Tuesday, August 22, 2023


A number of years ago while working on my DAAS TORAH  sefer
I had a long talk with Rav Noach Weinberg who told me the need of that generation was a good education in Jewish theology

More recently I spoke with someone who had discussed the issue with Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky who said that people needed Judaism to be fun

now I am hearing that we have entered a new era of only positive feelings - no failure or disappointment is allowed.

reminded me of a conversation I had with a chabad shliach in Florida about 40 years ago who told me he had trouble talking to the local population because they weren't concerned with truth but whether something made them feel good i.e happy

ר' חזקיה ר' כהן בשם רב עתיד אדם ליתן דין וחשבון על כל שראת עינו ולא אכל. (קידושין מח ב)

בשעת פטירתו של רבי זקף עשר אצבעותיו כלפי מעלה, אמר, רבונו של עולם גלוי וידוע לפניך שיגעתי בעשר אצבעותי בתורה ולא נהניתי אפילו באצבע קטנה... (כתובות קד א)

...משרבו בעלי הנאה נתעותו הדינין ונתקלקלו המעשים ואין נוח בעולם... (סוטה מז ב)


משרבו בעלי הנאה נתעוותו הדינין, פירוש הנאת הגוף ותאוה חמרית, נתקלקל הדינים, כי הדין הוא אלקי, כדכתיב (דברים א') "כי המשפט לאלקים הוא", וכן נתקלקלו המעשים האלקיים כאשר האדם רודף אחר התאוות החמריות הגופניות, ואין נוח בעולם כאשר האדם נעשה חמרי, כי אין הנחה ושלימות בדבר זה. (חידושי אגדות סוטה מז ב)


...זהו ענין הפרישות, הטוב שלא יקח האדם מן העולם בשום שימוש אלא מה שהוא מוכרח בו מפני הצורך בטבעו... שיש לו לאדם לפרוש מכל מה שהוא תענוג עולמי, למען לא יפול בסכנתו. ואם תשאל, אם כן למה לא גזרו עליו חכמים? התשובה מבוארת, כי לא גזרו אלא אם כן רוב הצבור יכולים לעמוד בה, ואין רוב הצבור יכולים להיות חסידים, אך השרידים החפצים לזכות קרבתו יתברך, ולזכות בזכותם ההמון הנתלה בם, להם מגיע לקיים משנת חסידים... (שם)


  1. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 14, 2019 at 9:41 PM

    It depends on who you are talking to. Also, secular/hedonistic beliefs are entering even the chareidi world. The Yerushalmi teaches that we will be taken to account for the permitted pleasures we didn't enjoy in this world.
    The hareidi world is hellbent on making all pleasures assur.


  3. “what do they want?”
    Good question. We say Psalm 81 Thursdays “Hear, My people, and I will admonish you; Israel, if you would but listen to Me! You shall have no foreign god, you shall not bow to an alien god. I the Lord am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide and I will fill it. (Psalms 81:9-11).
    תהלים פרק פא פסוק יא
    אָנֹכִי יְקֹוָק אֱלֹהֶיךָ הַמַּעַלְךָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם הַרְחֶב פִּיךָ וַאֲמַלְאֵהוּ
    רש"י תהלים פרק פא פסוק יא
    הרחב פיך - לשאול ממני כל תאות לבך:
    ואמלאהו - ככל אשר תשאל אמלא:
    Wow, God took us out from Egypt and promises to grant our wants. What do we jewsih people, redeemed from Egypt, want? We could open our mouths wide and ask God for much and God will fulfill our desires. Wow. We read
    “He said, If you will heed the Lord your God diligently, doing what is upright in His sight, giving ear to His commandments and keeping all His laws, then I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians, for I the Lord am your healer.” (Exodus 15:26).
    God is our healer. If we don’t follow God’s commands he will bring diseases upon us. Hopefully we will pray and God will heal us. Torah Torah Torah. “Happy are those whose way is blameless, who follow ההלכים the teaching בתורת of the Lord. Happy are those who observe His decrees, who turn to Him wholeheartedly.... I prefer the teaching תורת You proclaimed פיך to thousands of gold and silver pieces.” (Psalms 119:1-2, 72)
    תהלים פרק קיט
    (א) אַשְׁרֵי תְמִימֵי דָרֶךְ הַהֹלְכִים בְּתוֹרַת יְקֹוָק:
    (ב) אַשְׁרֵי נֹצְרֵי עֵדֹתָיו בְּכָל לֵב יִדְרְשׁוּהוּ:
    תהלים פרק קיט פסוק עב
    טוֹב לִי תוֹרַת פִּיךָ מֵאַלְפֵי זָהָב וָכָסֶף
    מלבי"ם תהלים פרק קיט פסוק עב
    טוב לי תורת פיך, אני בוחר יותר שאשיג תורת פיך שהם טעמי החקים שלא יודעו רק מפיך, כי מפיו דעת ותבונה, וזה טוב לי יותר מאלפי זהב וכסף:

  4. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 14, 2019 at 11:44 PM

    is it talking about more than just food?

