Update: Saying Amen after a Conservative or Reform "rabbi's" beracha
update: a number of commentators to this post seem to be unaware of the view of Rav Moshe Feinstein (Translation published here a number of years ago
update: Just added Rabbi Norman Lamm's comment on to'eivah
http://daattorah.blogspot.co.il/2009/03/homosexuality-obvious-why-it-is prohibited
Igros Moshe (Y.D. 3:115): When the manuscript was sent to me I saw in it another matter. The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality. First of all by raising the question as to why the Torah prohibited it. This itself is a great evil and it weakens the prohibitions to the wicked with this disgusting lust. In fact it is one of the greatest abominations that even the nations of the world know that it is an incomparable abomination. Therefore there is no need for any rationale to explain why it is an abomination that the whole world despises. The world already holds that the transgressors of this sin are disgusting and are not members of civilization at all. So when a reason is sought for this prohibition, this removes the obscenity from it. It removes the embarrassment, shame and disgrace and completely downplays the seriousness of this issue. Furthermore the answer - given in this manuscript to this question - is that the prohibition is in order to ensure that men will marry women and fulfill the obligation to have children. This further diminishes and weakens the prohibition. It is equivalent to saying that there is in this issue no sexual prohibitons at all but that the reason is just to ensure observance of the positive command to reproduce - which is not viewed as important by the world. These views are prohibited to publish. just as if they were outright heresy, since they represent a view which is contrary to the view of the Torah….
Igros Moshe (O.C. 4:115):
שו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ד סימן קטו
תשובה לנכשל במשכב זכור ר"ל א' דר"ח אדר ראשון תשל"ו. מע"כ הבחור הנכבד שליט"א שלום וברכה לזכות לתשובה גמורה.
הנה אף לטרדותי המרובות מכיון שחז"ל אמרו כמה דברים מפני תקנת השבים כ"ש שמוכרחין להזדקק להשיב לבעל תשובה בין שהוא להשיב להלכה בין שהוא לחזוק שאל יפול רוחו ולהתרשל בדבר שצריך חזוק גדול להנצל מעצות היצר הרע, שלכן פניתי מעט להשיב לו על מכתבו, והנה איני רואה שאלה להלכה במכתבו כי אף שבמכתבו שהוא איסור כרת מסתמא יודע שמשכב זכור הוא גם איסור סקילה כי בתורה בפרשת קדושים נאמר יומתו דמיהם בם וילפינן ג"ש מאוב וידעוני שהוא בסקילה כדאיתא בסנהדרין דף נ"ד ע"א עיין שם וכרת כתיב בסוף פרשת אחרי ונכרתו הנפשות שקאי על כל הא דלעיל עיין ברש"י ריש כריתות, ונמצא שאתה רוצה שאכתוב לך דברי חזוק להנצל מיצר הרע ואיזה עצה.
והנה ראשית הידיעה דחומר האיסור דסקילה וכרת וגם שנקרא תועבה והוא מחטאים המגונים ביותר ואף בני נח נצטוו ע"ז הוא כח גדול לעמוד כנגד היצר הרע, ושנית שהוא דבר שלא מובן שיהיה ע"ז ענין תאוה דבבריאת האדם בעצם ליכא תאוה מצד טבעו להתאוות למשכב זכור, שלכן אמר בר קפרא לרבי על תועבה זו שנאמר באיסור דמשכב זכור דפירושו תועה אתה בה בנדרים דף נ"א ע"א ופי' הר"ן שמניח משכבי אשה והולך אצל זכר, וכוונתו דהוא על לשון תועבה שנאמר במשכב זכור יתר על לשון התועבות הנאמר ד' פעמים בסוף פרשת אחרי שקאי על כל העריות דעל קרא דתועבות לא הוקשה לו משום שאין צורך לבאור שפירוש שהם דברים מתועבין ומאוסין מצד איסורי התורה, אבל הוקשה לו על לשון תועבה הנאמר בזכור שני פעמים בפ' אחרי כשנאמרה אזהרה בלאו ובפ' קדושים שנאמר העונש מה שלא נאמר כן בשאר איסורי עריות דאם מצד האיסור מ"ט לא נאמר זה בשאר עריות, וע"ז תירץ בר קפרא שהוא תביעת הקדוש ברוך הוא בהקרא להרשעים, שלעבירה זו דמשכב זכור הרי ליכא כלל תאוה מצד הטבע שבראתי שיהיה להם תאוה למשכב הנשים דבלא תאוה לא היה אפשר לקיום ישוב העולם כדאיתא בגמ' בשני מקומות ביומא דף ס"ט ע"ב ובסנהדרין דף ס"ד ע"א, ולא אפשר שיהיה פלגא שיהיה לו תאוה לאשה המותרת ולא יהיה לו תאוה לעריות כמו שאיתא שם שפלגא מרקיעא לא יהבי ע"י תפלה שהוא מהטעם שלא נברא בתחלת הבריאה פלגא, אבל למשכב זכור ליכא שום תאוה מצד הבריאה וכל התאוה לזה הוא רק תועה מהטבע לדרך אחר אשר גם רשעים בעלי תאוה שלא נמנעין מצד חטא ועון אין הולכין לשם שיצר הרע זה אינו אלא מחמת שהוא דבר אסור שהוא כמו להכעיס ח"ו, והחלוק הוא דהרשע הרי איתא ביומא דף ל"ה ע"ב שמתרץ עצמו נאה הייתי וטרוד ביצרי הייתי ומחייבין אותו רק מצד שיוסף מחייב את הרשעים, אבל על עבירה דמשכב זכור אין להרשע העובר על זה שום טענה לתרץ את עצמו כי לא היה שייך להתאוות לעבירה זו. והוא פירוש המדויק והנכון.
ועיין בפרש"י שם בנדרים שכתב כלומר שמניח אשתו של היתר ותפס זו של זנות, וזה תמוה דזה הא שייך על כל איסורי עריות שנאמרו שם בפרשה ולא נקט לשון תועבה בכולם אלא בזכור, אבל ידוע שפירוש רש"י הנדפס בנדרים הוא פירוש מוטעה בכמה מקומות ואינו מרש"י או שאיזה מעתיק טועה ומשבש בכל אופן אין לסמוך על לשונו ואם היה העתקה מפרש"י פשוט שהיה הגירסא שם כלומר שמניח את אשתו ותפס זו של זכור והמעתיק הוסיף תיבות של היתר והוא מטעם שלשון של אשתו הוא בדוקא שא"כ הוא מחמת שהיא היתר ולכן הוסיף לפרש כוונת פרש"י והוקשה לו על לשון של זכור דהא כל הנשים אסורות אינם של היתר ולכך הגיה לכתוב של זנות והוא טעות ברור, בלשון שכתבתי שאפשר היה כתוב כן הרי הוא בתוס' ורא"ש שמניחין נשותיהן והולכין אצל משכב זכור, ופשוט שמש"כ נשותיהן אין הכוונה כאן לענין היתר ואיסור, אלא משום דהקרא הא איירי אף באינו חשוד לעבור על זנות עם עריות אלא על משכב זכור, שג"כ הוא נחשב תועה אף לענין התאוה, דלא שייך כאן אף מה שאיתא בע"ז דף כ"ו ע"ב דאכל פרעוש או יתוש ה"ז מומר שהוקשה למ"ד דלהכעיס הוא מין ותירץ התם בעי למיטעם טעמא דאיסורא, דהתם נמי אין הפירוש שאיכא תאוה טבעית לאדם לעבור עבירות אלא כדפרש"י התם לא להכעיס אלא מתאוה לטעום טעמו לפי שאין ישראל טועמו מעולם, שפירושו שחושב אולי יש בזה איזה טעם מאחר שלא טעמו מעולם, דבמשכב זכור לא שייך זה והוא פירוש אחד עם של הר"ן ולרבותא פירשו כן והר"ן חשש לטעות איזה מעתיק לכן כתב סתם שמניח משכבי אשה והולך אצל זכר שהוא לשון שלא שייך לטעות בו.
עכ"פ תאוה למשכב זכור הוא נגד עצם התאוה וגם רשעים אין להם תאוה לזה בעצם אלא שכל התאוה הוא רק מחמת שהוא דבר אסור והיצה"ר מסיתו להמרות נגד רצון הקדוש ברוך הוא וידיעה זו הוא חזוק גדול נגד יצה"ר שכבר נצחתו שאתה מאמין בהקב"ה ובכל הי"ג עיקרים ובכל התורה שבזה תנצחהו על מה שמסיתך להמרותו ולהכעיסו, וקרא מפורש בהאזינו בתועבות יכעיסוהו ופרש"י כגון משכב זכור שזה קרא הכתוב שהוא להכעיס, ומש"כ גם כשפים משום שהוא הכחשה בפמליא של מעלה כדאיתא בסנהדרין דף ס"ז ע"ב והוי הפירוש שגורם שיכחישו גזירת שמים ויעשו להכעיס ח"ו, ובספרי ליכא אלא משכב זכור לבד ורש"י אולי היתה לו גירסא אחרת בספרי, או מצא במקום אחר. חזינן דאף שנאמר בסוף הפרשה דאחרי לשון תועבות על כל העריות לא מפרש הספרי אלא על משכב זכור והוא משום דכל העריות הוא ודאי בתאוה ואינו להכעיסו שלכן הוכרח לפרש רק על משכב זכור.
ושלישית הגנאי אף לבני אדם שכל העולם אף הרשעים מבזין לבעלי עבירה דמשכב זכור ואף בעיני הרשע השני שעושה עמו העבירה הוא מזולזל ובזוי שזהו חזוק גדול נגד היצה"ר, ועיין בסנהדרין דף כ"ט ע"א דאמרינן לעדים כשמאיימין אותם שלא יעידו שקר בשביל תאות ממון לפי המסקנא דא"כ אשי אמר לי נתן בר מר זוטרא סהדי שקרי אאוגרייהו זילי, הרי מפורש שזהו עצה טובה לחזק עצמו מתאות הממון וכמו כן היא עצה טובה נגד תאות עבירה מגונה ובזויה זו שלבד שהוא נגד התורה באיסור חמור היותר גדול הוא גם נגד עצם האנושיות שנעשה שפל ובזוי בתכלית השפלות, ולא רק שהוא גנאי הוא גם גנאי היותר גדול לכל משפחתו.
והעצה הגדולה הוא למוד התורה בעיון שהוא מציל ושומר מכל העריות ואף מהרהורים כדאיתא ברמב"ם סוף הלכות איסורי ביאה גדולה מכל זאת אמרו יפנה עצמו ומחשבתו לדברי תורה וירחיב דעתו בחכמה וכ"ש שיועיל זה להנצל מיצה"ר דעבירה בזוי הזו. והנני גומר בברכה שתהא תשובתך שלימה וגמורה ותתגדל בתורה ויראת ה'. משה פיינשטיין.
Times of Israel by David Benkof
update: a number of commentators to this post seem to be unaware of the view of Rav Moshe Feinstein (Translation published here a number of years ago
update: Just added Rabbi Norman Lamm's comment on to'eivah
http://daattorah.blogspot.co.il/2009/03/homosexuality-obvious-why-it-is prohibited
Igros Moshe (Y.D. 3:115): When the manuscript was sent to me I saw in it another matter. The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality. First of all by raising the question as to why the Torah prohibited it. This itself is a great evil and it weakens the prohibitions to the wicked with this disgusting lust. In fact it is one of the greatest abominations that even the nations of the world know that it is an incomparable abomination. Therefore there is no need for any rationale to explain why it is an abomination that the whole world despises. The world already holds that the transgressors of this sin are disgusting and are not members of civilization at all. So when a reason is sought for this prohibition, this removes the obscenity from it. It removes the embarrassment, shame and disgrace and completely downplays the seriousness of this issue. Furthermore the answer - given in this manuscript to this question - is that the prohibition is in order to ensure that men will marry women and fulfill the obligation to have children. This further diminishes and weakens the prohibition. It is equivalent to saying that there is in this issue no sexual prohibitons at all but that the reason is just to ensure observance of the positive command to reproduce - which is not viewed as important by the world. These views are prohibited to publish. just as if they were outright heresy, since they represent a view which is contrary to the view of the Torah….
Igros Moshe (O.C. 4:115):
שו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ד סימן קטו
תשובה לנכשל במשכב זכור ר"ל א' דר"ח אדר ראשון תשל"ו. מע"כ הבחור הנכבד שליט"א שלום וברכה לזכות לתשובה גמורה.
הנה אף לטרדותי המרובות מכיון שחז"ל אמרו כמה דברים מפני תקנת השבים כ"ש שמוכרחין להזדקק להשיב לבעל תשובה בין שהוא להשיב להלכה בין שהוא לחזוק שאל יפול רוחו ולהתרשל בדבר שצריך חזוק גדול להנצל מעצות היצר הרע, שלכן פניתי מעט להשיב לו על מכתבו, והנה איני רואה שאלה להלכה במכתבו כי אף שבמכתבו שהוא איסור כרת מסתמא יודע שמשכב זכור הוא גם איסור סקילה כי בתורה בפרשת קדושים נאמר יומתו דמיהם בם וילפינן ג"ש מאוב וידעוני שהוא בסקילה כדאיתא בסנהדרין דף נ"ד ע"א עיין שם וכרת כתיב בסוף פרשת אחרי ונכרתו הנפשות שקאי על כל הא דלעיל עיין ברש"י ריש כריתות, ונמצא שאתה רוצה שאכתוב לך דברי חזוק להנצל מיצר הרע ואיזה עצה.
והנה ראשית הידיעה דחומר האיסור דסקילה וכרת וגם שנקרא תועבה והוא מחטאים המגונים ביותר ואף בני נח נצטוו ע"ז הוא כח גדול לעמוד כנגד היצר הרע, ושנית שהוא דבר שלא מובן שיהיה ע"ז ענין תאוה דבבריאת האדם בעצם ליכא תאוה מצד טבעו להתאוות למשכב זכור, שלכן אמר בר קפרא לרבי על תועבה זו שנאמר באיסור דמשכב זכור דפירושו תועה אתה בה בנדרים דף נ"א ע"א ופי' הר"ן שמניח משכבי אשה והולך אצל זכר, וכוונתו דהוא על לשון תועבה שנאמר במשכב זכור יתר על לשון התועבות הנאמר ד' פעמים בסוף פרשת אחרי שקאי על כל העריות דעל קרא דתועבות לא הוקשה לו משום שאין צורך לבאור שפירוש שהם דברים מתועבין ומאוסין מצד איסורי התורה, אבל הוקשה לו על לשון תועבה הנאמר בזכור שני פעמים בפ' אחרי כשנאמרה אזהרה בלאו ובפ' קדושים שנאמר העונש מה שלא נאמר כן בשאר איסורי עריות דאם מצד האיסור מ"ט לא נאמר זה בשאר עריות, וע"ז תירץ בר קפרא שהוא תביעת הקדוש ברוך הוא בהקרא להרשעים, שלעבירה זו דמשכב זכור הרי ליכא כלל תאוה מצד הטבע שבראתי שיהיה להם תאוה למשכב הנשים דבלא תאוה לא היה אפשר לקיום ישוב העולם כדאיתא בגמ' בשני מקומות ביומא דף ס"ט ע"ב ובסנהדרין דף ס"ד ע"א, ולא אפשר שיהיה פלגא שיהיה לו תאוה לאשה המותרת ולא יהיה לו תאוה לעריות כמו שאיתא שם שפלגא מרקיעא לא יהבי ע"י תפלה שהוא מהטעם שלא נברא בתחלת הבריאה פלגא, אבל למשכב זכור ליכא שום תאוה מצד הבריאה וכל התאוה לזה הוא רק תועה מהטבע לדרך אחר אשר גם רשעים בעלי תאוה שלא נמנעין מצד חטא ועון אין הולכין לשם שיצר הרע זה אינו אלא מחמת שהוא דבר אסור שהוא כמו להכעיס ח"ו, והחלוק הוא דהרשע הרי איתא ביומא דף ל"ה ע"ב שמתרץ עצמו נאה הייתי וטרוד ביצרי הייתי ומחייבין אותו רק מצד שיוסף מחייב את הרשעים, אבל על עבירה דמשכב זכור אין להרשע העובר על זה שום טענה לתרץ את עצמו כי לא היה שייך להתאוות לעבירה זו. והוא פירוש המדויק והנכון.
