Friday, August 14, 2020

Trump stokes 'birther' theory about Kamala Harris

 What do other constitutional experts say?

Another constitutional law expert told CBS News, the BBC's US partner, that Prof Eastman's argument about Ms Harris' eligibility was "truly silly".

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley Law School, wrote in an email: "Under section 1 of the 14th Amendment, anyone born in the United States is a United States citizen.

"The Supreme Court has held this since the 1890s. Kamala Harris was born in the United States."

Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard University and frequent critic of President Trump, called Prof Eastman's argument "garbage" and "racist birtherism redux".

Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School, told the Associated Press news agency: "Let's just be honest about what it is: It's just a racist trope we trot out when we have a candidate of colour whose parents were not citizens."




  1. According to the 13th Amendment, slavery is permitted within the context of incarceration. That's why it's perfectly legal for there to be more Blacks in prisons and jails today than were ever enslaved in America in America perhaps during the entire period before the Civil War.

    Legal. But not right. So all this strict Constitutionalism is misleading. A document interpreted over hundreds of years of court decisions doesn't automatically make it a prescription for peaceable transfer of power under all circumstances.

    There's been a serious breakdown in society. And it will be exacerbated no matter who wins the next Presidential election. We who voted in Donald Trump threw political gasoline on the fire that's eating away at America. It's been great fun watching liberals try to put that fire out, only to fan it more every single step of the way.

    And now it's the Democrat's turn. Putting a Black-Indian woman from California married to a Jew one step from the Presidency, asuming the Democrats win.

    America will survive a Biden-Harris administration. But I doubt the State of Israel will. The hatred of the State of Israel from the left-wing of the Democrat party is hard to overstate. Under President Bill Clinton, the Oslo Peace Process was inaugurated and directly led to many Jews in the State of Israel dying. One wonders what Biden-Harris and a reinvigorated State Department will come up with in cahoots with the UN.

  2. This has always been the danger of putting Jews in high places. Remember Kissinger? Such a huge Israel hater but he had to be so no one would accuse him of being a dirty Jew, or so he thought. Harris will be the same. Her Jewish husband and his probably love of "tikkun olam" will turn her anti-Israel as soon as she takes office.


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