Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dr. Fauci Dismisses Wuhan Lab as Source of Coronavirus, Contradicting Trump and Pompeo


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific face of America's pandemic response, dismissed the theory that coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, contradicting the president and his Secretary of State in an escalating confrontation with China.
"The best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in China," Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an exclusive interview with National Geographic published on Monday. "Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."


  1. Garnel IronheartMay 5, 2020 at 3:23 PM

    But as you posted, the conspiracy thickens. The Chinese research was done because Fauci outsourced it. Is this true?

  2. Garnel IronheartMay 5, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    Ah, so this is now part of the ongoing revisionism of history by the liberal media to absolve China of responsibility for this crisis because Trump is demanding that it be held irresponsible.
    The initial Chinese denial was "It was 2 US soldiers who visited here that brought the virus with them!"
    Now it's "The US paid us to do research on this virus and then it escaped!"

  3. because China is not believable all accusations against them obviously are True! Total nonsense!

  4. Garnel IronheartMay 5, 2020 at 5:51 PM

    Certainly not all accusations are true but the burden of proof is currently on China considering their horrible track record in this pandemic.

  5. so you accept as true whatTtrump and Pompeo have said solely because it is about china?!

  6. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2020 at 6:12 PM

    At the moment, some things are unraveling. The virus very likely leaked from the lab or field lab.
    The same lab was creating new viruses just like this one, which are more lethal than previous SARS viruses, with gain of function for docking on human receptor sites. ....

  7. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2020 at 6:49 PM

    We don't know what is true. Was the Warren report true? China represses internet like facebook, whatsapp etc. Do you expect them to tell us what really happened in Wuhan?

  8. so therefore all accusations are true?!

  9. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2020 at 7:31 PM

    I said we don't know. However, we do know that China controls information, even things like facebook and social media. Thus their denials cannot be taken at face value.

  10. true!
    But it also doesn't mean what they deny must be true

  11. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2020 at 8:30 PM

    The momentum is moving away from your position as more evidence becomes available. 96% similarity in an RNA virus proves nothing, it may well have been engineered. If that 4% difference includes the gain of function, then we have UNC & CLE and maybe even UNCLE.

  12. whats this "momentum" what happened to your concern with truth?

  13. You have no basis to say it is not likely. Neither does Fauci. Notice, he doesn't provide a basis here.

    Meanwhile Bat woman continues to collect as many coronaviruses as possible from horseshoe bats because having them handled by humans and stored in her Wuhan virology laboratory is somehow good for the world. Trust her.

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P3qYGMPx7A

  15. sounds like conjecture not evidence

  16. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 6, 2020 at 11:36 AM

    It's evidence they had a wide source of these viruses at the lab.


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