ועיין בפרש"י שם בנדרים שכתב כלומר שמניח אשתו של היתר ותפס זו של זנות, וזה תמוה דזה הא שייך על כל איסורי עריות שנאמרו שם בפרשה ולא נקט לשון תועבה בכולם אלא בזכור, אבל ידוע שפירוש רש"י הנדפס בנדרים הוא פירוש מוטעה בכמה מקומות ואינו מרש"י או שאיזה מעתיק טועה ומשבש בכל אופן אין לסמוך על לשונו ואם היה העתקה מפרש"י פשוט שהיה הגירסא שם כלומר שמניח את אשתו ותפס זו של זכור והמעתיק הוסיף תיבות של היתר והוא מטעם שלשון של אשתו הוא בדוקא שא"כ הוא מחמת שהיא היתר ולכן הוסיף לפרש כוונת פרש"י והוקשה לו על לשון של זכור דהא כל הנשים אסורות אינם של היתר ולכך הגיה לכתוב של זנות והוא טעות ברור, בלשון שכתבתי שאפשר היה כתוב כן הרי הוא בתוס' ורא"ש שמניחין נשותיהן והולכין אצל משכב זכור, ופשוט שמש"כ נשותיהן אין הכוונה כאן לענין היתר ואיסור, אלא משום דהקרא הא איירי אף באינו חשוד לעבור על זנות עם עריות אלא על משכב זכור, שג"כ הוא נחשב תועה אף לענין התאוה, דלא שייך כאן אף מה שאיתא בע"ז דף כ"ו ע"ב דאכל פרעוש או יתוש ה"ז מומר שהוקשה למ"ד דלהכעיס הוא מין ותירץ התם בעי למיטעם טעמא דאיסורא, דהתם נמי אין הפירוש שאיכא תאוה טבעית לאדם לעבור עבירות אלא כדפרש"י התם לא להכעיס אלא מתאוה לטעום טעמו לפי שאין ישראל טועמו מעולם, שפירושו שחושב אולי יש בזה איזה טעם מאחר שלא טעמו מעולם, דבמשכב זכור לא שייך זה והוא פירוש אחד עם של הר"ן ולרבותא פירשו כן והר"ן חשש לטעות איזה מעתיק לכן כתב סתם שמניח משכבי אשה והולך אצל זכר שהוא לשון שלא שייך לטעות בו.
עכ"פ תאוה למשכב זכור הוא נגד עצם התאוה וגם רשעים אין להם תאוה לזה בעצם אלא שכל התאוה הוא רק מחמת שהוא דבר אסור והיצה"ר מסיתו להמרות נגד רצון הקדוש ברוך הוא וידיעה זו הוא חזוק גדול נגד יצה"ר שכבר נצחתו שאתה מאמין בהקב"ה ובכל הי"ג עיקרים ובכל התורה שבזה תנצחהו על מה שמסיתך להמרותו ולהכעיסו, וקרא מפורש בהאזינו בתועבות יכעיסוהו ופרש"י כגון משכב זכור שזה קרא הכתוב שהוא להכעיס, ומש"כ גם כשפים משום שהוא הכחשה בפמליא של מעלה כדאיתא בסנהדרין דף ס"ז ע"ב והוי הפירוש שגורם שיכחישו גזירת שמים ויעשו להכעיס ח"ו, ובספרי ליכא אלא משכב זכור לבד ורש"י אולי היתה לו גירסא אחרת בספרי, או מצא במקום אחר. חזינן דאף שנאמר בסוף הפרשה דאחרי לשון תועבות על כל העריות לא מפרש הספרי אלא על משכב זכור והוא משום דכל העריות הוא ודאי בתאוה ואינו להכעיסו שלכן הוכרח לפרש רק על משכב זכור.
ושלישית הגנאי אף לבני אדם שכל העולם אף הרשעים מבזין לבעלי עבירה דמשכב זכור ואף בעיני הרשע השני שעושה עמו העבירה הוא מזולזל ובזוי שזהו חזוק גדול נגד היצה"ר, ועיין בסנהדרין דף כ"ט ע"א דאמרינן לעדים כשמאיימין אותם שלא יעידו שקר בשביל תאות ממון לפי המסקנא דא"כ אשי אמר לי נתן בר מר זוטרא סהדי שקרי אאוגרייהו זילי, הרי מפורש שזהו עצה טובה לחזק עצמו מתאות הממון וכמו כן היא עצה טובה נגד תאות עבירה מגונה ובזויה זו שלבד שהוא נגד התורה באיסור חמור היותר גדול הוא גם נגד עצם האנושיות שנעשה שפל ובזוי בתכלית השפלות, ולא רק שהוא גנאי הוא גם גנאי היותר גדול לכל משפחתו.
והעצה הגדולה הוא למוד התורה בעיון שהוא מציל ושומר מכל העריות ואף מהרהורים כדאיתא ברמב"ם סוף הלכות איסורי ביאה גדולה מכל זאת אמרו יפנה עצמו ומחשבתו לדברי תורה וירחיב דעתו בחכמה וכ"ש שיועיל זה להנצל מיצה"ר דעבירה בזוי הזו. והנני גומר בברכה שתהא תשובתך שלימה וגמורה ותתגדל בתורה ויראת ה'. משה פיינשטיין.
Rabbi Norman Lamm(Homosexuality): It may be, however, that the
very variety of interpretations of to'evah points to a far more fundamental
meaning, namely, that it is an act characterized as an "abomination"
is prima facie disgusting and cannot be further defined or explained. Certain
acts are considered to'evah by the Torah, and there the matters rests. It is,
as it were, a visceral reaction, an intuitive disqualification of the act, and
we run the risk of distorting the Biblical judgment if we rationalize it.
To'evh constitutes a category of objectionableness sui generis: it is a primary
phenomenon. (This lends additional force to Rabbi David Z. Hoffmann's
contention that to'evah is used by the Torah to indicate the repulsiveness of a
proscribed act, no matter how much it may be in vogue among advance and
sophisticated cultures: see his Sefer Va-yikra, II, p. 54).
Times of Israel by David Benkof
With increasing awareness of homosexuality within the Orthodox Jewish
world, a common, barely challenged refrain has been that abstaining from
sex is not a real option for frum (traditionally observant)
gay men. Often, advocates for changing Orthodox attitudes and policies
on homosexuality have discussed celibacy with language and arguments
that are poorly reasoned and insulting – even homophobic.
powerfully honest.
ReplyDeleteThx for posting. We need more "straight" talking deviants...
Can I bring up a politically incorrect subject?!?
ReplyDeleteIs it FACT that a gay person cannot change?
I'm not very familiar with this subject, however I do have a friend a therapist, who tells me (sh sh) he's changed MANY!!!
I also spoke to a gay guy who readily acknowledged his "different " (I didn't say deviant) behavior came from his troubled relationship with his abusive father.
Sounds like the thing therapy was created for, to me...
Hi, concerned. I have been looking, hard, for evidence of Jews who went from gay to straight because of therapy and found nothing. In fact, the main group purporting that it's do-able (JONAH) promotes Christian and other non-Torah approaches to a matter that has clear halachic perspectives. It makes more sense to encourage gay Jews to incorporate Orthodox Jewish attitudes and behaviors toward sexuality in their lives than to put them on a fruitless quest to become straight.
DeleteI am of the opinion, that we should not give any credence to gay as a reality. If it is true that 10-15 percent of people have gay tendencies, then most frum "gay" people have productive married lives in spite of their gay tendencies. We should treat it as we treat any other aveirah; discourage it completely. It is beyond repulsive for rabbis to be suggesting men to have boyfriends, yet avoid anal intercourse. What's next ? Suggesting that men have a sex change, but be makpid on hadlakas Ner shabbos, and making challah ?
ReplyDelete10-15 percent of people do NOT have gay tendencies. Such are the inflated statistics the gay movement wants you to believe. The number is much lower, and there's no proof it's evenly distributed among different subcultures.
DeleteGreat question! It seems as though some can change however many or most can't
ReplyDeleteWhat is your answer based on?
DeleteI am not getting into a Halacha discussion here, but I make this general statement:
ReplyDeleteA Jew may not deviate from The Torah at all, not even a hair. It is often extremely difficult. The difficulties have many different forms for different people, each according to his nature, second nature, situation etc. So then the Nesoyon is greatly difficult. It is, however, a Nesoyon - not a Heter to transgress Ch"V. We do not understand Hashem's ways because we can't fathom his great wisdom which is by definition beyond comprehension. Our job is to Mekabel Ol Malchus Shomayim and obey the Torah. The laws of The Torah, we DO understand, and that is our job. Obviously, only Hashem will judge everyone's actions according to what only he knows about the difficulties and abilities of each individual, and no one else can judge. But the Law remains the Law. Just as we understand that as much as we can't judge a crazy person for committing murder, it is still illegal for him to do so, and we don't say that for him it's okay because he can't control himself, so are all of Hashem's laws. They are mandatory even for the one's who have the greatest difficulties in abiding.
The vast majority of homosexuals are that way due to their internal wiring. For them the idea of sex with the opposite gender is as unappealing and uninteresting as sex with the same gender is for heterosexuals. They cannot change, no more than pedophiles who are also wired that way.
ReplyDeleteThe actually number of true homosexuals in the North American population is only about 2%. It seems there are far more for the same reason it seems Jews are everywhere. Gays congregate in large communities in major cities and are disproportionately involved in public profressions like acting, medicine, law, etc.
There is a small minority that are gay by choice but for these people change isn't an option since they are willingly choosing to be this way.
The vast majority of homosexuals are that way due to their internal wiring.
DeleteSomeone obviously slept through their psych classes. Actually strict homosexuality(or heterosexuality), at least according to the two primary studies on human sexuality.
Thank you "Mighty" for articulating the PC position so well.
DeleteIt's also the position that "just so happens" to fit in nicely to the liberal, no fault, Torah was backwards, agenda.
You didn't offer sources, our even סברות, unless of cause the wiring analogy is a סברא?!?
You did however sprinkle in some insight, to make the prevalent liberal position a bit more palatable to believing Jews...
No one who believes in a creator can also believe that a full 10% are naturally born without the ability/desire to procreate. So you chopped it down to a more livable 2%.
Note that the article writer chose the word tradition. In fact it is a law and any sort relationship between men is absolutely banned.
ReplyDeleteCalling the law of Torah tradition means that the writer is a bit like a kofer.
The statement by the rabbi comparing to Nidah is also along the same lines as a Ma'amin understands that no one can afford to go against the law of the Torah and having someone else being even worse is no use whatsoever.
The entire article is absolutely repulsive.
Finally a little challenge to a psychologist to explains why animals do not seem to behave that way).
In fact it is a law and any sort relationship between men is absolutely banned.
DeleteCalling the law of Torah tradition means that the writer is a bit like a kofer.
M'd'orraitta only a single homosexual act is forbidden. Everything else from there is M'D'Rabbanan, and thus a part of our tradition. If you don't like the idea of Torah Sh'Baal Peh being called "Tradition" I suggest you don't spend too much time reading the major commentaries on Pirkei Avot 1:1.
Finally a little challenge to a psychologist to explains why animals do not seem to behave that way).
Not too caught up on animal behavioral studies are you. It happens with amazing frequency amongst animals, most especially amongst primates.
A note to those who don't know RMT and are therefore liable to take his comments at face value (as they do seem to have an air of authority):
DeleteAll forms of sexual closeness other than the intercourse act itself are included in לא תקרבו לגלות ערוה. While it is true that the Ramban considers this to be an אסמכתא מדרבנן, the Rambam, Chinuch, Shach and other Rishonim and Poskim disagree and consider it to be a normative לאו - much like eating pork or lobster. Actually, it is much worse than that, because it is יהרג ואל יעבור, like all אביזרייהו דגילוי עריות, ie one must be give up his life rather than violate it. (This is true even if it is only מדרבנן.)
This, of course, is quite apart from the Issur of הוצאת זרע לבטלה.
DeleteWow you just start with the Ad hom don't you?
DeleteHow about actually providing sources. I'll gladly admit that I'm wrong, I'm not baki in the halakhot of what 2men can't do together and whether the various transgressions are m'd'rabannan or m'dorraitta... So I could be mistaken. However, you need to offer more than just your word and name dropping.
So here are some situations I would like to see you provide sources for:
1) To men living in the same apartment without having physical relations?
2) A man gazing at another man nude?
3) A man kissing another man?
See I was pretty sure that when the Ben Ish Hai states that only sexual closeness with a woman that would result in one's death m'd'orraitta is forbidden m'd'orraita. All other sexual closeness he states if only forbidden m'd'rabbanan. Ben Ish Hai Year 1 Parashat Shoftim 32.
Further he explains that Lesbianism is only m'd'orraitta as an asmachta from the pasuq in Wayikra 16:3, "You shall not imitate the deeds of the land of Egypt." and goes on to explain that women would not even receive lashes for it. Ben Ish Hai, Year 1 Parashat Shoftim 41.
So please show me my, and apparently the Ben Ish Hai's, error.
I'm sorry about the ad hom. If you like, we could be מוחל each other and rewind to the point before we ever exchanged words, and start over. What do you say?
Delete"Ben Ish Hai Year 1 Parashat Shoftim 32,41" - that's strange. Mine only goes up to 28.
My sources can be found on this page. "Seek and ye shall find."
My contention, which is the position of the Minchas Chinuch (cited on this page), is that a homosexual man must relate to other homosexual men just as a heterosexual man must do in regard to women. Therefore, in case (1) the Issur Yichud would apply, in case (3) the Issur of קריבה לעריות would apply - and be subject to the Machlokes between Rambam and Ramban as to whether it is מן התורה or not.
In case (2), the Issur of הסתכלות would apply, including the Issur of קריבה לעריות, as the Rambam includes הסתכלות among the forbidden forms of קורבה. There is a Machlokes in the Acharonim as to whether the Rambam, who maintains that קריבה לעריות is אסור מן התורה, agrees that when there is no bodily contact the Issur is only מדרבנן. Shach Yore Deah 157 seems to assume that even הסתכלות is אסור מן התורה. The only difference is actually for Malkus, as there are anyway the Torah prohibitions of ונשמרתם and ולא תתורו.
The vast majority of Acharonim agree that lesbianism is an איסור תורה notwithstanding the fact that there is no מלקות. The Rambam himself (Issurei Biah 21:8) explains why this is so. It is noteworthy that even the Mabit in Kiryas Sefer, who usually adopts the position that a given Issur is מדרבנן as opposed to מן התורה as is known to those who study the Sefer, nevertheless agrees that here the Issur is מן התורה, and he adds that this is implied in the Rambam's language.
[Incidentally, there is perhaps room to argue that קורבה לעריות only applies when both parties acquiesce to the קורבה, and so to gaze out of a window at a naked woman would not be in violation of this Issur according to anyone.[
Chaim you are correct. The Ben Ish Hai only goes to 28. Sorry I was basing myself off of the English translation put out by Yeshivat Ahavat Shalom, and did not notice that they had appended a section from Od Yosef Hai. Here is the text from the Ahavat Shalom edition in English:
Delete32 Ibid(14, 18, 23) It is forbidden mi-de'oraitha to kiss or embrace a woman forbidden to oneself, or to enjoy bodily contact, or to penetrate her even with any limb and, according to many Authorities(Rambam, Re'ah, Ran), the punishment for doing any of these acts is lashes. Othere(Ramban) rule that is forbidden mi-de'Rababanan. The Ahe'ronim accept the former opinion, and this is the ruling giving by Maran z"l in the Shalhan Arukh. However, when sexual acts such as the above are performed on women with whom intercourse is punishable by lashes(rather than by death), the prohibition is mi'de'Rabbanan.
I can publish the page in question if you would do not want to take my word for it that that is what is written there. Obviously Rav Hillel and the Rabbanim of Ahavat Shalom wanted to give a fuller picture from the Ben Ish Hai's words in other sefarim(sorry I missed that the first time around). It would appear that he they anthologized his words from Od Yosef Hai a bit... however, the understanding is still the same.
He clearly sees the mi'de'oraitha to only apply to those women for which one would receive capital punishement for relating to... eshet ish ect.
So you are saying that in this case, of male homosexuality, since it is a sin punishible by death, that all of these laws are therefore, in the case of male homosexuality mi'de'oraitha. Fine.
I would argue though that my contention that only one act is clearly discerned mi'de'oraitha, and the rest we have from our tradition. Look the Rabbanim learn it from a pasuk, but it is not clearly stated, so much so that the Ramban, and apparently according to the Ben Ish Hai a few other Rishonim thought it was mi'de'rabbanan. It is apparent that I was in error regarding that one aspect. However, it is still a matter of tradition.
Can we agree that the way we understand that these laws, male homosexual intercourse which is clearly written, are only understood to be mi'de'oraitha by means of our tradition?
The understanding of Mesorah(tradition) that was drilled into my head was that it was comprised of two things, 1)Proper interpretation of the written Torah(which is why we should not learn Torah, and all the more so NaKh without the commentaries. 2) The decrees of our sages.
DeleteI agree with your last paragraph. I might agree with the penultimate paragraph, but I don't really understand it. Of course ultimately we need tradition for everything - I was taking issue with your assertion that קריבה לעריות is only מדרבנן whereas the generally accepted opinion is that it is מן התורה. The Minchas Chinuch quite cogently extends this to homosexuality and bestiality.
The Ben Ish Hai still says:
DeleteHowever, when sexual acts such as the above are performed on women with whom intercourse is punishable by lashes(rather than by death), the prohibition is mi'de'Rabbanan.
So not all קריבה לעריות are mi'de'oratha...
However, yes you are correct, and I was wrong, that all forms of homosexual intimacy would be forbidden mi'de'oraitha.
