Thursday, February 6, 2020

Trump waves 'acquitted' headline, takes shot at Mitt Romney in speech


  1. My condolences to the blog owner, and all those others who are crying now that the Shampeachment flopped on its face, and POTUS was acquitted in
    the Senate.
    This reminds me of the prophecy of Yeshayahu (65:14)
    הִנֵּה עֲבָדַי יָרֹנּוּ מִטּוּב לֵב, וְאַתֶּם תִּצְעֲקוּ מִכְּאֵב לֵב, וּמִשֵּׁבֶר רוּחַ תְּיֵלִילוּ

  2. a rigged trial does not end the matter
    save your condolences for trump and his supporters

    the evidence uncovered so far clearly shows it was not a sham impeachment

  3. I don't know if you got the message yet, but Trump and his supporters are celebrating today. For good reason.
    Rigged trial?
    Are you talking about the rigged partisan vote in the House of Representatives?

  4. LOL I love how CNN feigns outrage at the mundane matter being raised at "what is meant to be a religious moment"

    CNN will even undergo temporary metamorphosis into religious Xtians if it serves as a way to say Trump did something wrong. CNN, the totally dishonest chameleons posing as the moral arbiters of society.

  5. Please remember that both ends were rigged. There was never a chance that the HoR would not vote to impeach - it's a Democrat majority. There was never a chance that the Senate would convict. It's a Republican majority. All the outcomes at ever level were pre-decided. This was a farce with the Democrats aiming to overturn their loss in 2016 and the Republicans positioning themselves to repeat their win in 2020.
    No doubt more damning evidence will come out. What does Trump care once he's started his second term?

  6. Why do the Orthodox love the worst President in the history of the United States?

  7. Welcome back my friend !

  8. We Trump Supporters are getting good at rigging things. We gamed the election with the help of Russia -- thanks President Putin! We used our Swamp Skills to undercut the Special Prosecutor -- thanks Attorney General Barr and all the others! We sabotaged the impeachment trial -- thanks to all the Senators who cast a vote to acquit!!

    We be Riggers. And now it is our chance to totally rig the re-election.

    I just love dirty politics. Hey, Speaker Pelosi -- what are you going to rip next? The election results when you are defeated for House Speaker?

  9. In 2020 Russia is going to "rig the election" again by spreading a meme that 5 people clicked on. It will have nothing to do with the fact that a Communist was made the democratic nominee.

  10. The Russians have clearly upped their game in the last few years, dipping into the Presidential primaries. But they still have a lot of work ahead of them till the general election. They got Bernie ahead of the pack. But, c'mon, Vlad! Iowa was just sloppy.


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