Monday, August 17, 2020

Broken promises in a time of 'plague'

 “Promises and pie-crust,” Jonathan Swift once wrote, “are made to be broken.”

For Donald Trump, Swift’s ironic aphorism is a philosophy to live by. A candidate who fashioned an electoral majority out of a pledge to build a wall across the 2,000 mile southern border of the United States and make Mexico pay for it, President Trump meets or exceeds the stereotypes of the promise-making and breaking professional politicians he denigrates.

To be sure, Trump has kept some of his promises. The United States has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Accord, renegotiated NAFTA, and withdrawn from the Iran Nuclear Agreement. The Trump administration has reduced government regulations, capital gains and income taxes. The president has appointed conservative judges.



1 comment :

  1. Until CoVID the US economy was one of the strongest in the world and unemployment was negligible. No President could've changed the economic downturn that CoVID caused.


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