Eize, many animals are homosexual, especially giraffes.
ReplyDeleteThere are in fact numerous animals that have been observed engaging in same gender sexual activity. Tho I don't recommend it, if you follow around a healthy dog for awhile within a context of other male dogs - it will become quite evident.
ReplyDeleteRe. Ironheart's comment about "wiring", however, I must strongly disagree. That is pure speculation; so too in respect to pedophiles. It is for sure a major EMOTIONAL phenomenon that many really do experience these forbidden attractions, and are repulsed by the more "traditional" ones. But there is no objective basis to claim that those experiences are rooted in any sort of physiological "wiring".
Finally, in contrast to E.H. Ch., I found the comparison to Niddah very enlightening. It is TRUE that seemingly "normal" Jews who fool around with the opposite sex are committing a religious crime comparable to mishkav zachor. Yet our culture knee-jerks with heavy judgment against the "homos" as if they are from Mars.
Yes, I did earlier say "deviant" in that the nature of same gender attraction goes against a most primary natural urge. But before we reject them wholesale (which is a terrible aveira in and of itself), we must remind ourselves that there are many "normal" aveiras which are viewed by Torah as severely.
The point I made about the Rabbi is due to the fact that based on the article he seems to make this kind of relationship somehow acceptable. As a Rabbi he can only state the law as is and that is absolute total rejection without any compromise whatsoever.
DeleteI think that in general this repulsive movement that is so strong in western countries is based on the philosophy of false liberty and whilst it is OK to get people to study 15 to 25 years before they can start living their life, it is 100% wrong to demand they should improve their attitude and personality in order to live an acceptable lifestyle.
This ideology should not be accepted by anyone calling themselves a Rabbi but unfortunately more of them seem very apologetic about the Jewish position in this matter which is very clear and consistent.
I'm a complete layman on this subject, but could it be that animal homosexuality is also not "natural" but rather a relatively recent phenomenon - at least the level of incidence? Rashi cites a Medrash which states that in the pre-Mabul era even animals had relations with other species, which the Beis HaLevi and others explain to be a result of the human immorality rampant at the time. Man's actions have consequences, even to the extent of affecting the nature of non-humans around them. Could there be a connection between contemporary human and animal homosexuality?
ReplyDeleteNeat question, Chaiim. Many have asked it. Could be. Without prophetic inside info, however, we can only go with the pshat we know - which is that such behavior is not as "unnatural" as homophobes think. This does NOT make it ok, for believing Jews. But it can help us take the frantic, rejectful sting out of our view of those who are afflicted by this energy. These people have a spiritual illness, no doubt. But so do womanizers, and alchoholics and
Deletelashon ha'ra addicts.
It is true that there is a growing philosophical movement that wants to totally revamp our view of such "orientations" as totally normal, which believing Jews must be sure to stay clear from. Still, there is no justification for stereotyping and insulting and wholesale condemning - especially of yidden who are otherwise making great efforts to keep Mitzvos.
Good Shabbos
I've also never understood the term "homophobia" (a term used in this thread as well as in the original article). A phobia is an irrational fear. I don't know anyone who is afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality, rationally or otherwise. Some people find the idea repulsive (like the non-French attitude to eating frogs' legs and snails), while others are opposed to it on moral/religious grounds, or both. But what has that got to do with fear?
DeleteThe term is more ridiculous than islamophobia, because there you could at least claim that it applies to those who think that Islam is more dangerous than it actually is - which would make their fear of it irrational. But homophobia is just a silly non-concept used to belittle and mock anyone who is against homosexuality. It has no place in an honest and serious discussion.
[Actually, islamophobia is also an inaccurate and misleading term, but we'll leave that for another time.]
Good Shabbos
Chaiim - MANY objectors to homosexuality are drawing from deep fears. Speak with any psychologist in the know.
DeleteMy support of the author is davka in this point - to help us see the very real problem of homosexuality withOUT the irrational fears.
If by "deep fears", you refer to alleged subliminal fears so deeply embedded in the subconscious of the objector that he is unaware of them, then surely the onus of proof that these mysterious fears exist at all must be on the one who is making accusations of "homophobia". To make the a priori assumption that a person's position is based on illogical fear - which he is unaware of, but you are - is bigoted.
DeleteBesides which, which other phobia is a subconscious fear? All the real phobias are fears which (1) the sufferer is aware of, and almost always (2) the sufferer admits it irrational but experiences it nonetheless. The fact that an exception is made for opposition to homosexuality is a sign of the great success of pro-homosexual propaganda.
By the way, I have spoken to psychologists in the know. I also count among my friends a man who used to be homosexual and is no longer. He claims that the methods used to help him change his orientation (don't use "cure" if you don't want to) have had great success in others, but are vilified by the pro-homosexual propagandists, who make every effort to shut down free dialogue about the possibility of such therapy. The fact that this author seems to feel otherwise is not relevant when considering the many more people who want help - especially those for whom celibacy is too painful an option.
I also support the author - he is a person who truly seeks to do Hashem's will, instead of reinterpreting it to suit his own desires. He should be applauded.
in reference to comparing humans to homosexual animals ... maybe, just maybe humans have the intellect that gives them the ability to control their urges and underserible tendencies - so the words "naturally wired" should be purged from the books?
ReplyDeletedid the Mabul come for nothing?
"They cannot change", "wholesale condemning", "homophobes", etc.: YY and Ironheart are both mindlessly parroting the PC homosexual propaganda nonsense designed to kasher male animals (zacharim) engaged in bestial "matings".
ReplyDelete@yy - "It is TRUE that seemingly "normal" Jews who fool around with the opposite sex are committing a religious crime comparable to mishkav zachor" -
NO, it is NOT true that Jews who violate the nidah laws are comparable to mishkav zachor.
Mishkav zachor (male homosexuals) are subject to execution under Torah law, while heterosexual violators of nidah law are NOT subject to execution. Mishkav zachor is referred to as toeivah (abomination) in the Torah, heterosexual relations are NOT. The Torah implies that mishkav zachor were former men who devolved into zacharim (male beasts), it makes no such claim about heterosexual violators.
As far as "normal" aveiras, there are no powerful propaganda machines trying to whitewash "normal" aveiras that can compare to the powerful homosexual propaganda machine/homo-fascist mafia - witness the recent Firefox debacle.
E.L. Yaacov - I am totally with you about the propaganda machines. If you read my comments correctly, you'll see that I stress that the "wiring" arguments are pure speculation and go against Torah presumptions which make it clear that those engaging in the "toevah" acts are spiritual deviants.
DeleteStill, I remain with my point that many "normal aveiros" are whitewashed as well, leading to many confusions about how objectively bad is homosexuality versus other aveiras. When you include in this cheshbone the very real human factor - i.e how utterly crushed, emotionally and spiritually, homosexuals can be by our hysterical rejection - then we have a real issue to think carefully about indeed.
Especially during the Omer.
The importance of "nohagim kavod zeh l'zeh" does not mean only amongst our highest spiritual models. That's why we're all observing an aspect of mourning....
If you read my comments correctly, you'll see that I stress that the "wiring" arguments are pure speculation and go against Torah presumptions
DeleteFunny. The Arizal said it was wiring. He said homosexuality was brought about by a person's Daat(which correspond to the Corpus Callosum and hypothalmus in the human brain) reversed. Funnily enough, that is is the same thing that science says.
The only difference is that the Ari gives us a cure(though I doubt any but a few could do it in our generation) while science says you are stuck.
@YY - "how utterly crushed, emotionally and spiritually, homosexuals can be by our hysterical rejection" - This is utter PC homosexual nonsense. The homosexual fascist mafia is shoving their grotesque perversions into our faces at every possible opportunity, while stripping religious persons of their constitutional rights and attempting to force them to accept homosexual abominations. No one is persecuting these perverts if they keep their problems to themselves.
DeleteWhat causes "Orthodox" liberals to identify with Sodomite perverts who make war on Biblical principles, and who attempt to crush the rights of Biblical persons?
R' Tsadok - pls offer specific sources for your claims that:
Delete1) the Ariz"l claims daas is to blame for same gender attractions,
2) that he understand such daas to correspond to specific brain components that once they click into place can't be reversed.
3) that "science" has proven the above
If not, take it easy in insinuating that certain sins are fatalistically predetermined! That's not exactly standard Jewish theology!!
1) the Ariz"l claims daas is to blame for same gender attractions,
DeleteSee Shaar Mamrei Chazal on Shavuot 18b
Shaar Taamei Mitzvot Parashat Kedoshim
Eitz Chaim Shaal Klalim chapter 2
There are some others... I will try and find the shiur by Rav Ephraim Goldstein where he discusses all of the places in the Kitvei HaAri as well as the Leshem, Rashash and Gra.
2) that he understand such daas to correspond to specific brain components that once they click into place can't be reversed.
That they correspond to specific parts of the brain... Well pick up an Eitz Chaim and pretty much pick your perek. Though Shaar 1 Anaf 2 and Shaar 2 anaf 1 and 2 give pretty detailed descriptions.
I never said that they could not be reversed. I said that few in this generation would be able to do it. The Arizal gives 3 different tikunim to fix the daat(assuming their is true and pure repentance) each of them require 333 consecutive days of fasting. He does give ways in which those fasts can be shortened, two consecutive days and nights, would equate to 27 days of fasting, and three days and nights to 40days of fasting(the Rema gives this as halakah in the Shulhan Arukh O"H 568:4, and see Mishnah Berrurah there).
If you want the specific places where the Arizal gives the tikunim please just say so, I will look those up for you.
3) that "science" has proven the above
Schwab and Hoffman 1990, An enlarged suprachiasmatic nucleus in homosexual men published in Brain Research 537pps 141-148.
Alen and Gorski 1992, "Sexual Orientation and an englarged anterior commisssure in the brain." Proceedings of The Natural Academy of Science of the United States of America 89, pps 7199-7202
LeVay 1991, A difference in the hypthalmic structures between homosexual and heterosexual men Science 253 pps 1034-1037
I can quote peer reviewed articles and research done over the last two decades that continues to show this correlation if you like.
If not, take it easy in insinuating that certain sins are fatalistically predetermined! That's not exactly standard Jewish theology!!
Be careful when you speak of "standard Jewish theology" as Jewish Theology, as has been discussed on this blog is an elusive thing, to which most Jews are ignorant.
As far as being fatalistically predetermined, that is an inherently false statement. First there is a speech that was given by Rav Kaduri ZTzUK"L, and published by Rav Fish of Shaarei Shomayim in his book Introduction to the Siddur of the Rashash, with Haskhamot from major Gedolei HaDor, which says that this specific issue is(at least in part) caused by improper tzniut during marital relations.
Ok, RMT - you got me for the moment. I do not have the time to look into all this. But hopefully over the next weeks I'll get to some. I agree that standard Jewish Theology can be elusive, but there ARE a number of standards that have proven themselves over time. Still, a talmid of other deos has a totally legit reason to hold by them. The question is if this is what we want to pontificate for the klal...
DeleteAnd again - there remains the issue of how to educate / reproach / m'karev those who are afflicted by these problems within a dor that normalizes them. Do we shriek "you're daas wiring is all frumkupt; go fix yourself with tons of fasts and repentance", or do we seek to first build up their self-respect for the mitzvos they CAN do........?
Remember the Besh"t: "sur m'ra AL YADEI oseh tov:!
I find these comments shocking. To me it represents a bunch of people who actually do not have homosexual friends, associates, family members. To me it seems like a bunch of educated people who are studying this "phenomena" through textbooks. Get out into the real world and speak to some of these incredible, intelligent wonderful people who are eqaul parts of the human population....no less on any level, physical,psychological or emotional. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them that requires therapy. Actually most of them have had these feelings since an extremely young age and there is no changing it if they are honest with themselves. Otherwise they live a tormented life in a lie, married to someone of the opposite sex. I give respect to the Rabbi who is acknowleding these beautiful people and allowing them to practise their spirituality in Judaism even if their sexuality is questionable by the scripts.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that many parts of the Bible are changing with the times. How about an eye for an eye....do you still go round doing that in the modern era or do you think its a little archaic
Wake up, get with the truth and heres hoping that none of your children are homosexuals....I feel sorry for them if they are....pure internal suffering
BTW I am a heterosexual married woman with kids
EV - wake up! That eye for an eye slurr is purely Xn. Judaism NEVER understood it to mean literal revenge. It refers to monetary compensation. Learn some inside Torah, not the popular caricature of it.
DeleteRe. the wonderfulness that you have experienced with these people does not negate the sever and explicit issue that the Author of our holy Torah has with male-male intercouse.
I also know plenty of really great Jews who consciously and publicly violate Shabbos, who don't hide their non-nidda relations with the opposite sex, who unabashedly speak lashon ha'ra on a steady basis, who shame others in public, who have absolutely no problem eating treif and pork, and in public, etc etc etc.
Reformists have well worn lines about how outdated the Orthodox detractors of these "very normal" practices are. But it doesn't make it any less a severe undermining of the foundations of Judaism!
The power of this article is in how this very talented and undoubtedly "wonderful" man can admit that his devotion to Torah requires that he takes an extreme stance against some of his "natural" desires, and proudly attempts to explain how those who insist on merging nature and Torah, as a trump over explicit Torah laws, as downright mistaken.
KOL HA'KAVOD to him. He's a real hero.
ReplyDelete1. Toeiva does not mean abomination it means toeh at bah. It doesn't even mean a universal prohibition as eating sheketzim is also called toeiva and non-Jews are a permitted to eat sheketzim. So here is the question - If you knew a Shabbos desecrater, who ate lobster (chiyuv missah, and toeiva), would you react to him with the same contempt as someone who ran foul of the prohibition of mishkav zachor?
"as eating sheketzim is also called toeiva"
DeleteAre you referring to Deuteronomy 14:3? Where do Chazal or the classical commentators take this to refer to eating shekatzim?
@koillel nick - "It doesn't even mean a universal prohibition" - Anyone claiming that Torah law does not universally prohibit homosexual abominations for both Jews and gentiles are flat out propagandists and trolls for the homosexual abomination movement. Most English translations translate TOEIVAH as abomination, so please stop the PC nonsense.
DeleteMishneh Torah » Sefer Shoftim » Melachim uMilchamot
Chpt. 9, Halacha 5:
There are six illicit sexual relations forbidden to a gentile:
a) his mother;
b) his father's wife;
c) a married woman;
d) his maternal sister;
e) a male;
f) an animal...
Leviticus 20:13. And a man who lies with a male as one would with a woman both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon themselves.
It's not PC nonsense . No rabbinic source translates it as abomination. Gemara Nedarim 51a says it means toeh ata bah. I couldn't care less about current English translations.
DeleteYou misunderstood my point. A homosexual act is prohibited for all mankind - vehayu levasar echad. My point is that the word toeiva is applicable in a case where it is prohibited for Jews but not for non-Jews. Such as eating a forbidden animals - Devarim 14:3, Onkelos there translates it as dimrachak. Toeiva also applies to using a wounded animal for a korban, a non-Jew can bring some wounded animals in the Beis Hamikdash. Therefore I reject the idea that toeiva infers any more than any other prohibition. Therefore let's revert to Gemara's translation. See Rashi there.
"No rabbinic source translates it as abomination" - You're spewing homosexual disinformation again.
DeleteThe Chabad site I linked to states that the English translation is from The Judaica Press. Are you claiming that Judaica Press is not a rabbinic source? The Judaica Press volumes I have contain haskamos from Rav Moshe Feinstein Z"TL where Rav Feinstein refers to the translator as "uman gadol b'maleches hatargum" (a great craftsman in translation work).
@kollel nick you seem to be unaware of the views of Rav Moshe which are clearly reject your view. Just posted the teshuva at the beginning of this post
Delete@Daas Torah
Delete1. I don't think so. I am not giving any reason for the Law. It is assur because the Torah forbids it, I need no other reason to obey it, and insist that others do as well. I am questioning an irrational "ugh" feeling that people have for people who transgress this sin, but are calm about other sins which are described equally by the Torah. Is that ugh feeling really kinas Hashem? Or is it just foreign prejudice? Are you just as horrified at one who is machzir gerushaso, and are you just as horrified at one who cheats in business? The same way you accept the Jew who eats pork and you hope to educate him away from his sin, the same should be done with one who does this issur.
2. The argument that the word toeiva indicates a universally understood immorality that is irrelevant of Judaism, is refuted by the two examples that I gave with which the Torah also uses the word toeiva. Hence it is immoral because God said so, and no other reason.
3. What does toeiva mean? The Talmud Nedarim 51a tells us a story that Bar Kapara asked Rebbi to define the word toeiva for him. Every answer that Rebbi gave him was refuted by Bar Kapara (apparently Rebbi didn't have Judaica Press ;) ) Finally Rebbi told Bar Kapara to explain it himself. Bar Kapara told him toeh ata bah - you are mistaken with regard to her (machzir gerushaso) Rashi says that the man is mistaken by leaving his permitted wife and taking the one of znus.
