Friday, February 19, 2016

Tetzaveh; Why Is The Mizbeach Left Out by Rabbi Shlomo Pollak

Guest post by Rabbi Shlomo Pollak

All the way at the end of Parshas Tetzaveh, the Torah tells us about the Mizbeach Haketores.....

It wasn't included in Parshas Terumah, where we learn about all the other "keilim" in the Mishkon, and the Mishkon itself...

Parshas Tetzaveh begins with the "Bigdei Kehunah", then we have the karbanos of the "Miluim" and the Karbon Tamid,... 

Only after all that, for the last Parshah in Tetzaveh, does the Torah discuss the Mizbeach HaKetores....

The Ramban and The Sfornu explain....

For questions and comments please email


  1. zero comments? Torah gets zero comments? Not on my watch !!!!

  2. Politically IncorrectFebruary 24, 2016 at 2:50 AM

    So then be the first to comment!

    As I might further answer, as the Gemara does: "Hi d'asya midroshoh chavivah lay" - the Torah which isn't poshut is [naturally] more desired, here too, issues that are controversial and that not everyone sees eye to eye on and on the one hand people may have doubts - especially when it is something that various people are passionate in opposite directions!

    "A clever blog master knows how to draw traffic in his direction. "
    Politically Incorrect (without all the capitals)

  3. You remind me of the yeshiva bachur who was careful, for the sake of appearances, to write comments in the margin of every amud. On one amud, where he had nothing to comment, he wrote in the margin: צ"ע למה אין לי הערה בעמוד זו.


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