Wednesday, March 8, 2017

MK Shuli Muallem works to increase sanctions against recalcitrant husbands, but not wives. Why the discrimination? Muallem refuses to say.

Jewish Home Knesset faction chairman MK Shuli Mualem, together with the Emunah women's movement, is promoting a bill to mandate stricter sanctions against recalcitrant husbands in divorce cases. But what about fractious females? On this topic Muallem becomes uncommunicative.

The Knesset yesterday approved the first reading of the law to deprive recalcitrant prisoners of privileges granted to observe religious life, including billeting in the Torah wing, study and keeping books, attending Torah classes and access to holy books. In addition, the objector will not be allowed to get special kosher meals.

The explanatory annex accompanying the bill clarifies that it is intended to bring pressure to bear upon male objectors. "A person who chooses to live according to Jewish law can not decide on the parts he accepts and those he rejects," Muallem said. "Judaism encompasses the fundamental principle of 'Love thy neighbor as thyself'."

More female recalcitrants than male

Arutz Sheva asked MK Muallem if she would promote sanctions against recalcitrant women. This in light of data recently published by the management of the Rabbinical Courts that indicate that there are more female recalcitrants - that is, women who refuse to accept divorce from their husbands - than recalcitrant husbands.

According to the court management, unlike male objectors, female objectors are not sent to prison. Whenever they maintain their refusal, they are still entitled to receive alimony, if not working. While husbands of recalcitrant wives may get "permission of one hundred rabbis" to remarry, as opposed to refused women, these permits are rare.

MK Muallem told us that she does not want to answer our question.[...]


  1. because she's a fanatical fool like most MKs

  2. FedupwithcorruprabbisMarch 9, 2017 at 3:38 PM

    another vicious feminist= man hater.

  3. MK Muallem told us that *she does not want* to answer our question.[...] ?

    - Hmmm...more likely, *she couldn't even if she wants/tried!*

    "A person who chooses to live according to Jewish law can not decide on the parts he accepts and those he rejects," Muallem said. "Judaism encompasses the fundamental principle of 'Love thy neighbor as thyself'."

    - Uuuuhmmm... and a moredes recalcitrant wife chooses to love thyself more than thy neighbor, Huh? but then it's Ok... The epitome of *Tiflus*

    Haven't we learnt, what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander??? It works both ways, doesn't it?

    Ele *mayminim*, ve'ele *maShuli Mualleminim*. Trans- Chava was born more equal.

    Hey you there, shoma'at, afra lepimayich.

  4. What is she wearing on her head? A drone tsalachat meofefet. Looks like Haman's potty with a pile of haman tashen on the inside, and I don't mean tashen, smelling all the way to Denmark.


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