So now we know the definition of toeiva. It is a term used about one who errs and leaves his permitted option and does the prohibited option. Now we can go back and understand it's usage in cases of prohibited relations, or one who errs and eats forbidden animals when he could have eaten pure animals, or one who errs and cheats on his weights instead of being honest.
4. (BTW on the topic of Rav Moshe zl's view, he states that homosexuality is not a natural feeling. He is contradicted by the Rosh in Sanhedrin 3:13 - see also Tos 26b last one on the page, depends on the answer.)
5. @emesleyaacov. I am not intimidated by Judaica Press, nor by haskomos. The Gemara is as I define the word.
@kollel nick - so you acknowledge that Rav Moshe holds the view that you say you can't hold?!
Delete1. Rav Moshe is against rationalizing Law in a way which my lower our perception of the issur. I haven't done that as I prefer no rational reasons to any mitzvah - "einam ellah gezeiros." I learn morality from the Law not the other way around.
That being said, Rav Moshe seems to be doing just what he doesn't want to happen by pointing out that it is acknowledged as wrong by the nations, yet here we are a few decades later and a majority of Americans don't find it wrong. The nations changed their view. We shall not allow that to lower our perception of the issur. Had Rav Moshe known that the nations perception would change he'd never have made that argument, it would undermine his main point.
2. My second point is that I believe that toeiva is commonly mistranslated in a way which encourages irrational prejudice against the sinner. I point out the inconsistency in the common understanding of toeiva, and I translate the word citing the Gemara as a proof. You haven't explained where the word toeiva, came to mean abomination. Neither have you explained why it is understood to apply to a shochev zachor in a way that it does not apply to other sins that the Torah calls toeiva as well. I am not making this argument to lower my perception of the issur, rather to point out the inconsistencies in how we view sinners.
you didn't answer my question!
DeleteHere is my breakdown of Rav Moshe's teshuva.
DeleteI am not disagreeing with Rav Moshe that there is no need to give reason for the Law.
I disagree with citing the nations of the world as a plus. I don't care about foreign morality.
Rosh in Sanhedrin 3:13 disagrees Rav Moshe's basis that there is no taavah for mishkav zachor.
Rashi disagrees with Rav Moshe's understanding of Bar Kapara as Rashi says he is referring to machzir gerushaso not shochev zachor Hence Bar Kapara is not asking about the double lashon of toeiva, rather the plain meaning of toeiva. Rav Moshe notes this and says that Rashi in Nedarim cannot be relied upon. The Chida states that from 22 onward it is not Rashi, yet I cannot accept that it cannot be relied upon as Chida points out that Beis Yosef in OC 47, YD 217, and CM 186 cites the commentary by the name "Mefaresh." Apparently Beis Yosef relied upon this Mefaresh. Rav Moshe goes with the Ran that explains Bar Kapara's question about mishkav zachor, only that it is not muchrach that the Bar Kapara is asking about the double lashon. Ran can read exactly like Rashi only using mishkav zachor as the base and not machzir gerushaso. As for the maniach question, machzir gerushaso is prohibited derech ishus thats why it says maniach es ishto, it is not a regular znus. The grammar of the Gemara fits better according to the Mefaresh as it says "bah" and not "bo."
EXCELLENT, Kollel nick; you're doing excellent.
DeleteHow to view the sinnER is the question.
Irrational prejudice, or what I called demonization, is the big yeitzer which the konai must overcome. And no matter how deeply problematic the whitewashing of the sin becomes in popular culture, we're not patur from keeping perspective on the helige sparks within the person doing the sin.
Your pshat on "to'eivah" seems to drive this home. Y. Koiakh.
I admire you for having the courage to speak the truth and talk so openly about homosexuality in Orthodoxy. Unfortunately there are Rabbis out there who still believe that gays can be 'cured' by getting married or having therapy. They have no understanding of the misery marriage to a gay man means to the poor unsuspecting wife - mostly young, naive girls from sheltered backgrounds with no idea of what the problems are - not to mention the unhappiness of the trapped husband. Homosexuality should not be viewed as a problem to be denied but should be acknowledged and accepted by everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about marriage - it's unfair on everyone involved. But I know personally people who WERE helped with therapy. Of course that doesn't mean that every homosexual can change his orientation, but so what? If it has helped many people, as I know it has, then it is an avenue to be promoted and explored, not shunned.
DeleteChaim- Are these people who literally went from gay to straight, as JONAH purports to be able to do? Or were they already somewhere in between? We're they encouraged to match their behaviors to halachic demands, or were they focused on the non-Torah goal of developing a heterosexual identity?
DeleteDavid - first off, I respect you greatly in your own struggle with the נסיון you have been given. Obviously, as a heterosexual male I will not be able to accurately describe the feelings of former homosexuals, much less competently diagnose them as being "gay" or "somewhere in between". But what I can say is this: This person was originally only attracted to men (the fact that he was abused as a child may be a factor), to the extent that any relationship with a female was possible only by way of "pretending" - I'm sure you know what I mean. After therapy - the nature of which I haven't got a clue - he is now attracted to women - really - and not to men. This is somebody I know personally. There are other examples (all of whom were not abused), but this is one of them.
DeleteDo JONAH claim that their methods work for everybody? I don't know. But the fact that there are people who CLAIM to have been helped by them and similar therapeutic approaches should offer hope for others, even if that doesn't tally with your experience.
ReplyDeleteAre there actually Rabbis encouraging gays in Vienna to get married in the
hope they will be "cured"?
What happens if there are children
produced in that marriage. Which
parent should have custody and rear
them? Have the Rabbis given their opinion?
What issur is there for lesbians to engage in similar activity, if any. Should she get married to an unsuspecting male, is the kidushin tofes as far as a mum sheino begaluy to call for a mekach taut once he finds out. Are there any poskim/rishonim that deal in such issues haloche lemaase? May we have R' D' Eidonsohn's input, since he is boki betiv gitin vekidushin.
ReplyDeleteI can't answer your question about קידושי טעות (whch you could also presumably ask the other way around, ie if he is homosexual and gets married to an unsuspecting female). But as for lesbian activity, yes, it is definitely prohibited מן התורה under the Issur of כמעשה ארץ מצרים לא תעשו. It is codified by Rambam (Issurei Biah 21:8) and Shulchan Aruch (Even HaEzer 20:2).
DeleteWould love to hear the input of Rabbi's achim Eidonsohn N' Yair, and how was such treated throughout the generations. They both should have much to contribute on this particular issue from knowledge and experience in their specific fields. Should you think that this deserves a separate blog, yelamdenu na Rabeinu. Thank you.
DeleteThe other way around possibly might not apply provided he is able to give onah once a month, which proves he has koach gavra. Ma sheim ken if she is a lesbian, ve'el ishech teshukosech cannot apply, and that is a big cause for a total disaster, whereby, there is no ahava, sholom, veachvo, vereus and heading for self destruction. In any which case, the question is there whether it is a mum shebeseser and no one in their right mind would marry such had they known to begin with. If anyone came across such an issue anywhere in shas, meforshim, shu't or otherwise as haloche lemaase, please provide and indicate mareh mekomot.
DeleteIs there an issur of kereiva l'arayaos for mishkav zochor? If one does not engage in anal intercourse, is there an issur min hatora other than hotzoas zera? If yes, could you provide the source?
ReplyDelete. עיין בדברי הרא"ה (הובא בריטב"א פסחים כה:) שכ' דאף דעל ביאת בהמה א"צ למסור נפשו מ"מ על ביאת זכור צריך למסור נפשו. וכ' בס' שערי קידוש השם (ע' קסו) דנר' דגם דעת הר"ן כן. אבל עיין בערול"נ סנהדרין עד. שכ' דלפמ"ש התוס' יבמות נד: (ד"ה בזכור) בחד תירוצא דזכור ובהמה אינם בכלל היקשא דעריות דה"ה דא"צ למסור נפשו. וע"ע בל' הרמב"ם (הל' איסו"ב פ"א ה"ד, הל' מלכים פ"ט ה"ה) דמוכח מדבריו דזכור ובהמה בכלל עריות הן.
DeletePresumably whether משכב זכור is regarded as עריות vis-a vis the Issur of קריבה לעריות is connected to - if not dependant upon - its status as an ערוה in regard to יהרג ואל יעבור.
DeleteSee Minchas Chinuch 188 who assumes בפשיטות that the איסור קריבה applies to משכב זכר and בהמה as well.
If that is true, than those that don't shake hands with women shouldn't shake hands with men also, etc.
DeleteIn times like ours, there is even an Issur Yichud. Most Chassidishe dormitories observe this Issur and don't allow less than 3 per room on any given night.
DeleteSee Even Haezer Siman 24, and see Chelkas Mechokek there who clearly prohibits lying together even in instances when the Issur Yichud doesn't apply.
I am disgusted by this conversation, which is looking into how people are 'Wired' and otherwise considering various ways of weaseling out of the severity of transgressing on this most serious Issur. The words that come to mind are Rak Ain Yiras Hashem Bamakom Hazeh
humble jew - the Issur of קריבה לעריות technically only applies to something that is דרך חיבה. Hugging a man, for example, is not דרך חיבה for a heterosexual man, but it is דרך חיבה for a homosexual for whom there is erotic pleasure involved.
DeleteFor the record, I am horrified by mishkav zochor, especially in the Holy Land where it is a cause of ejection from Eretz Yisroel as it says in the Torah. I am frightened that Tel Aviv is considered one of the most gay friendly cities in the world. We would be better off trying to stop gay pride parades in Israel than protesting against the draft.
DeleteNevertheless, we can not deny the scientific fact and the reality that some men are born as homosexuals and are unable to marry. The reality is that the sex drive is too strong to control and very few people can remain celibate. Those who don't have control should do the lesser of evils and at least refrain from anal intercourse, which is an issur sekila.הלכה ואין מורין כן
"" you are better off halachically speaking than all the Orthodox Jews you know who do not keep the niddah (menstrual purity) laws.” "
ReplyDeleteHuh? Who are all these droves of Orthodox Jews who don't keep the laws of niddah? Is that a real thing?
Are you trying to tell kivyachol that never mind my kissem bein shinecho (shinay), look what others do, as in til korah mibein einecho (einov) in order to diminish your own responsibilities. Hayitochen? When time comes for reckoning they will ask You, is your answer - but see what others did. That was only good enough in cheider.
ReplyDeleteYes, curious, I know of Rabbis in Vienna who do just that. I know about cases involving gay men who were advised to get married and have children anyway, in the hope they would be 'cured'. Being gay doesn't mean you can't have children, obviously, but any marriage is a sham, it is unsustainable. No such man should be awarded custody of those children. If he deceived her and she was tricked into a sham marriage it adds insult to injury for him to have any claim whatsoever on those poor children brought into the world under false pretenses.
ReplyDeleteI'm having difficulty understanding the connection between Rav Moshe's cited teshuva and the article written by Mr. Benkof.
ReplyDeletePerhaps someone can explain.
Your question NEEDS A THOROUGH DISCUSSION, Visitor. I and R' Tsadok and Kollel nick are trying, in bits & pieces. Personally I'm not so fluent in the sources, and my time is limited, but I can honestly stare down contradictions and have decent knowledge in Jewish theology and contemporary ethics.
DeleteStay posted...
It is advocated in NY NS as well by their rebi, both for homosexuals and lesbians to marry the unsuspecting, and not in the hope of having them cured by marriage. He knows fully well that they all end up in total disasters and deadly results. When confronted, he absolutely refuses to discuss the matter, sending the befallen to those experts that deal in such, since he does not have any expertise in such matters. These same advocates only try to help out those dire and poor grandparents in acquiring grandchildren in order for their family tree to continue. Of course all this with total disregard on an otherwise healthy individual human being. Is it any wonder why they have such burning and scorched burnt hasidims.
ReplyDeleteDo not believe for one moment that they advocate this in the hope and belief they can be cured. Sure, on whose account? At best, it is an experimentation non other than like what Mengele did. Why don't they disclose the issues openly to the spouse in order they have the benefit in making a decision whether they wants to contribute his their lives as a guinea pig for humankind? Would they make such an experiment messing with their own children to gamble with their lives. There have been too many victims nebach with red, black, and blue swollen eyes crying their hearts and soul out in discovering their fate and disaster. Now, that is what you call an abomination, lifnei iver lo siten michshol, man desanei loch lechavrei lo saavid. It is not buyer beware, it is a hidden defect on the unsuspected, lo saamod al dam re'echa, veim lo yagid venoso avono.
DT - could you publish the original Hebrew from R' M?
ReplyDeleteI find his hanging much on what the Umos think fascinating.
>"In fact it is one of the greatest abominations that even the nations of the world know that it is an incomparable abomination. Therefore there is no need for any rationale to explain why it is an abomination that the whole world despises."
Does this mean that today (as per the claims of the author of above article and contemporary psychological views of mental health), we should not see it as "disgusting"???
I remain with my bottom line: The Torah clearly forbids it, along with a number of other practices it calls "to'evah", but it is not at all clear that this term means to make us viscerally demonize those who do it.
The last few generations have indeed spun into very low spiritual depths, but a yid is a yid is a yid, and ahavas Yisroel and the mida of rachmanus and diyun l'kaf zkhus remain major avoida for all of us. Remember the famous remark by R' Moshe that the popular saying that "it's not easy to be a Jew" should end, since it has made too many depressed about successfully navigating their place in observing mitzvos? So too must we reevaluate those remarks of R' Moshe about how to RELATE to the problem of same gender attraction.
Rav Moshe is saying that even the goyim realize it is disgusting unnatural sick behavior. He isn't hanging the case on that. His point remains even if the goyim change their mind and start thinking it is normal and natural.
Delete@yy - why don't you have access to an Igros Moshe - Every shul has a copy?
DeleteI just posted the Hebrew for a second teshuva on the topic.
Rav Moshe is not basing himself on what the goyim think. The begining and end for Rav Moshe is Torah as can be seen in his famous teshuva on artificial insemination after Satmar argued that even the Bishop views it as disgusting.
However when both the Torah and commonsense understanding agree then it is that much more obvious that it is prohibited.
By the way I disagree strongly with your assertion that we must reevaluate these remarks of Rav Moshe. That is simply the Torah's position.
No, DT, it's not so simple
DeleteDT - just had a quick new thought abt your trying to use that extremely era-based tshuva of R' Moshe to give credit to those who want to treat publicly acknowledged sinners of said sin as garbage.
DeleteI recall you doing some posts explaining why the Chofetz Chaiim's major halachic arguments about the issur of anything smacking of lashon ha'ra are not really applicable to our generation - base on citing some gedoilim who didn't hold like him. Right? I'm sorry if I'm not rendering your position exactly (I'm not one for putting in lots of time for researching blogs), so pls clarify if necessary.
The pt is that R'Moshe, like EVERY possek, including the holy Shulkhan Arukh, has aspects of his rulings that meander beyond "pure Torah" and are respectively challenged our circumvented by other poskim. Clearly the above opinion (which went beyond simple halacha) was extremely expressive of a certain social environment wherein indeed homosexuality was by and large perceived as a repulsive deviance.
I believe the strongest argument for lowering the fire on how we relate to the PEOPLE involved in this complex aveira is that there are too many suicides and heavy depressions that are known to affect those who feel they must remain in the closet. Not unlike your concern for the growing news of dangerous mental distress happening to victims of sexual molestation............
Deleteyy you can't be serious?!
@YY - "treat publicly acknowledged sinners of said sin as garbage" - You're quite a skilled "gay" rights propagandist as you invent facts out of thin air to make the "gays" appear as victims. Where did any of the anti-gay rights commenters here ever advocate treating homosexuals as garbage?
Delete"homosexuality was by and large perceived as a repulsive deviance" - So at the present more enlightened time, the unnatural abomination where a male primate mounts another male primate from behind is no longer repulsive and no longer deviant?
" I believe the strongest argument for lowering the fire"
DeleteSorry pal, you lost sight of the Gemara, "Bakol misrapin chutz mishfichas domim, avoda zoro, vegiluy aroyos". All you are proving is that homosexuality is a mental disease. Ever heard of a celibate hetero commiting suicide? And one more thing, toeva is something that is naturally repulsive as nafsho shel odom kotzo bohem for anyone that has his faculties intact. "in cheder the rebi translated to umvirdig, unworthy, doche belashon nekiya" Putting you know what you know where is nauseating for anyone wired correctly. Sorry to bust your balloon, and make sure to lock the closet from the inside with the key intact.
YY Does have a point in that this Teshuva of Rav Moshe's is inherently flawed. It represents a Christianized-European view on homosexuality which was not the norm before the expansion of Christiandom nor is it the norm in non-christianized nations.
DeleteFor instance in Ancient Greece homosexuality was a virtue, in Sparta in particular one was not considered manly if one was overly attracted to women.
In many of the Native American cultures homosexuals served as holy men. They were believed to be especially blessed by the gods.
Homosexual relations are still a major part of the Hindu faith with male temple prostitutes found in abundance in certain districts of India.
The list could go on, but most importantly is that our sages learned out that lesbianism was forbidden under the prohibition of don't do as the Egyptians do... Who were also known to have a prediliction toward homosexuality.