  5. KA, stop attacking “secular/hedonistic beliefs are entering even the chareidi world” and “The hareidi world is hellbent on making all pleasures assur.” Rabbi Yehoshua attacks:
    Sotah 20a:
    “R. Joshua says: a woman prefers one kab [metaphorical for a scanty livelihood] and sexual indulgence to nine kab [luxurious style of living] and continence. he used to say, a foolish pietist חסיד שוטה, a cunning rogue רשע ערום, a female pharisee ואשה פרושה, and the plague of pharisees ןמכות פרושין bring destruction upon the world.”
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת סוטה דף כ עמוד א
    ר' יהושע אומר: רוצה אשה בקב ותפלות מט' קבין ופרישות. הוא היה אומר: חסיד שוטה, ורשע ערום, ואשה פרושה, ומכות פרושין - הרי אלו מבלי עולם
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת סוטה דף כב עמוד א
    אשה פרושה וכו'. ת"ר: בתולה צליינית, ואלמנה שובבית, וקטן שלא כלו לו חדשיו - הרי אלו מבלי עולם.
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת סוטה דף כב עמוד ב
    ומכות פרושין וכו'. ת"ר, שבעה פרושין הן: פרוש שיכמי, פרוש נקפי, פרוש קיזאי, פרוש מדוכיא

  6. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 15, 2019 at 12:49 AM

    Attacking? do you disagree?

    Hedonism - ascetism spectrum, so these statements are ascetism (prishut).

  7. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 15, 2019 at 1:42 AM

    Did Chazal ever address depression, and what causes it?

    As Ramchal says : כי לא גזרו אלא אם כן רוב הצבור יכולים לעמוד בה, ואין רוב הצבור יכולים להיות חסידים,

  8. Kalonymus Anonymus “Attacking? do you disagree? Hedonism - ascetism spectrum, so these statements are ascetism (prishut).”
    I agree with your attacking Hedonism and ascetism (prishut).
    Sotah 20a:
    “R. Joshua says: a woman prefers one kab [metaphorical for a scanty livelihood] and sexual indulgence to nine kab [luxurious style of living] and continence. he used to say, a foolish pietist חסיד שוטה, a cunning rogue רשע ערום, a female pharisee ואשה פרושה, and the plague of pharisees ומכות פרושין bring destruction upon the world.”
    Rabbi Joshua attacks the foolish pietist חסיד שוטה, a cunning rogue רשע ערום, a female ascetic ואשה פרושה, and the plague of hedonists and ascetics ומכות פרושין.
    I’m having a feud with my ex-wife starting with her refusal in 1991 to join me in Israel as she promised. It causes me pain these 29 years. Yes I remarried in 1993 and am happy, thank God.. My wife and I live like R. Joshua says a woman prefers one kab [metaphorical for a scanty livelihood] and sexual indulgence to nine kab [luxurious style of living] and continence. We’re both retired and have a scanty livelihood and are happy. We indulge, particularly Friday, the mitzvah night, you know, ha ha. The NYS COA writes to me and to my ex-wife polite letters acknowledging my letters. My ex-wife is quiet. I say שתיקה כהודיה דמי.

  9. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 15, 2019 at 12:14 PM

    I wish you both to live healthy and long lives!

  10. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 15, 2019 at 12:28 PM

    Where in the Torah does it forbid keeping a dog?


  11. Kalonymus Anonymus says “I wish you both to live healthy and long lives!”
    Thanks. Allow me to show my letter today:
    2.Exhibit A: Susan, Rabbi Irwin Haut and his wife Rivka court papers 1991 show convincingly that Susan and I were still married in 1991 and had a dispute on where to live. Rabbi Irwin Haut and his wife Rivka interfered in a matter not of theirs to incite Susan to do a separation action with the aim of divorce. The question I want SCOTUS 18-9390 and NYS COA 649 to answer is: while 2 are married, there's no good reason to open up a separation action seeking divorce, yes? Irwin and Rivka Haut are the wicked passerby, madman and cheater in Proverbs 26:16--17:
    A passerby who gets embroiled in someone
    else's quarrel
    Is like one who seizes a dog by its ears.
    Like a madman scattering deadly firebrands,
    Is one who cheats his fellow and says, I was only

