Monday, June 15, 2020

more nonsense from Fox -- Tucker: Healthy societies do not destroy their own history

  this is not History - monuments are not made for traitors  nor are most from Civil war period. how about a statue for Benedict Arnold? or maybe Pharoh or Amalek? anyone for a statue of Titus next to the Kotel? This was never about reconciliation but rather racism. King George maybe  on the mall next to the Vietnam memorial or perhaps a statue of Hirohito at Arlington or Pearl Harbor. Why is there an obligation to destroy ancient residues of Idolatry?

This country is filled with national cemeteries that honor Americans who fought and died in our wars and many of those cemeteries hold Civil War soldiers from both sides and contain monuments to their sacrifice.
Those soldiers blue and gray Confederate and Union are buried alongside one another and they are for a reason. One side in that conflict was right, the union side and the other was wrong, the Confederate side.
But when it was over, they were all Americans again and allowing them to lie in the same cemeteries next to each other allowed this country to heal its deepest fissure.
But healing is the opposite of what Elizabeth Warren wants to do now. She has no time for healing. Warren profits from hatred and division, particularly racial division, no matter how mindless. Exactly how many dead Confederate soldiers own slaves or even supported slavery? Elizabeth Warren doesn't know. She doesn't care to know.


  1. There is a reason Lincoln was so generous with the South at the end of the war. He knew that forcing the North's views and power onto the defeated side would only lead to resentment which, over time, would build up and possibly bring about another war. It certainly would lead to a loss of cooperation necessary to make the US a power again. Lincoln played nice with the bad guys because the alternative, forcing them into submission, was untenable. His policy worked to an extent. It was bad for the Blacks as they continued to essentially be enslaved only now it was called segregation, but the country as a whole could move forward again instead of descending into meaningless bickering.

  2. this has nothing to do with reconciliation see Lost Cause videos


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