So while certain civilizations now see this as "an incomprable abomination" that is only because of the spread of Christianity in the West and Islam in the East both of which borrowed their sexual mores from Judaism.
Further giving reason for the Torah prohibition in and of itself does not lessen the strength of the prohibition. The Arizal gave us reasons for that and many other Torah prohibitions... Are we going to charge the Ari with weakening those prohibitions.
Finally I want to say that the Ari gave us three different tikkunim for homosexual sins. Rav Chaim Vital mentions numerous times that the Ari only give tikunim for the sins that either Rav Chaim Vital or the other Talmidim of the Ari had been involved in. Now obviously there was true repentance, but it also makes the point that perhaps we should treat those involved in said sin with some dignity.
The post that you requested from Rav Hecht defended Yair Lapid(who has openly said he wants to reduce the number of religious people in Israel) for being a pig eater(also Toeva) because he was the son of a pig eater, and thus was never shown the truth and beauty of Torah.
Now I have to ask, how many of those involved in homosexual behavior today are any better than Yair Lapid? How many blatt of gemarra do you think they have under their belts? If some Talmid Hakham went off the derekh threw aside Torah and took up such a lifestyle, perhaps an argument could be made for not extending them basic human dignity, and distancing oneself. However, that is not the situation with the majority of homosexuals, even Jewish homosexuals. Most, especially today, were raised in an atmosphere of acceptance of said behavior. Which is pretty much the reality for anyone born after the sexual revolution and not raised frum.
DT - I'm glad to tickle you, but your response is hardly to the pt.
DeleteSeriously now, I'm not one of those polemicists who hang out on your blog awaiting an opportunity to make a splash. I'm an educated thinker and deeply committed to Toras Chaiim and ahavas Yisroel. I'm simply asking you a question: DON'T YOU SEE THE STRIKING CULTURAL-ROOTED EMOTIONALISM IN THAT TSHUVA? AND HAVEN'T YOU ATTEMPTED TO SIDESTEP SOME OF THE CC'S EXPLICIT ISSURIM ON LH"R BY EXPLAINING HIS "SHITA" AS NOT SO RELEVANT TO OUR TIMES?
Again, I apologize if I got you wrong. I don't have the time or nerves to sift thru all your stuff. I just pop in here and think out carefully what I know, and offer perspective. So if you can stop your insulting chuckle and just answer - I think many would appreciate it.
Again, to make no mistake - I am NOT looking to apologize for those who indulge in these G-d awful aveiras. But I AM looking to not throw the baby out with the bathwater; the growing need of yidden afflicted by these tayvos
to be encouraged and respected for their desire to embrace yiddishkeit as much as possible.
If we didn't know of cases like this author who is genuinely struggling to get inside and thrive in the world of Halacha, I would be keeping as much distance as possible from such discussions.
EmesLeYaacovApril 30, 2014 at 3:43 PM
Delete@YY - "treat publicly acknowledged sinners of said sin as garbage" - You're quite a skilled "gay" rights propagandist as you invent facts out of thin air to make the "gays" appear as victims. Where did any of the anti-gay rights commenters here ever advocate treating homosexuals as garbage?
Have you read your own comments? You have argued denying people employment in the secular(non-religious) sector based on sexual orientation. You wrote that a bill, which would do nothing more than put legislative weight and definitive punishment for behavior the Supreme Court has ruled was unconstitutional for 150yrs was, No decent person, Jew or gentile, should be involved in promoting the "gay" cause or promoting any of their homo-fascist legislation designed to uproot the foundations of civilization and crush the legal and religious rights of Biblical heterosexuals.
Yet you have yet to show a single thing in the bill that would do any of that. How does EEO crush people's legal or religious rights? Denying people work, and thus the ability to make a living based on the actual or perceived sexual preference is treating them like garbage.
"homosexuality was by and large perceived as a repulsive deviance"
Only by those cultures that had embraced Christianity or Islam. As the Western World shrugs off Christianity it also shrugs off the many mores that came with it.
In Sparta one was considered a deviant if one was strongly attracted to women, and thus subject to death or execution. In pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland a man performed certain homosexual acts upon his king once a year as a sign of fealty. Amongst many of the Native American Tribes homosexuals were elevated to the a special status as holy men who were closer to the gods.
Even within Christianized Europe situational homosexuality was often accepted. Winston Churchills quipe about the British Navy being run on, "Rum, sodomy, prayers and the lash". For instance which just a reworking of lines found in many sailor songs about the joys of the sea being, "Rum, Bum and Bacca." With the Buccaneers that served the French and Americans even engaging in gay marriage.
So this so called universal aversion to homosexuality amongst the nations is wishful thinking at best.
However you have yet to demonstrate how treating a homosexual as a human being, and not denying him basic rights somehow tramples Torah.
And one more thing, toeva is something that is naturally repulsive as nafsho shel odom kotzo bohem for anyone that has his faculties intact.
DeleteSo eating pork, shellfish, non-kosher fish, non-kosher fowl, cheeseburgers all these things are naturally repulsive?
Seriously that doesn't make sense. Why would people eat it if it is naturally repulsive?
@Rabbi Tzadok
DeleteYY Does have a point in that this Teshuva of Rav Moshe's is inherently flawed. It represents a Christianized-European view on homosexuality which was not the norm before the expansion of Christiandom nor is it the norm in non-christianized nations.
Rather strange assertion. Namely that in the Muslim Arab world homosexuality was accepted as normal?!
"Homosexuality is illegal in almost all Muslim countries.[85] Same-sex intercourse officially carries the death penalty in several Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, northern Nigeria, Sudan, and Yemen.[86]"
"For instance in Ancient Greece homosexuality was a virtue, in Sparta in particular one was not considered manly if one was overly attracted to women."
Gross oversimplification as seen in this quote from Wikipedia
"The condemnation of anal sex between males, however, predates Christian belief. It was frequent in ancient Greece; "unnatural" can be traced back to Plato.[48]"
In sum, your assertions about the acceptablity of homosexuality in human history is a gross oversimplification as is your assertion that the condemnation of homosexuality is primarily from Christianity. I don't agree with you regarding Rav Moshe's position.
"this Teshuva of Rav Moshe's is inherently flawed. It represents a Christianized-European view on homosexuality which was not the norm before the expansion of Christiandom nor is it the norm in non-christianized nations.
"Seriously that doesn't make sense. Why would people eat it if it is naturally repulsive?"
DeleteKama tshuvot bedavar. Kotso is hen mitsad atsmo, vehen mipnei shetiavti lach and here are some examples.
Al teshaktsi et nafshotechem bechol hasherets hashorets. It is similar to rak chazak levilti achol hadam... lo tochlenu lemaan yitav lach;
Makot (kuf gimmel): im hadam shenafsho shel adam kotse mimenu, and still there are those that eat it.
Lo tochal kol toeva, harei davar shetiavti lach. Mashal leben melech sheichulihu davar maus sheein omed bemeav ela makio. (muktsa machmat mius mitsad atsmo)
Pork: Al yomar adam nafshi kotso bebasar chazir, aval yomar efshi umah eeseh vavi shebashamayim gazar alav. (muktsa mipne shetiavti lach)
Daniel :8, "Vayosem Doniel al libo asher lo yisgoal bepas bag hamelech". (muktsa mipne shetiavti lach)
Mishkav Z: Ask any hetero, and will tell you that only the thought of it turns their stomach and feel like to puke.
(nafsho shel adam kotse mimenu)
Rabbi MT,
DeletePlease show - if you can - where Chazal or any of the classical Mefarshim explain לא תאכל כל תועבה to refer to "pork, shellfish, non-kosher fish, non-kosher fowl". The Gemara and Sifri (cited by Rashi) explain it to refer to a food which is a RESULT of a תועבה having occurred - בשר בחלב which has been cooked together, or a בכור which was purposefully blemished with a מום. These 2 Issurim - cooking בשר בחלב and inflicting a מום בקדשים, whilst not repugnant, nevertheless share the quality that there is no natural תאוה to do them (there is no תאוה to COOK milk and meat, just to eat it). This tallies with R. Moshe's assertion that a תועבה is something for which there is no natural תאוה - including homosexuality. You cannot ask on R. Moshe from the Christian interpretation of the Possuk - what does that have to do with Torah? (It's also self-defeating. You are accusing R. Moshe of deriving his attitude from a non-Judaic prejudice, and your proof against him suffers from the same malady!)
Chaim Try Rashi on Dvarim 14:3. Yes he gives two examples, being a blemished firstborn and basar b'chalav. However, if you have done your leg work, you will know that the world תועבה is not used in relation to any of the three pasukim that deal with basar b'chalav, nor is any of the cognates of it's root תעב. Further the third pasuk, Dvarim 14:21 also gives us a prohibition against Neveila.
DeleteOne is left to conclude from simple logic that Rashi was intending all forbidden foods.
Gross oversimplification as seen in this quote from Wikipedia
Delete"The condemnation of anal sex between males, however, predates Christian belief. It was frequent in ancient Greece; "unnatural" can be traced back to Plato.[48]"
Wikipedia? Really?!?!?! Did you know that subject matter experts are prohibited from posting on Wiki? Wikil is group source... which means as long as you can generate a majority for your view on the discussion page it becomes the Wiki truth.
I would suggest that you read Greek Homosexuality by K.J Dover, published by Harvard University Press or Homosexuality in Greece and Rome by Thomas K. Hubbard published by University of California Press.
In sum, your assertions about the acceptablity of homosexuality in human history is a gross oversimplification as is your assertion that the condemnation of homosexuality is primarily from Christianity. I don't agree with you regarding Rav Moshe's position.
I didn't expect that Rav Moshe had much in the way of contact through his life with Islamic ideas and ideals. But even if you are to take Islam into account you are talking another religion which borrowed wholesale its sexual mores from Judaism.
The basis of Rav Moshe's teshuva is that this is a no brainer that all the world sees this as an incomparable abomination and always has. That assertion simply does not hold up to any kind of scrutiny.
@Tzadok - "Teshuva of Rav Moshe's (Feinstein ZT"L) is inherently flawed. It represents a Christianized-European view on homosexuality" -
DeleteTzadok's denigration of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT"L demonstrates Tzadok's great ignorance and arrogance. In fact Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT"L is presenting the Torah viewpoint while it is Tzadok who has morphed into a "gay" rights activist weakening the prohibition of homosexual abominations on this blog.
"The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality."
Rabbi Tzadok at this point I don't see what you are trying to prove. That Rav Moshe did not read academic works about homosexuality? I don't think anyone disagrees with that. Rav Moshe's sources are Jewish - the point that he makes about homosexuality being viewed as an abomination - even by goyim - is from Jewish sources and these are Jewish sources from both the Christian and Moslem worlds.
DeleteYour concern with the world to'eiva is interesting but you are ignoring the quote from Rabbi Norman Lamm who says the same thing and he is not a daas yachid.
Regarding your academic or secular sources - establishing whether goyim viewed homosexuality as disgusting and whether this view has been stable throughout history and communities. It is a complex issue and depends upon what source you use and how you interpret them.
The Greek relationship to boys is not simply that homosexual relations were idealized - after all what were Plato and Aristotle disagreeing about. Questions in academic discussion as to whether the bond between a man and a boy was sexual or emotional in Greece - further blurs this issue.
Were there - are there socieities where homosexuality is viewed as an abomination? No question about that. What if 3% of the population in those societies had homosexual relationships - does that mean it was not viewed as an abomination? In those societies if it were officially an abomination but we find that it was practicsed in secret - such as Western society until very recently - does that mean that it is not viewed as an abomination?
In sum, there are many ways of dealing with this question. But your attempt to discredit Rav Moshe's view is not acceptable. Rav Moshe - like rabbis throughout the ages was faced with a simple question. He answered that question. His answer does not involve any chidushim from the Torah point of view. The fact that there are some Jewish sources that take a less strident view - doesn't change that the mainstream view and the one that has been given publicly throught the ages is that expressed in Rav Moshe's teshuvos.
While you are at it you might explain why the Shulchan Aruch says that zera l'vatala is the worst sin possible? And this is based on a Zohar. and you might want to add the Rambam's view expressed in his commentary to Sanhedrin 7:4. It is clear that the Rabbis have unanimously asserted that homosexual relations are prohibited as is the zera l'vatala associated with these relations. I am not sure why you think it is important to publicly dispute the unanimous view of gedolim.
Rabbi Tzadok at this point I don't see what you are trying to prove.
DeleteI guess you got hung up on the Rav Moshe thing and thus missed it in my initial comment. So here it goes again. That, currently, the whole world doesn't consider homosexuality an incomprable abomination and that pretty much anyone born after 1970 and not raised frum was probably brought up with the idea that homosexuality was a permitted lifestyle choice. Therefore we should not treat homosexuals poorly or in a discriminatory manner.
Your concern with the world to'eiva is interesting but you are ignoring the quote from Rabbi Norman Lamm who says the same thing and he is not a daas yachid.
I'm sorry but I don't see that Rav Lamm and Rav Moshe are saying the smae thing. Rav Moshe is saying that toeva, and most specifally homosexuality, is an incomparable abomination because the even the nations see it that way. Rav Lamm says that all things(which would include eating milk and meat together for instance) that the Torah calls toevah are disgusting, because the Torah says so and it doesn't matter what the nations think.
In other words according to Rav Lamm the world may love cheeseburger even to the point that a certain french chef sells his cheesburgers for $500, and the New York Times may have made homosexuality into a virtue again. However both those things are abominations simply because the Torah says so. Secular culture may be so upside down that such truths are only learned from Torah.
I'm sorry but I don't see that Rav Moshe's view that we simply follow along with the nations, and learn from them the severity of sins is in any way the unanimous view of Gedolim.
So what is my point? Well as YY put it above I AM looking to not throw the baby out with the bathwater; the growing need of yidden afflicted by these tayvos to be encouraged and respected for their desire to embrace yiddishkeit as much as possible. In short that denying those trapped in these sins basic human dignity and respect, will never allow us to show them the Torah perspective on their sin.
While you are at it you might explain why the Shulchan Aruch says that zera l'vatala is the worst sin possible? And this is based on a Zohar.
Gladly. Please see here:
EmesLeYaacovMay 1, 2014 at 11:02 AM
DeleteTzadok's denigration of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT"L
Wow what an ad hom... and not even true. I hold Rav Moshe Feinstein ZTzUK"L in the highest regard. That doesn't mean that every teshuva that he wrote is necessarily 100% accurate.
I don't believe that we learn Torah from the nations. "If a person tells you there is Torah among the nations do not believe him"(Eicah Rabba 2:13) We do not learn that homosexuality is an abomination because the nations say so, we know it is because the Torah says so... end of story.
Tzadok who has morphed into a "gay" rights activist weakening the prohibition of homosexual abominations on this blog.
Again with an untrue ad hom. You wish to strip away a person's right to gainful employment based on real or percieved sexual preference. Where does the Torah say to deny a man gainful employment? Even the Chafetz Chaim that you brought doesn't say that.
How have I weakened the prohibition? It is forbidden because Torah says so. It(along with a number of other things) is an abomination? Why? Because the Torah says so... Not because the nations say so. Quite the opposite, if it is only because the nations say so.. then very soon it won't be an abomination. Rather because the Torah says so it is abomination forever.
Why is it that every time you are refuted in your own sources you resort to an ad hom? How ridiculous. I'm sorry the Chafetz Chaim doesn't say what you want him to say... grow up and get over it.
Rabbi Tzadok wrote: "I'm sorry but I don't see that Rav Moshe's view that we simply follow along with the nations, and learn from them the severity of sins is in any way the unanimous view of Gedolim."
DeleteI don't agree that is what Rav Moshe is saying. Rav Moshe is saying in addition to the absolute Torah prohibition even the goyim recognize that it is wrong.
Furthermore contrary to your assertion - the Western world has not universally accepted homosexuality as a legitimate life style.
2 years ago this poll found that 54% of adults in U.S. found it to be morally acceptable. But only 49% of males. only 41 % of Protestants and 36% of Republicans. And therefore we should simple give up on the Torah idea that it not only wrong but abominable?! Would you agree that Rav Moshe is still valid for Protestants and Republicans and most males?
In frum neighborhoods the percentages are obviously different. So at most you can say that due to the increasing acceptance of homosexuality and in some places the full acceptance of homosexuality as well as the legal acceptance of homosexuality - it is important to know how and when to express the Torah viewpoint when in contact with those who accept it.
If your point is that screaming at homosexuals and calling them garbage is not a useful behavior - I think we would have common ground - but it really is a pragmatic question - one which applies to many transgressions including Shabbos, adultery, etc etc. Rav Moshe would agree with the view expressed here by Orchos Tzadikim - as he expressed in the Igros Moshe regarding a community that is dependent on one man - who is marry to a non-Jew.