    3. On Etrack:
    WebCivil Supreme - Case Detail
    Court: Kings Supreme Court
    Index Number: 0023213/1991
    Track: Standard
    RJI Filed: 08/23/1991
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed: 03/10/1992
    Disposition Date: 08/29/1995
    Calendar Number: 1991-015528C
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: MICHAEL A. AMBROSIO, 5B
    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    IRWIN H. HAUT, ESQ. Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active

    4. I quote Appendix B
    Contested Judgment of Divorce Judge Eric I.\ Prus
    signed 9/10/2013 in SCOTUS 18--9390:

    ARANOFF has been granted a divorce and the marriage between SUSAN ARANOFF, plaintiff
    and GERALD ARANOFF, defendant, is hereby dissolved by reason of. the parties having lived
    separate and apart pursuant to a decree or judgment of separation dated March 7, 1995, for a
    period of one or more years after the granting of such decree or judgment, pursuant to
    D.R.L. \S170(5).
    The requirements of D.R.L. \S240 1(a-1) have been met and the Court having considered the results of said inquiries, it is
    ... ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the plaintiff is hereby awarded exclusive ownership
    of the marital residence located at 498 East l8 Street, Brooklyn, New York together with its
    contents; and it is further
    ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Separation Judgment dated March 7, 1995 an
    original of which is on file with this Court along with a transcript of the proceedings and Order
    of the Supreme Court Kings County by Judge Rigler and incorporated herein by reference, shall
    survive and shall not be merged into this judgment, and the parties are hereby directed to comply
    with all legally enforceable terms and conditions of said judgment as if such terms and conditions
    were set forth in their entirety herein, and this Court retains jurisdiction of this matter
    concurrently with the Family Court for the purposes of specifically enforcing such of the
    provisions of said Agreement as are capable of specific enforcement to the extent permitted by
    law with regard to maintenance, child support, custody and/or visitation, and of making such
    further judgment as it finds appropriate under the circumstances existing at the time application
    for that purpose is made to it, or both; and it is further
    ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that no further Qualified Domestic Relations Order is needed at this time; and it is further

    5.Note that Susan put in no opposition papers. I ask the Court to grant my motion.

  12. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 15, 2019 at 2:21 PM

    Irwin haut, so he acts like shmuel tal, without the hallucinations

  13. Allow me to write about Irwin Haut, a”h. See about the importance of marriage
    “The Mikdash was divided into two parts: the inner third was the Kodesh HaKodashim (Holy of Holies), and the remaining two-thirds was the Kodesh (Inner Sanctuary). The Kodesh HaKodashim was designated for the revelation of the brit (covenant) between God and Israel, and therefore, in its center was the Aron (Ark) containing the Tablets of the Covenant. This brit between God and His Chosen Nation Israel, is fulfilled by means of the Torah, and therefore the Torah was also placed in the Kodesh HaKodashim – in the opinion of Rabbi Meir, in the Aron itself, and in the opinion of Rabbi Yehudah, on its side (Bava Batra 14a). Above the Aron was the Golden Kaporet with two Keruvim on it, which were made in the like of male and female lovers, meant to express that the connection between God and Israel is a bond of love and life – “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah 62:5). From this we learn that in addition to the sanctity of the Torah, the sanctity of marriage is also rooted in the Kodesh HaKodashim – that the love and joy between husband and wife, by means of whom life flows to the world, in a small-scale reveals the idea of the belief in Unity in this world”
    “Nevermore shall you be called Forsaken, Nor shall your land be called Desolate; But you shall be called I delight in her חפצי בה , And your land Espoused בעולה . For the Lord takes delight in you כי חפץ ה' בך , And your land shall be espoused וארצך תבעל . As a youth espouses a maiden כי יבעל בחור בתולה , Your sons shall espouse you [change of vocalization yields He who rebuilds you] יבעלוך בניך ; And as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride משוש חתן על כלה , So will your God rejoice over you ישיש עליך אלקיך . Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen, Who shall never be silent By day or by night. O you, the Lord’s remembrancers [i.e., the watchmen just mentioned], Take no rest And give no rest to Him, Until He establish Jerusalem And make her renowned on earth.” (Isaiah 62:4-7).
    Plainly, if the couple are still married, ORA and Agunah International should stop with their foul רשע ערום tricks. The K-G heter is רשע ערום.

  14. http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/english/halacha/jachter_1.htm

  15. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 16, 2019 at 1:35 PM

    Thank you. I suppose things have evolved in 2000 years, we used to have farm dogs. Pet dogs may be relatively modern, even amongst the gentiles.

  16. Kalonymus AnonymusJuly 16, 2019 at 6:24 PM

    9000 years agothey kept donkeys https://www.timesofisrael.com/vast-and-developed-9000-year-old-settlement-uncovered-near-jerusalem/


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