Monday, June 15, 2020

Matt Gaetz says Antifa has 'designated Seattle their capital' of 'new Woketopia'

 more fake news!

House Judiciary Committee member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., told "Hannity" Wednesday that "Antifa has now designated Seattle their capital" after a group of protesters reportedly declared a six-block neighborhood around an apparently abandoned police buiding to be a "Cop Free Zone."
Gaetz went on to say that calls from the left to "defund the police" are part of a dangerous pattern of activity that seeks to undermine civil society.


  1. Again, they exaggerate and you miss the entire point. Okay, Antifa isn't ISIS. That doesn't mean they're not a bad bunch of people. Yes, they're not occupying all of Seattle. But they are occupying a chunk of it and imposing their own rules on the locals.
    It's so frustrating - they oppose Trump so they get a free pass for whatever they do and the media will go to bat for them just like it did for the USSR.

  2. Again you are assuming or accepting Trump and Fox without any evidence. so it is nice you are willing to say they are exaggerating while accepting the core of what they claim - again without evidence.

  3. I actually don't get my news from Fox. Thanks for assuming I do. Actually, the only time I see Fox stuff is - wait for it - on your blog. Up here in Canada the media is also watching. And of course there's sympathy for Antifa - because they're anti-Trump.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.