Orchos Tzadikim (#24): And a man may flatter his wife for the sake of domestic tranquility. He may flatter his creditor so that he won’t pressure him to repay the loan. And he may also flatter his teacher in order that he will teach him Torah. It is a great mitzva to flatter one’s students and friends in order that they will learn and pay attention to what he says and accept his chastisement regarding observing mitzvos. In fact he may flatter any person that he thinks that flattery will draw the other person closer to him so that the other person will pay attention to what he says regarding observing mitzvos. In other words if he were to go to the other with anger the other person would not listen to him but if he uses flattery then his chastisement will be accepted – in such a case it is a great mitzva to flatter the other person in order to bring out the precious from the debased. That is because there are people who will not accept rebuke with scolding but only if it is done gently as it says in Koheles (9:17), “The words of the wise are heard in quiet more than the shouting of him who rules among fools.” However there are times when it is necessary to scold as it says in Mishlei (17:10), A reproof enters more into a wise man than a hundred blows into a fool. And there are even times when it is necessary to use a lashing as it says in Mishlei (19:29). "And stripes for the back of fools". Sometimes even a lashing will not help as it says in Mishlei (17:10), A reproof enters more into a wise man than a hundred blows into a fool. If so what should be done with him? There is nothing that will correct him so he should be driven away.
In sum, Rav Moshe is expressing how the Torah feels about homosexuality - how you relate to homosexuals on a day to day basis is not the same issue.
Daas TorahMay 1, 2014 at 2:49 PM
DeleteI don't agree that is what Rav Moshe is saying. Rav Moshe is saying in addition to the absolute Torah prohibition even the goyim recognize that it is wrong.
Ok I stand corrected
Furthermore contrary to your assertion - the Western world has not universally accepted homosexuality as a legitimate life style.
That wasn't my assertion. My assertion was that amongst those born post 1970 the majority see it as morally acceptable. The very poll that you cite says that among those 18-35 the numbers show that those who think it is morally acceptable is 65%. Therefore the up and coming generation of non-Torah observant Jews(who I would suspect fall into that 84% of non-Christians that find homosexuality morally acceptable) are not going to inherently intuit that homosexuality is a sin, much less that is something they should consider disgusting. Therefore extending respect and human dignity becomes a necessity.
If your point is that screaming at homosexuals and calling them garbage is not a useful behavior - I think we would have common ground
That has been precisely my point. Some of the other commentors don't seem to comprehend that.
In sum, Rav Moshe is expressing how the Torah feels about homosexuality - how you relate to homosexuals on a day to day basis is not the same issue.
GREAT!!! I agree 100%. However those two issues have been continuously conflated here.
Excuse me for my late entry into this debate. From the recent exchanges, it seems as though Ramatz is saying one thing, and he is being accused of something different. RMF's teshuva was obviously opposed to homosexuality. That is clear from the Torah's prohibition. It hardly needs to be clarified. The point that Ramatz seems to be making is that in one aspect of the Teshuva, there is an empirical inaccuracy. This could be said about many Teshuvos, e.g. the one on smoking, also by RMF. In Britain, for example, it was illegal until relatively recently, and being "openly gay" could result in a prison sentence. However, in other societies, whether current or historical, it was not so taboo. Since RMF ztl was European, his worldview was also to some extent European (Ashkenaz). The fact, by the way, that it is or was more permitted in other societies, does not make an iota of difference to what the Torah says. In fact, the Torah tells us precisely to avoid the immoralities of the nations whose land we inherited.
DeleteThis is not to chas v'shalom criticise RMf, or khalila to condone mishkav zachar. It is to point our that Ramatz is being accused of both of these, when in fact he is doing neither.
A quick story I heard from a British philosopher. When he was a student in Cambridge university, he had a girlfriend, and at that time it was "assur" to have women in men's dorms. His flatmate found some woman's clothes, and reported him. The philosopher, had to see a senior Dean of the university, and knew that if he admitted having a woman in his dorm, he could be expelled. When asked who the clothes belonged to, he said they were his. No disciplinary action was taken.
I think what this highlights is that within Orthodoxy, the fear of any pre-marital contact with women is so extreme, that homosexuality is in fact indulged and engendered by the Rabbinical system.
EmesLeYaacovMay 1, 2014 at 11:02 AM
Delete"The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality."
You keep repeating this line, and inferring that it means how we would relate to homosexuals on a day to day basis, which as Rav Eidensohn has said above is a separate issue and not addressed in this Teshuva.
Now let us look at Rav Moshe in context:
The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality. First of all by raising the question as to why the Torah prohibited it. This itself is a great evil and it weakens the prohibitions to the wicked with this disgusting lust.
In essence the idea of looking for a logical reason to prohibit homosexuality they are weakening the prohibition. Why? Because if you can find a logical reason that logic can be abrogated or circumvented. Again we see this with other things the Torah calls Toevah that wicked people want to tell us are fine to do these days... such as eating milk and meat together. They come up with some twisted logic about living in the dessert and lack of refrigeration and suddenly they say that these things don't apply anymore.
To this end Rav Moshe continues:
Furthermore the answer - given in this manuscript to this question - is that the prohibition is in order to ensure that men will marry women and fulfill the obligation to have children.
See he shows their twisted logic. They seek to undermine the actual prohibition by saying that it was only to ensure maximum fertility(usually with the caveat that this was needed at the time because the Jewish people were so small). Not only is this contextually logically flawed(why would one then be forbidden from marrying a woman and her sister), but it seeks to take a Torah prohibition from being an eternal chok, to being shaat dachak.
Simply the wickedness of these people is seen in this with the arguments that follow. In those far off days when there were just a few human being roaming the earth and the Jewish people were so small(most of these nuts don't accept that there were 600,000 Jews at Sinai), they instituted this so ensure maximum fertility... yada yada with the stupidity. Then comes the real point, however today, when we are facing global over population(still don't get that one) and there are so many Jews ect... Well you see where this wicked line of thought will end. Namely in saying that a Torah prohibition is outdated and unnecessary chas V'Shalom(much like they have argued with milk and meat, pork, ect). Its all shtut.
However Rav Moshe is not saying that treating homosexuals decently is in any way weakening the Torah prohibition. Nice try but no dice.
Eddie is backMay 1, 2014 at 3:51 PM
DeleteExcuse me for my late entry into this debate. From the recent exchanges, it seems as though Ramatz is saying one thing, and he is being accused of something different.
Eddie thank you for taking the time to read my comments, and try to understand their intent.
I think what this highlights is that within Orthodoxy, the fear of any pre-marital contact with women is so extreme, that homosexuality is in fact indulged and engendered by the Rabbinical system.
I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with this.
DT wrote: In sum, Rav Moshe is expressing how the Torah feels about homosexuality - how you relate to homosexuals on a day to day basis is not the same issue.
DeleteRabbi Tzadok replied:
GREAT!!! I agree 100%. However those two issues have been continuously conflated here.
Ok now that we are both talking about the same thing i.e., we are talking about the pragmatic rules of everyday interaction - what if you live in a close knit Orthodox community i.e., Meah Shearim, Beitar, Boro Park, Williamsburg. You have the political pull not to be punished for refusing employment etc to an openly gay person - would you hire, associate, be friendly etc etc with him?
What if the gay person is a former (present?) Satamar and you feel that giving harsh rebuke like the Orchos Tzadikim you think he will stop being openly gay in your frum community. - would you do it? Or would you say that since the world has changed and 85 % of non religious people don't see it as immoral you would not strongly rebuke him?
Would you invite an openly gay couple to a family simcha - where they will make sure everyone knows that they are proud to be gay? Would you hire an openly gay teacher for your yeshiva where he will explain the "mature" way of understanding same sex marriage to his English or Chemistry class?
In sum, I am saying that how to interact on a day to day basis is entirely a pragmatic issue based on what is good for the Jewish community. The Torah view is in no way modified because of the standards of the non-Jewish and non-frum world. The issue of hard wired not hard wired etc etc is not relevant to the pragmatic issue - accept in terms of the likelihood of changing their view or at least getting gay people not to express their feelings to the same sex. It is a question of chanufa - not truth.
You have the political pull not to be punished for refusing employment etc to an openly gay person - would you hire, associate, be friendly etc etc with him?
DeleteSee no reason not to. I'm not afraid of some sort of contamination, and quite the opposite in fact. I believe that the truth is the best cure of all sorts of sheker, including that homosexuality is moral.
What if the gay person is a former (present?) Satamar and you feel that giving harsh rebuke like the Orchos Tzadikim you think he will stop being openly gay in your frum community. - would you do it?
Of course. A person who grew up in the bosom of Torah is without excuse.
Would you invite an openly gay couple to a family simcha - where they will make sure everyone knows that they are proud to be gay?
Would I... I don't know... However my own Rabbanim have... One of the ladies did Teshuva not long after.
Would you hire an openly gay teacher for your yeshiva where he will explain the "mature" way of understanding same sex marriage to his English or Chemistry class?
Of course not. As a religious school, where our job is to see that truth is instilled into the children, there is no place for such a thing. As a religious institution it is also protected from certain EEO laws, and would be exempt from any obligation to hire such a person, and they would have a moral obligation not to hire such a person.
In sum, I am saying that how to interact on a day to day basis is entirely a pragmatic issue based on what is good for the Jewish community. The Torah view is in no way modified because of the standards of the non-Jewish and non-frum world. The issue of hard wired not hard wired etc etc is not relevant to the pragmatic issue - accept in terms of the likelihood of changing their view or at least getting gay people not to express their feelings to the same sex. It is a question of chanufa - not truth.
Again I see no major point of disagreement here. We certainly do not put the individual above the community.
All I am saying is that considering the shifting mores in the secular world, we probably shouldn't scream at Jews were raised secular/reform/conservative who have these corrupted mores taught to them. That will not bring them close to Torah.
Likewise if such a person were to walk in off the street asking for a job(and let's be honest unless they are wearing a t-shirt that says "gay and proud" or out right tells you for some reason, you are simply assuming based on how they dress/act which itself is a problem) and you say get out queer, the Torah says what you do in abomination... Quite honestly they are probably going to think you are a religious(or conservative) nut and simply walk away, and be less likely to hear what Torah has to say... I don't see that being an ideal.
Now likewise if said gay person were to start to evangelize for their lifestyle in your place of business or even express their activism of gay rights there, you would have every legal and moral right to fire them.
we seem to be in basic agreement - we are dealing with the issue pragmatically with the belief that homosexual behavior is absolutely prohibited by the Torah. Thus it is similar to the question of people who drive their cars through frum neighborhoods on Shabbos. Should they be yelled out or invited in for a Shabbos meal.
DeleteIt depends not only on the situation but on the person. Clearly your rebbeim have a greater flexibility to handle the situation then you do. Would you want situations where you had to explain to your 7 year old children about homosexual relationships?
What if you were asked to rent a room or apartment to a gay couple?
What if you were the menahel of a yeshiva - would you accept a child who had two (or 3) mommys or daddys or was conceived by an unmarried woman through artificial insemination from a friend -and everyone in yeshiva knew about it?
All of these are pragmatic questions which do not need to concern themselves regarding the percentage of secular society that accepts homosexual behavior nor whether homosexuality is genetic or hardwired.
All that matters is the price you would be paying for the interaction versus the possible benefit the gay or lesbian Jew might get.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteSorry for the delay in replying to your post. I can't work out what you are trying to say. Rashi, based on Chazal, went out of his way in order to explain the Possuk as referring to 2 specific Issurim. It is plain wrong,and against any "simple logic", to suggest otherwise. I stand by my question: show me any statement of Chazal or the classical Mefarshim - not your own etymological ideas - which understands the Possuk to refer to eating non-kosher animals, like the Christians do. Rambam (Sefer HaMitzvos Lav in 140, Hil. Pesulai HaMukdashin 18:3-5) writes explicitly that the Possuk ONLY refers to eating an animal which was intentionally blemished.
There is, actually, a Tanna who learns that the Possuk refers to ANY איסור אכילה - namely, R' Meir in Avoda Zara 66a. But since we do not pasken like R' Meir, and we hold like the חכמים that different Issurim are not מצטרף, then להלכה it is clear that we hold like Rashi and the Rambam, that the Possuk does NOT refer to non-kosher animals.
Chaim you and I once again find ourselves learning Rashi in different ways. I learn Rashi stam. You learn Rashi in light of the Rambam. However it is clear that Rashi and the Rambam disagree on this posuk. The Rambam as you said writes that in his view the the posuk ONLY refers to eating an animal which is intentionally blemished.
DeleteRashi on the other hand gives two examples, one of a blemish and another of basar b'chalav. So we see here that they disagree. However, it is also apparent that Rashi is quoting the Gemarra in Hulin 114b:(which is Rav Ashi's view not Rav Meir's) where he says that every "Do not eat" statement is what this refers to. For further confirmation that this is Rashi's actual intent see his comments regarding this on Hulin 114b כל שתעבתי לך: כל שאסרתי לך לתעבו ולהתרחק ממנו. Everything that I have made abominable to you: everything that I have made forbidden to you to despise it and distance from it
While you are there see Rabbeinu Gershom: כל מקום שנאמר לא יאכל לא תאכל לא תאכלו וכו' והכא בשר בחלה כתיב לא תאכל כל תואבה, Every place that it says he shall not it, you shall(singular) not eat, you(plural) shall not eat ect and here regarding Basar B'Chalav it is written about you shall not eat any abomination
Other meforshim... Let me open up my Mikraot Gedolot and we have Ibn Ezra: כל תועבה: כל דבר שהוא נתעב לנפש הטהורה כמו שרץ הארץEvery abomination: Everything that is abominable to a pure soul, like a sheretz.
Or let's see the Ramban: לא תאכל כל תועבה. הנה רוצה להוסיף ביאור במאכלים האסורים, לכך אמר לא תאכל כל תועבה, להגיד כי כל הנאסרים נתעבים לנפש לנפש הטהורה , Do not eat any abomination. Here it wants to add an explanation of forbidden foods, therefore it says do not eat any abomination, to say that all forbidden[foods] are abominable to a pure soul.
So that gives us Rashi on the Pasuk, Ibn Ezra on the Posuk, the Ramban on the posuk, the gemarra in Chullin, Rashi on the Gemarra, and Rabbeinu Gershom on the Gemarra.
Simply what I am trying to say is that you misunderstood the Rashi, and that the gemarra and Rov Rishonim hold the way I do... I would keep going but I need to prepare for Shabbat.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteSorry for the weekend hiatus. I was thinking about your post. Although your comments about Rashi (both in Chumash and on the Gemara) and Rabbeinu Gershom are erroneous, your citation of the Ibn Ezra and Ramban are an eye-opener. You successfully called my bluff. It seems that there is indeed a Machlokes among the Rishonim as to whether this Issur refers to Tamei animals or only to the specific Issurim outlined in the Gemara and Sifrei. I decided to investigate this, and found that there are many more Rishonim on both sides of the issue. The Chinuch (Mitzvah 469), for example, is explicit in understanding that this Issur refers to all the מאכלות אסורות. The Sefer HaBatim, on the other hand, follows Rambam and restricts it to פסולי המוקדשין. I wrote the whole thing up and have sent it to Rabbi Eidensohn.
It is important to note that the Abarbanel writes explicitly that תועבה does NOT refer to something physically disgusting - see there.
Anyway, thank you for being מעמיד me on the אמת.
Although your comments about Rashi (both in Chumash and on the Gemara)
DeleteI would suggest that you see then the Artscroll translation of the Rashi on Humash with their explanatory notes. They read the Rashi the way that I do... I am assuming that the Kollel of talmidei hakhamim that they have doing their translations and explanatory notes know what they are talking about.
I also suggest that you see the Rabbeinu Chaim HaLevy on the Rambam who says that Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam hold like Rabbi Meir in Avodah Zarah and only disagree on whether the issur needs to be noticeable.
You can continue to claim that my readings are erroneous but you have yet to demonstrate how. Further when the Artscroll reads and explains Rashi that way, you have an uphill battle in trying to show that it is my reading and not your own that is erroneous.
I meant to add that if you want a copy, ask Rabbi E and I am sure that he will send it to you!
DeleteRabbi MT,
DeleteI looked in the Artscroll, and was not surprised to see that they explain Rashi exactly like I did (note 9): "The general rule taught by the verse is that anything which becomes fit to be eaten through the violation of one of the laws of the Torah may not be eaten." Does a rabbit "fit to be eaten through the violation of one of the laws of the Torah"?
I don't have time to look at R' Chaim at the moment, but it doesn't make much difference. In my monograph (available to you via Rabbi E) I bring that the Yereim and the Riaz pasken like R' Meir and argue on the Rambam who holds like the Chachamim. Nevertheless, we pasken in Shulchan Aruch (Yore Deah end of 98) like the Rambam and not like R' Meir.
I claim defeat - it might not be possible to demonstrate to you that your reading of Rashi and Rabbeinu Gershom is erroneous. Any source I cite will appear to you as if it is supporting YOUR position, and then I will find myself pitted against a mysterious band of Talmidei Chachamim! An uphill battle indeed.
Have a nice day...
