Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Trump’s move to freeze aid to the W.H.O., supported by conservatives, draws criticism.

President Trump’s public campaign against the World Health Organization — and his order to freeze all money to the group in the middle of a pandemic — is the culmination of mounting anger among his White House advisers, Republican lawmakers and conservative media about the organization’s lavish praise of China’s response to the coronavirus.
Mr. Trump’s decision to attack the W.H.O., a unit of the United Nations, comes as he is under intense fire at home for his administration’s failure to respond aggressively to the virus, which as of Wednesday had claimed more than 25,000 lives in the United States and infected at least 600,000 people in all 50 states.

And the organization was praised by a leading American health official. Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, praised the organization on Wednesday morning, in tones at odds with the president’s harsh criticisms. He told “CBS This Morning” that questions about its pandemic response should be left until “after we get through this.”

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