Friday, June 1, 2018

marriage substitute - therapists

 Aside from cases where therapists give bad advice or continue therapy longer than needed there are cases where therapist gets sexually involved this is also true for rabbinical therapists but there are other issues

I saw man of 35 asked him why he wanted therapy he responded that he had a number of problems and been seeing a therapist in America so thought he should continue in Israel

me "How long have you had therapy?"

patient 10 years!

"That seems a bit long

patient But she said I needed it

Did you see any improvement?
patient No but she said I should keep trying

If you don’t see significant improvement – usually wthin 2 sessions you should try another therapist

But what is your goal from therapy?

patient To get married

But it is obvious your therapist was a substitute for marriage.  no more therapy

Several weeks later he got engaged

I was told a similar story by another therapist. There was a woman of 35 who was depressesd over weight didn’t care about her appearance or life. But once a week for over 10 years she got dressed up and put on makeup – for her weekly therapy session


  1. After how long of therapy should the therapist tell the patient "Enough; time to stop therapy"?

  2. as i wrote 2 sessions is enough to see significant improvement

  3. So after two

  4. I'm surprised that two 45 minute sessions a week apart are expected to produce significant change.

  5. i have seen it work on a regular basis it is not surprising

  6. "there are cases where therapist gets sexually involved this is also true for rabbinical therapists but there are other issues"

    how widespread is this practice? I heard it was called "surrogate", but it is another way of covering up znus, by giving it an official title.

  7. Is it common or a majority that successful therapists see major change after the first two 45 minute sessions?

  8. it is common for short term therapy


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