Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nachlaot abuse scandal - What is the significance of an apology?

I received this document and comments today

Thought you might find this interesting and would like to post it on your site.  This was posted in the neighborhood of Nachlaot during the 10 days of Tchuva.
It obviously raised many questions. 
1. If M is writing a letter of apology stating that SKV is innocent of what he thought she was guilty of as is implied in the Hebrew, does this mean that he no longer believes his children were molested by a cult to convert them to Christianity? (Since she was believed to be the head of this cult?)
2. If this is true, where does he draw the line of reality and rumor?
3. What implications does this have for Rav Berkovitz in his belief of what he is claiming in Sanhedria?

Around the same time that this apology was put up, most of the material on Rotternet was taken down. 

Regards, and Chag Sameach


  1. An apology for an almost fatal beating isn't worth the paper it's printed on. The guy should be embarassed to show his face in public.

  2. Were there any money damages / losses? And did the accuser undertake any commitment to reimburse? Publicly?


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