DeleteYou are moving the goal posts. First you said that all the Rishonim held like the Rambam that this posuk only referred to a first born that had been intentionally blemished. When I pointed out that Rashi said For instance you somehow decide to ignore the for instance and attempted to say that it only applied to Basar B'Chalav and intentionally blemished first born.
Now that you see that the Artscroll is taking the shitta of the Pnei Yehoshua and interpreting Rashi according to Tosefot's kushiyot(particularly on A"Z 66) you say that Rashi intended to mean any forbidden preparation. So as far as your Rabbit... I suppose that if said Rabbit were nishchat, and salted and washed, and not cooked with cheilev or any dairy product... then perhaps according to Tosefot said Rabbit wouldn't fall into the parameters of this possuk.
Now you have said that it is Rabbi Meir against the Hakhamim... I am waiting to see that in the Mishnah. In the particular passage that we have in A"Z it is a dispute between Rabba(an earlier sage) and Abaye(a later sage) with Abaye taking the position of Rabbi Meir and thus the halakha being like Abaye and thus Rabbi Meir(for why that is so please see Rabbi Shmuel HaNagid's introduction to the Gemarra found in the back of Berakhot).
Likewise in Chulin we have Rabbi Meir's opinion being voiced as halakha by none other than Rav Ashi(so again making it halakha).
I don't have time to look at R' Chaim at the moment
Sad...There you will see that Rabbein Chaim, fisrt parses the positions of Rashi and R"T, and then says that even though the Rambam dosn't hold like Rabbi Meir(pretty obvious from the Yad and so forth of the Rambam's that you quoted above) that the Rambam's position is identicle to Rabbi Meir's. But I will leave that for you when you find the time.
the Yereim and the Riaz pasken like R' Meir and argue on the Rambam who holds like the Chachamim.
So the Yereim and the Riaz were ignorant in how to read a gemarra? They didn't know the basics in how to parse a gemarra as Rabbi Shmuel HaNagid had written centuries before?
When you say Rabbi Meir against the Hakhamim, you are saying that there is a Mishnah somewhere(which you haven't come up with yet) in which the Hakhamim rule against Rabbi Meir... Where is that Mishnah? See in both instances that this is brought(as halakha) in the Gemarra they are bringing a Baraitta, which means it's not part of the Mishna... and thus this disagreement that you imagine doesn't exist. We are only left with Abaye and Rav Ashi bringing it as halakha without opposition. That is the first difficulty you haven't been able to answer up.
Second you say my reading of Rashi on the Gemarra is erroneous. Please then tell me how when Rashi writes : כל שתעבתי לך: כל שאסרתי לך לתעבו ולהתרחק ממנו. Everything that I have made abominable to you: everything that I have made forbidden to you to despise it and distance from it
DeleteThat everything means something other than everything...
Nevertheless, we pasken in Shulchan Aruch (Yore Deah end of 98) like the Rambam and not like R' Meir.
Where exactly does the Shulhan Arukh quote the Rambam here? The Shulhan Arukh doesn't quote the Rambam in all of siman 98, and those place(the first two seifim) that the B"Y brings him, it is ultimately to disagree with him and hold by Rashi or R"T... So I am left to conclude that you came to this by seeing similarity in opinion between the Rambam and the Shulhan Arukh... That is nice, again I refer you to Rabbein Chaim who writes, דתניא ר''י אומר משום ר''מ מנין לכל איסורין שבתורה שמצאפין זע''ז שנאמר לא תאכל כל תועבה כל שביעבתי לך ה''ה בכל תאכל, וכתב רש''י ז''ל הא מני ר''מ היא ואע''ג דלא שוו לא בשמא ולא בטעמא קאמר מצטרפין ודחזקי' ליתא, והתוס' שם חלקו ע''ז וכתבו דהך דר''מ דמשני הכא לא שייך אלא כשהן בעין , אבל כשהן באין לתבל פשיטא דבאין טעמן שוה לא מצטרפין כיון בא למתק וזה בא לחזק. והנה הרמב''ם לא הביא הך דחזק' , ובע''כ דס''ל כשיטת רש''י דלרבא דמוקי לה כר''מ לא ס''ל כלל הך דחזק' ואף באין טעמן שוה מצטרפין, וע''כ שפיר פסק הכא דמצטרפי', דאע''ג דלא קים לו כר"מ, מ''מ כיון דאיירינן הכא בחד איסורא דטבל, א''כ הא שוה ממש לדר''מ דאף בטעמים חלוקים מצטרפי
So if you are saying that the Shulhan Arukh appears the same as the Rambam in Hilkhot Makhalot Asurot 14:6... that is fine. According to Rabbeinu Chaim his position here is the same as Rashi(who the B"Y does quote on this) which is the same as Rabbi Meir, even though the Rambam doesn't hold by Rabbi Meir.
Rabbi MT,
Delete1. I haven't moved the goal posts - I just told you that you managed to score a few goals! Having seen that I was wrong, I retracted my position, and now concede that a number of Rishonim seem to hold that all מאכלות אסורות are included in the לאו. If you take the trouble to ask Rabbi E for a copy of my monograph, you will see that I have listed these Rishonim. Since then, I have seen that this also seems to be the position of the Zohar (Parshas Shemini 42a).
2. From your rhetoric, I am beginning to understand your position, which I still believe to be wrong. Please try to at least understand my position, although you disagree with me. The Gemara in Chullin, which learns the איסור אכילת בב"ח from this לאו, is interpreting the term תועבה in a different way than do the Ramban, Ibn Ezra etc. The Ramban interprets תועבה as a food which the Torah has already prohibited elsewhere, ie something that is אסור באכילה. The Gemara, though, is dealing with items whose איסור אכילה is not known at all, as is actually learning the איסור אכילה from THIS לאו. What, then, does תועבה mean? It cannot mean "something which is אסור באכילה", like the Ramban, because we do not yet know that בב"ח is אסור באכילה!
3. We must therefore say that the Gemara understands תועבה as the Artscroll on חומש explains: the PRODUCT of the violation of a Torah law. Now this definition does NOT include forbidden animals, because they are not the product of an Issur. I therefore originally reasoned that this Gemara proves that forbidden animals are not included in the לאו. Now that I have seen that there are Rishonim who hold otherwise, I must conclude that they believe that there are 2 levels of interpretation, ie 2 meanings:
(1) Something that is אסור באכילה.
(2) Something that is the product and result of an Issur having been done.
4. This is why I rejected your inferences from Rashi and Rabbeinu Gershom in Chullin. They CANNOT mean to refer to מאכלות אסורות, because it is clear that the Gemara there is not interpreting תועבה in that way. Rashi's term כל שאסרתי לך לתעבו ולהתרחק ממנו MUST mean "any PRODUCT of an ACTION which I have distanced from you", such as בשר בחלב, which the next Rashi goes on to say. [Ie meaning (2) above.] It CANNOT mean "anything that I have not allowed you to eat", because that meaning of תועבה - even if it is also true - is not what the Sugya is discussing.
Delete5. The fact that רש"י על התורה does not say like the Ramban, who gives a simple explanation of תועבה being מאכלות אסורות - which is also supported by the context of the Possuk - but rather gives the rather weird examples of בשר בחלב and בהמה שהטיל בה מום, shows that Rashi understands that the לאו ONLY refers to meaning (2), ie the product of an Issur. This is like the Artscroll says. Otherwise, Rashi should have told us the other explanation as well, since it is much more wide-reaching, as it includes every Ossur food. Your דיוק of why Rashi says כגון is not convincing to me. He just means to give 2 examples of a product of an Issur. If you find anyone who learns Rashi otherwise, tell me!
6. Nevertheless, I fully concede that in the Gemara in Avoda Zara 66a, where the exact same phrase לא תאכל כל תועבה כל שתיעבתי לך הרי הוא בבל תאכל appears in explanation of R' Meir's שיטה, the meaning MUST be like the Ramban - meaning (1), and not like the Gemara in Chullin. This is because the Gemara is understanding תועבה as referring to all מאכלות אסורות, which are being called תועבה merely due to their being אסור באכילה, not because they are the product of any Issur having been done.
7. How, then, can I continue to claim that anyone rejects meaning (1), if it is an explicit Gemara in Avoda Zara? On this I answered that the Gemara is going acc. to R' Meir who holds that כל האיסורים מצטרפין. We do not hold like Rabbi Meir, but like the חכמים who maintain that there is only צירוף if they are שוין בשמא או בטעמא. Thus in Yore Deah (end of 98) we pasken that איסורין מבטלין זה את זה - they even nullify each other, and כל שכן are not מצטרף to prohibit the mixture. This follows the Rambam. So להלכה we don't hold like R' Meir. This is Rashi's position as well. I therefore concluded that the Rishonim who learn that תועבה does not include מאכלות אסורות do so because they do not pasken like R' Meir. I think that even you agree that the Rambam holds that לא תאכל כל תועבה does not refer to forbidden foods, but rather only to פסולי המוקדשין. The Rambam thus goes לשיטתו: since he paskens not like R' Meir, he is at liberty to explain that לא תאכל כל תועבה doesn't refer to מאכלות אסורות.
Delete8. So I am not imagining a disagreement; we clearly do not pasken like R' Meir. It is actually apparent in the Sugya that there is an argument: "הא מני ר' מאיר היא - who is this like? R' Meir" clearly indicates that there is an argument. It is a difficult Sugya ( I think the Chassam Sofer says that it is the MOST difficult Sugya.) The R' Chaim you cite says explicitly like me. He writes that according to Rashi, Chizkia follows R' Meir, and that THEREFORE we don't pasken like Chizkia, ie because we DON'T pasken like R' Meir!
9. But whether you accept my Pshat in the Gemara is irrelevant. At the end of the day, the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, black on white, reject R' Meir's opinion. We are therefore free to say that לא תאכל כל תועבה, according to the חכמים who argue with R' Meir and according to whom the Halacha follows, does not refer to מאלכות אסורות.
The R' Chaim you cite says explicitly like me. He writes that according to Rashi, Chizkia follows R' Meir, and that THEREFORE we don't pasken like Chizkia, ie because we DON'T pasken like R' Meir!
DeleteNo Rabbi Yehuda holds like Rabbi Meir against Chizkia.
9. But whether you accept my Pshat in the Gemara is irrelevant. At the end of the day, the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, black on white, reject R' Meir's opinion. We are therefore free to say that לא תאכל כל תועבה, according to the חכמים who argue with R' Meir and according to whom the Halacha follows, does not refer to מאלכות אסורות.
Again not so. This is why the Ben Ish Hai ruled, אמרינן טעם כעיקר גבי בני נח, וכל דליכא ששים אסור לבני נח, We say that taste is like the substance regarding a Bnei Noah, and everything to which there is not 60 is forbidden to a Ben Noah.(Rav Pealim 3:4 see also Piskei Ben Ish Hai, with the explanation Shaari Shalom who explains that this is according to Rabbi Yochanan against the Rambam).
Further the Shulhan Arukh does not pasken like the Rambam here(if you have Piskei Ben Ish Hai see the notes there), but rather according to the Shu"T of the Rosh who bases himself on two sources, Mishnah Orlah 2:3 and Zevachim 78a.(See above mentioned Shaarei Shalom as well as Shu"T Heikhal Shlomo, and the B"Y 98:9)
Further if you will notice the Shakh(s"k 34) he brings that this is against the shita of the Rema who holds Chaticha Naaseh Neveila by Shaar Issurim. So you say that 98:9 is the Shita of the Rambam(which again that is not what the B"Y says), and so should be halakha... however, we see from the Shakh and the Rema in other places that this only applies to Sephardim who hold strictly by the Mechaber. So then according to the reasoning that you have used, Ashkenazim hold according to Rabbi Meir, and so do all Sephardim who follow the Chida/Ben Ish Hai/Kaf HaChaim. In short unless you are a Chasid of Rav Ovadia ZTzUK"L, you hold by Rabbi Meir.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteI can't make any sense out of what you have written. Let's try one last time before we part ways and agree to differ.
Please answer these 2 questions:
1. Does R' Meir hold that כל איסורים שבתורה מצטרפים זה עם זה?
2. Does the Shulchan Aruch hold that כל איסורים שבתורה מצטרפים זה עם זה?
I would answer yes to question 1 and no to question 2. Do you agree or not?
The only true and correct remedy that can dampen the spread of this sickness is to recriminalize sodomy. Unfortunately in 2004 the US Supreme Court overturned Texas' and the other States sodomy laws that criminalized homosexual relations, even in private. Even when the laws were on the books they didn't carry capital punishment, but had they that would have been most ideal.
ReplyDeleteRav Moshe Feinstein ZT"L: "The wicked had intended to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality."
ReplyDeleteWe see right here on this blog the attempt by certain commenters to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality by using various techniques common in the PC liberal media including:
- making homosexuals victims of the heteros when in fact the opposite is true, ie the homofacist thought police are using police state laws to strip Biblical heterosexuals of their constitutional rights of free speech and free association
- changing the accepted meanings of Biblical translations
- equating homosexuality with transgressions of a far less severe nature nature
- diluting opposition to the PC homosexual agenda by tarring its opponents with asinine charges like "irrational prejudice", "demonization", "hysterical rejection", "homophobes" etc.
The Orthodox sheeple better wake up fast. "Homophobia" is fast becoming the thought crime of the totalitarian future.
Why are you quoting a Conservative Christian site? Even Rav Aryeh Kaplan for his many heterim in kiruv forbade working with conservative christians. Seriously are you Glen Beck's twin pretending to be Jewish?
DeleteNow on to the article you quote. It is inherently logically flawed. He sates:
Those in the Senate touting a bill for gay rights as the latest frontier for civil rights are, in effect, supporting a bill that will end up requiring across-the-board quotas in hiring and will force people to engage in activities against their religious conscience and beliefs.
Previous civil rights bills made it illegal to discriminate against people simply because of who they are, whereas gay rights legislation will punish those who are not withholding services to people based on who they are, but simply wish to refrain from participating in activities they cannot condone.
Two cases illustrate this. One involves a bakery and the other a photographer, local shops declining to accept a job where they would have to attend a gay wedding so as to take pictures or bake the wedding cake. Neither of these businesses would withhold their services from gay people in any other routine circumstance.
He is discussing a bill that would prohibit discrimination in hiring practices, and then claims that one would be forced to be employed(as that is what a Bakery refusing a cake, or a photographer refusing a to take a job) by someone offering employment. Not only is the argument inconsistent, it is a lie.
Here is the text of the legislation that he is discussing:
Notice first section 6, which automatically exempts all religious institutions. So the claim that it would require religious organization to violate their beliefs or strip them of their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of assembly are false.
Please carefully read sections 3 and 4 and you will see that it is only talking about Employers NOT Employees, and defines the latter as those who receive compensation(hence the baker and photographer is once again shown to be false).
Further the article you quote claims that said legislation will impose hiring quotas. Please note section 4 paragraph (f) which specifically states that this bill is not intended to establish quotas and makes it illegal to construe it to be doing so.
- diluting opposition to the PC homosexual agenda by tarring its opponents with asinine charges like "irrational prejudice", "demonization", "hysterical rejection", "homophobes" etc.
When you base your arguments on such false information and sources such as Rabbi Aryeh Spero, you cannot help but be called irrational. When they have to make up lies to make their point, words like "demonization" are very appropriate. Or would you say that that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was not a demonization of Jews?
While we are on the topic of Aryeh Spero, since you seem to be a supporter of his, perhaps you can ask him why he is a regular columnist for WND when they saw fit to publsh this horrendous piece of garbage as truth:
Yet he never raised an objection nor did he distance himself, as you would expect from a Rav. But rather continues to lend them credibility by being a regular contributor.
>"When you base your arguments on such false information and sources such as Rabbi Aryeh Spero, you cannot help but be called irrational. When they have to make up lies to make their point, words like "demonization" are very appropriate."
DeleteKol HaKavod for your balance, RMT
Congratulations Tzadok, I see you've now "progressed" from advancing "agunah" rights to advancing "gay" rights.
DeleteExcept that true to your form, you spew disinformation and falsehoods to attack your opponents. I cited an article by an Orthodox rabbi posted on the CNS News Service that you claim is a "Conservative Christian site".
Exactly where does that site ever make any such claim? http://cnsnews.com/about-us
Rabbi Spero is an Orthodox rabbi opposing PC pro-homosexual legislation that can have devastating effects on business owners, including Orthodox Jewish business owners. Jewish and non-Jewish business owners should not be forced by leftist big government to hire persons openly engaging in behavior that the Torah considers an "incomparable abomination". But it appears that for you, promoting "gay" rights and opposing "homophobia" is a top priority overriding constitutional rights of business owners and overriding Torah law.
Rabbi Spero is an Orthodox rabbi
DeleteUm...no. His continued association with WND, which is proud of it's prosyletizaiton of Jews makes this a highly problematic statement.
PC pro-homosexual legislation that can have devastating effects on business owners, including Orthodox Jewish business owners.
What devastating affects? Please I posted the text of the bill, what devestating affects?
Jewish and non-Jewish business owners should not be forced by leftist big government to hire persons openly engaging in behavior that the Torah considers an "incomparable abomination".
