumash p. 896 “2. doctrine. Better, teaching, message or instruction; cf. Prov. iv, 2. The message conveyed by the Song shall, like rain and dew falling on plants, penetrate to the hearts of the Israelites; refresh, stimulate, and give birth to a new spiritual life. The Song, therefore, is not only one of warning, but of comfort also, to awaken new hope in a suffering Israel. distill as the dew. God’s word is as the dew which, though it falls gently and unheard, yet ha a wonderful reviving power; cf. Micah v, 6.”
    “For I give you good instruction; Do not forsake my teaching.” (Proverbs 4:2). “The remnant of Jacob shall be, In the midst of the many peoples, Like dew from the Lord, Like droplets on grass— Which do not look to any man Nor place their hope in mortals. The remnant of Jacob Shall be among the nations, In the midst of the many peoples, Like a lion among beasts of the wild, Like a fierce lion among flocks of sheep, Which tramples wherever it goes And rends, with none to deliver. Your hand shall prevail over your foes,
    And all your enemies shall be cut down! In that day —declares the Lord—I will destroy the horses in your midst And wreck your chariots. I will destroy the cities of your land And demolish all your fortresses. I will destroy the sorcery you practice, And you shall have no more soothsayers. I will destroy your idols And the sacred pillars in your midst; And no more shall you bow down To the work of your hands. I will tear down the sacred posts in your midst And destroy your cities [emendation yields idols]. In anger and wrath Will I wreak retribution On the nations [emendation yields arrogant] that have not obeyed.” (Micah 5:6-14).
    Beautiful. My theory. Good people will react with relief and happiness to Moses’ words that are filled with warning/curses to the wicked. Why? Good people welcome with relief and happiness God punishing evil. Good people that follow Torah.
    משלי ד' ב'
    כִּי לֶקַח טוֹב נָתַתִּי לָכֶם תּוֹרָתִי אַל תַּעֲזֹבוּ:

  8. “Fauci: Trump downplaying COVID-19 threat” See
    “How would official Washington respond if a Democratic President brokered a peace deal between Israel and two Arab states? The papers would be stacked with play-by-plays of how the historic breakthrough was achieved and adulatory profiles of the people in the room. The hosannas to the President’s strategic vision would flow from think tanks and academia, if not also from Oslo’s City Hall. The reaction Tuesday to the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain at the White House was more muted, and maybe that’s for the best.”
    God bless Trump, America, Netanyahu, Israel, the whole world. Netanyahu quotes
    תהלים כ”ט י”א
    יְקֹוָק עֹז לְעַמּוֹ יִתֵּן יְקֹוָק יְבָרֵךְ אֶת עַמּוֹ בַשָּׁלוֹם:
    Wow Psalm 29 applies to today with the horrible wildfires in the US etc.
    “A psalm of David. Ascribe to the Lord, O divine beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lrd the glory of His name; bow down to the Lord, majestic in holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is power; the voice of the Lord is majesty; the voice of the Lord breaks cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon. 6a-He makes Lebanon skip like a calf [lit. He makes them skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion], Sirion, like a young wild ox. The voice of the Lord kindles flames of fire; the voice of the Lord convulses the wilderness; the Lord convulses the wilderness of Kadesh; the voice of the Lord causes hinds to calve [or Weeping may linger for the night] and strips forests bare [or strengthened]; while in His temple all say Glory! The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood; the Lord sits enthroned, king forever. May the Lord grant strength to His people; may the Lord bestow on His people wellbeing.” (Psalms 29).
    Wow the economic gains we can expect from the Abraham Accords! We have to build more tall buildings in Israel. I’m a PhD economist. I worked on Wall Street. I say: Buy buy buy anything in Israel. Pay any price.

  9. yes money is the measure of all things!

  10. “expect no 'normality' until 2021” May I talk of the agunah screaming madness? See
    “It is common practice for these protesters, men and women, to stand inches from the faces of cops, especially black cops, screaming insults and personal obscenities with no letup. This behavior is a phenomenon worth thinking about. It wasn’t long ago that everyone but the genuinely insane knew that if you did this to a cop, odds were you would be a) arrested and/or b) popped with a billy club. But these protesters get up into the faces of the police, shrieking, because they know a) they will not be arrested, b) if they are arrested, they will be released quickly, and c) they will be released because the prosecutors in these cities probably won’t press charges. Instead, prosecutors are looking for reasons to cite the police for acts of violence. This is new—a status quo in which there is no fear of the police by protesters or common street criminals. A line in the sand has been washed away.”
    It is common practice for agunah protestors ( and ORA to scream insults and personal obscenities to recalcitrant husbands. But me too? I, who granted Susan’s desire for a get 2/17/1993 in Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag’s corrupt bet din (see Judge Freda’s order of immunity to force Rabbi Ralbag to testify against Mendel Epstein et al.). Susan knows that a) she will not be arrested and if b) she is arrested she had wide and deep support and so c) will be released with no charges brought. Prosecutors are not looking to charge judges. Corrupt judges are careful not to issue any Orders or Judgments that could be reviewed by a higher court and get them in trouble. Corrupt rabbis (the K-G garbage heter) are also careful not to issue rulings that could get them in trouble. How did Gerald Garson get caught? How did Mendel Epstein et al get caught? Happens.
    “In places such as Portland, Ore., Kenosha, Wis., and elsewhere violent demonstrators have hijacked peaceful protests by starting fires, vandalizing buildings, attempting to pull down statues and monuments and attacking law enforcement.” Bravo Bill Barr fighting violent crime.

  11. yes Trump's lapdog is doing his master's bidding!

  12. see this

  13. Glazerson is a novi sheker. YOU know what the Torah says about such people..

    Predicted moshiach would come before last year's Israeli elections


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