Saturday, May 9, 2020

Seen 'Plandemic'? We Take A Close Look At The Viral Conspiracy Video's Claims

A slickly produced 26-minute video called Plandemic has exploded on social media in recent days, claiming to present a view of COVID-19 that differs from the "official" narrative.
The video has been viewed millions of times on YouTube via links that are replaced as quickly as the video-sharing service can remove them for violating its policy against "COVID-19 misinformation."
In it, filmmaker Mikki Willis conducts an uncritical interview with Judy Mikovits, who he says has been called "one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation."
Never heard of her? You're not alone.
Two prominent scientists with backgrounds in AIDS research and infectious diseases, who asked not to be identified over concerns of facing a backlash on social media, told NPR that they did not know who she was.
If you were aware of Mikovits before this week, it is probably for two books she published with co-author Kent Heckenlively, one in 2017 and another last month. Heckenlively has also written a book himself espousing the discredited link between autism and the vaccines. You might also know Mikovits for her central role in a pair of scientific controversies. One involves a paper she co-authored in 2009 that was published in the journal Science, and the other concerns allegations that she stole notebooks and a laptop from a laboratory.


  1. In between some individual truths that she does tell, she also speaks some very dangerous and false nonsense. She claims, for example, that vaccines are killing people, and that they drive the evolution of new viruses. No, new viruses are often and regularly developed in places like China, each season, and not as a result of vaccines, but of poor animal husbandry or just evolution. There were times I took the flu vaccines and times i didn't. My worst flus were when i didn't take the vaccine. Vaccines in genral have lowered mortality rates in children and adults. She is misrepresenting science with this kind of irresponsible statement.


  3. read the Honorable Dr, s book for yourself and decide for yourself here:


  5. b

  6. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 10, 2020 at 2:44 PM

    Did you read the entire book? How do you know she's telling the truth? Have you read the accounts given by the other side?
    It's a lot to do with her own personal struggles. No way to determine what really happened.
    There is a movie called the Bourne Legacy, where the heroine is falsely accused by the lab of misconduct. But that is fiction. She maintains that XMRV. Virus is the cause of all ills. It's like she had HIV stolen from her, so she has to discover something greater. XMRV was this hope. But it has since been disproved. Her entire chip seems to revolve around this, and hence conspiracy theories.

  7. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 10, 2020 at 3:01 PM

    Evidence that government is unintentionally spreading virus and killing elderly

  8. This is a Petition to investigate the Killing by the hospitals in NY please sign and send far and wide

  9. If she's murdering patients, she needs to be put in jail.

  10. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 11, 2020 at 1:00 PM

    evidence that she is?
    what about care homes where patients are abandoned to die by the chaotic authorities?

  11. Evidence?
    Berel posted a video of this woman claiming there is murder of patients being done in the hospital.
    I said that if this nurse is murdering patients she belongs in jail.
    I didn't accuse anyone of anything.

  12. How is that a reasonable response to her video?

  13. This is the facebook of the Dr. Judy Mikovitz PHD

    you can ask her all your questions many Dr. are posing her questions i hear

  14. another three nurses tell all:

  15. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 1:21 AM

    you always find the sexy Midianitess in your videos!

  16. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 1:23 AM

    "He said the closest known relative of Sars-Cov-2 was a bat virus named RaTG13, which was indeed kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But he added the bat virus, which was sampled in Yunnan province, had a level of genome sequence divergence from coronavirus equivalent to at least 20-50 years of evolutionary change. Thus, he does not believe it was responsible for Covid-19."

    Yes, 20-50 years evolution int he wild, but a few months' work in the lab..



  19. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 2:00 AM

    Prof Ebright's answer to the question of whether any (risky!) Gain of Function research, like that carried out with bat coronaviruses, has ever yielded anything useful? "Not just 'knowledge', but something that we are using to treat/cure diseases, develop vaccines, etc?" Answer
    Quote Tweet
    Richard H. Ebright
    · 11h
    Replying to @blindside1973 @_coltseavers and 48 others
    No. No drug against anything. No vaccine against anything.

    Just papers and grants.

  20. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 2:03 AM

    they do the same thing in UK
    Boris Johnson says he deeply regrets it, but is doing nothing to stop it

  21. What a charlatan. I checked the text of the resolution Buttar is referring to, and it doesn't say what he claims it says.

  22. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 12, 2020 at 2:40 AM

    Sorry berel, Mikovits has lost her marbles. She's entered Pardes of science and left in bad shape.
    See this fact checking

  23. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 13, 2020 at 4:39 PM

    Berel, you find a few crazy ex scientists who deny the danger of corona virus - but you wouldn't accept psak of a reform, conservative, reconstructionist rabbi? Not even a n Open orthodox Rav or rabbah, modern orthodox, dati leumi etc.
    Some shave during the omer! Yemenis don't keep mourning during Omar or 3 weeks!


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