Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Fox's Napolitano rips 'unconstitutional' Trump crackdown on Portland: 'Just plain wrong'


Andrew Napolitano slammed the Trump administration for sending federal law enforcement to Portland in response to violent protests in Oregon's largest city, with the Fox News senior judicial analyst calling the move "unconstitutional" and "just plain wrong."


  1. Here's the problem - civilised society relies on proper law enforcement. The minute its reliability is questioned, the thin veneer that keeps us from anarchy in the streets falls apart. In Seattle and now in Portland we are seeing local authorities not upholding the law and allowing rioters to control the streets. In New York we are seeing levels of violence and criminal activity that dwarfs the bad days of the 1970's. The consequences are severe - a potential breakdown in civilisation. Normal people being able to walk on the street without free of being attacked or at least knowing that if they are, the local constabulary will try to protect them. These mayors are taking that away and don't release the trouble they will be unleashing.

  2. and having a secret police is the solution?!

    tyrants have always said their repressive forces are needed to protect the country. some have even used this excuse to make preemptive strikes into neighboring countries

  3. If the local governments won't keep order, someone has to. Either you march the army into the street or you do this.

  4. this is contrary to the constitution and American law

    tyrants rely on your rule to do all sorts of unpleasant things


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