Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A U.S. Sale Of F-35 Stealth Fighters To The UAE Could Be A Middle East Game Changer

  "The peace agreement with the UAE does not include any clause of this kind, and the U.S. has made clear to Israel that it will always ensure that Israel has the qualitative advantage," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

In a world turned upside down, it would be no surprise if the Trump administration had secretly agreed to sell F-35s to the UAE as an incentive for a peace deal. Nor would it be surprising if Israel, despite the obligatory public protests, ultimately accepted the F-35 sale.




  1. I don't know why this is called a peace agreement. When were the UAE and Israel formally at war? Did they ever send more than any token troops to participate in a war against Israel back in '67 or '73? If at all?
    All I know is that if Obama had pulled this agreement off, the same people who are looking for any way to condemn this deal as bad would be trumpeting how great it is that the UAE is getting F35's.

  2. and the best defense of Trump is to attack Obama!

    the question remains was there a secret agreement concerning the f35 or not?

  3. But I didn't attack Obama. Read my comment again. My point is that it isn't the deal, it's who arranged the deal that controls your response to it. Because Trump arranged it, it must be bad. Now that you've decided it's bad, you have to scurry around and come up with reasons to justify your position but even if you can't, it's still bad because it's Trump's!

  4. no! if Trump arranged it it is reasonable that critical information is missing - nothing more complex than that.

  5. So you're proving my point. First of all, a deal like this will always have hidden parts. That is standard to all of them, no matter the political inclination of the leader who wrote them. My point is that you are not allowing yourself to judge this deal fairly because your TDS has determined that you must hate it and find fault in it.

  6. where did I express more than curiosity?
    - hate!
    you are simply fantasizing or projecting?

  7. Wait, are you denying that you're obsessively anti-Trump?

  8. yes. Just interested in the truth.


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