Right and 70yrs ago Ford and A.I. Dupont were saying that they shouldn't have to hire Jews, Blacks and other people that they believed their Bible said were subhuman...
But it appears that for you, promoting "gay" rights and opposing "homophobia"
No... I am promoting equal opportunity employment. I am opposing discrimination based on race, creed, religion or sexual orientation. I believe such things have no place in the work place, unless it is a stated religious institution, and thus one should not be denied opportunity on account of them.
is a top priority overriding constitutional rights of business owners
Where does the constitution say that an employer has the right to not hire you because you are a woman? Because you are black? Because you are a Jew? Or for that matter because you have certain sexual preferences... whatever they are or however odd? It does not. In fact the US Supreme Court, which is ceded the authority to be the final arbiter in all things Constitutional, has ruled for 160yrs that the Constitution does not give that right.
and overriding Torah law.
What Torah law says that a private business owner has the right or responsibility to:
1) Investigate a person's sexuality
2) Discriminate against them by making an assumption as to their sexuality(which is primarily what this law does if you would actually read it).
3) Deny a person employment
Yes homosexuality is a sin. However we have no Sanhedrin, there is nothing that can be done about it. Just because a person sins does not give you the right to treat them like a piece of garbage. Even if there were a Sanhedrin, and we had to kosher eidim saying that saw Ploni sin with another man, what then?
If he repents(and remember he is facing death he would have to be insane not to) we only lash him. Even then we must treat him with dignity. If said man were to foul himself on the way to being lashed, we stop. His embarassment there is enough. Our sages were worried about giving even sinners basic dignity, yet you wish to strip it all away... What a shame.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteSorry, but your last paragraph is against the Halacha. Repentance does not help to acquit oneself of ANY punishment administered by Beis Din, including the death penalty. If somebody who is חייב מיתה repents then he is safe in the next world, but in this world - he is killed.
Sources: Gemara Makkos 13b, Rav Yosef Engel there (Gilyonei HaShas), Teshuvos Noda BiYehuda Kamma Orach Chaim 35 ד"ה אלא שאומר אני, Chasam Sofer to Sanhedrin 37b.
Interestingly, the Chasam Sofer (cited) points out that in Galus, where there is no מיתת בית דין or מלקות, we are paradoxically in a better position vis a-vis Teshuva. This is because nowadays, when there is no capital punishment, Teshuva is capable of effecting a complete atonement.
Chaim, let me rephrase. If he sees that witnesses are preparing to go testify against him, and goes before the B"D and confesses, he is exempt from the death penalty. The gemarras that you brought are dealing with after the court has found him guilty.
DeleteHowever I would argue that given the halakhot regarding Eidut, he would definitely know that witnesses were going to testify against him... So unless he was suicidal(likewise regarding the warnings that they are required to give) he could escape the death penalty.
DT should make a separate post revolving around this powerful thought:
Delete> Just because a person sins does not give you the right to treat them like a piece of garbage (...) Our sages were worried about giving even sinners basic dignity, yet you wish to strip it all away... What a shame.
"Just because a person sins does not give you the right to treat them like a piece of garbage"
DeleteYou need to distinguish between a sinner who acknowledges he sinned and feels ashamed and those that take pride in the sin and insist others respect them because they are proud of what they do.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteSorry, but you are wrong again. The Noda BiYehuda I cited writes explicitly that even if the witnesses only came to Beis Din years after the offender did Teshuva, he still receives the full punishment. So it is not possible to escape the death penalty in the way you describe.
DeleteIf you claim I am wrong now, then it must be put down to the a difference between Sephardi and Ashkenazi understading. That is precisely how I heard it from Rav Moshe Tzedaka at Porat Yosef.
Further that is how it is clearly defined by Rav Avraham Yitzhak Ulman, a member of the Eidah HaChareidit Sephardi, in his הערות והארות found at the end of my Rebbi's(Rav David Kohen Shlit"a) book Yad Kohen on seder Nezikin. My Rebbi also writes this inside in several places in the name of Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul ZTzUK"L(his own Rebbi).
I'm sorry but I cannot see these Rabbanim being "wrong." I can only see this as a different derekh limud that Eliyahu HaNavi will have to straighten out.
Daas TorahApril 29, 2014 at 10:44 AM
DeleteYou need to distinguish between a sinner who acknowledges he sinned and feels ashamed and those that take pride in the sin and insist others respect them because they are proud of what they do.
I don't see why. Treating a person with basic human dignity seems to be the bedrock on helping them to see that they have sinned. As soon as all homosexuals become "homofacists" there is not discussion. Look at what triggered this thread.
Our dear friend, and obvious (extreme)right wing conservative Emes L'Yaakov said regarding commenters who were responding to the very real issues that the OP David Benkof has had to deal and continue to deal with in his struggle at Teshuva and uprightness regarding this sin:
"They cannot change", "wholesale condemning", "homophobes", etc.: YY and Ironheart are both mindlessly parroting the PC homosexual propaganda nonsense designed to kasher male animals (zacharim) engaged in bestial "matings".
@YY - "how utterly crushed, emotionally and spiritually, homosexuals can be by our hysterical rejection" - This is utter PC homosexual nonsense.
We see right here on this blog the attempt by certain commenters to weaken the prohibition of homosexuality by using various techniques common in the PC liberal media including:
- making homosexuals victims of the heteros when in fact the opposite is true, ie the homofacist thought police are using police state laws to strip Biblical heterosexuals of their constitutional rights of free speech and free association
- changing the accepted meanings of Biblical translations
- equating homosexuality with transgressions of a far less severe nature nature
- diluting opposition to the PC homosexual agenda by tarring its opponents with asinine charges like "irrational prejudice", "demonization", "hysterical rejection", "homophobes" etc.
If such vitriol is generated toward a fellow Jew who is trying(and apparently doing)to live by Torah how can you expect others to even make the attempt? Ok sure they should be Tzadikim and simply follow Torah because it is the word of G-d, however we have a kiruv movement because many Jews(perhaps even a majority of Jews) aren't intrinsically on that level and need someone to show them the beauty of Torah. Comments like these do the exact opposite.
Certainly their must be distinction between Baalei Tshuva a prideful sinners. Kol sh'ken we need to actively repel those seeking to honored those who choose to sin.
DeleteBut treating them like garbage, or whatever other form of personal degradation you can come up with, is a whole other story
Jewish and non-Jewish business owners should not be forced by leftist big government to hire persons openly engaging in behavior that the Torah considers an "incomparable abomination".
DeleteThe Torah doesn't say that. Rav Moshe wrote that that was how the goyim viewed it(and we can debate on whether such a view was modern Euro-centric or not).
The Torah, the one Moshe Rabbeinu A"H received from Sinai called several things תועבה which I will gladly accept as being translated abomination. It called Avodah Zarah abomination. Should we be able to discriminate against Seikhs, Hindus, Shintos ect. because of their religious choice? If we can discriminate against them what is to keep others from discriminating against us?
It calls eating certain forms of fowl, beasts and all shellfish abomination. Should we thus be allowed to investigate a person's diet before hiring them? If then we can discriminate against people for their diet, what is to stop others from discrinating against us for our diet? Further why is there a post on this blog defending a pork eater, the son of a pork eater(two full generations of abomination there) and yet you don't have the same vitriol for that?
It is not about "Big Government" imposing anything. It is about the simple fact that the point of the US Constitution, and the rights guaranteed therein is to protect the minority from discrimination by the majority.
you're doing great. RMT
Delete@YY - "you're doing great. RMT (ie Tzadok)" - Tzadok is doing great at distorting and falsifying Torah law while smearing his opponents with false charges, as Chaim, Stan, myself, and many other commenters have pointed out on this blog.
Delete(Tzadok) - "very real issues that the OP David Benkof has had to deal" - In fact none of my comments on this blog were referring to Mr. Benkof or any other "gay" who demonstrates no "pride" in their homosexuality and who recognizes the Torah violation of homosexuality and is seeking to prevent such violations in themselves and others. Nor did I ever advocate any hostility or animosity toward any persons like Mr. Benkof.
Regarding Tzadok's falsifications of Torah law - militant "gays" who proudly boast of their "incomparable abominations" and seek to make converts to their perverted movement are clearly enemies of Torah, enemies of civilization itself (see Igros Moshe above) and they are outside "amisecha" (the Jewish people), and mitzvos bein adam l'chaveiro clearly do not apply to them. See Sefer Chafetz Chaim, Hilchos Lashon Hora, Klal 4 and many other places.
No decent person, Jew or gentile, should be involved in promoting the "gay" cause or promoting any of their homo-fascist legislation designed to uproot the foundations of civilization and crush the legal and religious rights of Biblical heterosexuals.
Keep your falsehoods coming, Tzadok, we'll just keep exposing you.
Rabbi MT,
DeleteMy apologies. I misread what you wrote in your previous post. I thought that you were saying that Teshuva helps before the testimony is given, and I pointed out that the NB contradicts this. Now I reread your post and saw that you aren't referring to Teshuva, but rather to admitting guilt before the BD. Well, Tosfos in Maccos 5a ד"ה דבעידנא write explicitly that being מודה will not exonerate the offender when עדים come. Rashi there, however, implies otherwise. See אוצר מפרשי התלמוד who cites the Acharonim; some of them maintain that this is indeed Rashi's position, others argue and explain that Rashi agrees with Tosfos, and yet others make a distinction between a murderer, who can exonerate himself, and all other חייבי מיתה (such as a homosexual), who cannot. So your statement cannot be dismissed as being categorically false, because maybe this was Rashi's opinion.
Now you are quoting a number of Rabbanim as supporting your statement. Which statement - the one that admission helps, which is against Tosfos but possibly like Rashi, or the one that Teshuva helps, which is against the NB? I firmly believe that the NB's statement is normative and uncontested, but I'm happy to be shown otherwise. Unfortunately, quoting oral teachings is not going to be helpful in this discussion, because such teachings are not verifiable. Could you show me anybody in print? The הערות והארות of Rav Ullman and the end of Yad Cohen on סדר נזיקין run from pages קצה-ר in the תשס"ט print available on אוצר החכמה. He doesn't discuss this issue there at all. Am I missing something? Perhaps you could also give me the references to the many times you claim this is quoted in the name of Chacham Abba Shaul זצ"ל? In my mind, such a position is so non-Halachic (for want of a better term) that the default position is that no Talmid Chacham would say so, unless I see otherwise.
That admission helps, which is like Rashi but against Tosafot.
DeleteThe Yad Kohen on Otzar HaChokhma is from 5yrs ago. He has released an updated version since then. If I have time I will try to scan and upload the pages in question. But in short, the position that I learned was like that of Rashi on Maccot 5a. That was what I was meaning to say.
In fact none of my comments on this blog were referring to Mr. Benkof
DeleteHuh? What? You wrote:
EmesLeYaacovApril 25, 2014 at 1:21 PM
"They cannot change", "wholesale condemning", "homophobes", etc.: YY and Ironheart are both mindlessly parroting the PC homosexual propaganda nonsense designed to kasher male animals (zacharim) engaged in bestial "matings".
Those were comments that both Garnel and YY made in reponse to the OP's article. You attacked them for it.
Regarding Tzadok's falsifications of Torah law
Do you care to delineate? I have been able to back myself up fairly well to this point with sources. You don't get to make that kind of claim without backing it up with sources.
they are outside "amisecha" (the Jewish people), and mitzvos bein adam l'chaveiro clearly do not apply to them. See Sefer Chafetz Chaim, Hilchos Lashon Hora, Klal 4 and many other places.
Which seif please? Where exactly does the Chafetz Chaim say that such a one is outside amitecha and that the laws of Bein Adam L'Chaveiro do not apply?
I see where he says that if people commit the various sins oa Aryot and eating the foods called Toeva, and do so publicly that one is allowed to to shame them in the hopes that they will turn from their ways... However, I want you to note that the Chafetz Chaim in Klal 4 seif 4 equates sexual sins with eating forbidden foods. But yet I note your complete lack of outrage on this post:
Where is your outcry against the toevah of the pork eater? It is such hypocrisy that leads me to believe that this isn't about Torah for you, it is about your own bigotry.
while smearing his opponents with false charges, as Chaim, Stan, myself
Only thing I accused Chaim of was Ad Hom without resorting to sources or dicussion. You will note that he admitted it and we agreed to treat each other with respect.
StanStan has a laundry list of wrong doings not the least of which was identity theft. You really don't want to associate yourself with Stan. I have repeatedly called him on his own irrational statements, and distortions.
You... I have smeared you with anything. I've pointed out the logical inconsistancies in your arguments. None of which you have ever been able to justify. You have yet to say why it was Ok for either Weiss or Friedman to go to court without a heter from a B"D like halakha requires. But when a woman goes to court on only the heter of a single Rav suddenly that is against halakha in your book. We can go on.
Here I pointed out that your expert source was a proud contributer to WND, which not only published a book of lies about a Gadol B'Yisrael(Rav Kaduri ZTzUK"L) in the hopes of converting Jews to Christianity, but proudly says on their website how successful they have been with it. Now you:
No decent person, Jew or gentile, should be involved in promoting the "gay" cause Which btw I am not, so let me ask you a simple question, should a decent Rabbi be involved with an organization such WND that seeks to convert Jews to Christianity? Do you believe that Jews can become Christians and can be involved with those seeking to make Jews Christians, lending credibility and prestige to their organizations?
It is not smear when it is a fact my friend.
Invented term homophobia is nothing but an offensive preemptive strike. Children have been attacked by homosexuals, even adults. The fear is real and not a phobia. It is a strong inner driving force they are born with. It is genetic in nature. I have seen more than one family member stricken with the same deffect of which indicates to be so. I have also seen such inflictions carried over to several generations. The level of intensity does not seem to be the same across the board. I don't believe they can ever be cured , those treated by various organisations become very depressed and many committed suicide, therefore, these makeshift workshops have been sued out of practice and shuttered down for good. Just because many have gotten married living a life of pretension as if everything is peachy keen, had children, proves nothing. The wife knows the truth, and not everyone is in a position to dissolve the family, each having their own reasons and live a bitter life all the way to the end. Those claiming to be cured only say so. It is quite possible that those so called cured have been Bi to begin with. There is a truth machine that can prove the orientation of the individual which is somewhat invasive. Since this behaviour is noticed by animals as well, it is not acquired, it is just the built in hard wiring the same as a born lefty. Sure, you can force a child to switch hands and write with the right, yet it still remains against the grain. Just like you can force and bring the horse to the well, you cannot force it to drink. If you feel like jumping out of your skin or out of the the woodwork, relax my friend, you can live your life peacefully and no one will try to change you. All you need do is, don't flaunt it just like the hetero's don't, it's nothing to write home about, don't ask and don't tell, and finally please please do not get married, Veohavto lereacho komoicho. What I would only like to add is, my sympathies.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that homosexuality is a biological imperative is a fiction created from whole cloth by the gay community. There is no scientific evidence for this at all. It's just a method to defuse the guilt of this evil lifestyle choice that is not forced by anything other than unrestrained desire for znus.Rabbi Avigdor Miller z"l said that all humans are attracted to other means of gratification when they are in their sexual prime. Just as normal men must overcome their desires for other women so must they overcome the desire for this.
ReplyDeleteThe Ramban says that when people have exhausted normal outlets they will start getting into deviant outlets. Male homosexuality is chayav misa. There is no leniency due to the false doctrine of inherent proclivity.
The "proofs" that Emes Veyatziv brings are purely anecdotal and subjective. Rav Moshe's view is the view of the Torah and all newfangled nonsense is just an excuse for minimizing the evil of the act.
Actually, the gay community deny that orientation is genetic. They assert vehemently it is a lifestyle by matter of choice. When labeled as an inborn trait they will attack you and call you homophobic amongst other curses. Just like Avraham Avinu came to the conclusion that it is Hashem that rules the world without any scientific proof 'veligdulato ein cheker', and not the sun, moon or his fathers idols by deduction, and that was yet before Hashem came to introduce his existence. It is a natural attraction that a being experiences, most to the right and a minute percentage to the left without having a say into it. Just like you cannot talk into anyone their favorite flavor, taste, scent, color, or any natural preference, same here. Al taam vareach ein ma lehitvakeach. However, the bechira of restraint to overcome their desires is equally distributed to all, and neither has any more of an excuse than the other. Don Juans or nymphs never run out of normal outlets, even prisoners that would fornicate are not habitual homos, or homos at all. What we are talking about is, even when both genders should be available to these so wired beings, they will be attracted ONLY to same kind. You might offer them the money of the world, everything will still remain equal. The same applies to straights, it is not a matter of influence purely speaking. I will grant you that between hetero and homo there is a whole smorgasbord of in between, but that is a whole different program, v'ein li esek benistarot.
DeleteRamban is not relevant. No evidence that the typical homosexual is in fact heterosexual but in the pursuit of lust becomes indiscriminate as to what he has sex with.
DeleteRamban (Devarim 29:18): The soul of a man who is content does not have any desire for bad things. However when he developes a little bit of lust and he acts on these lusts – then additional lust develops in his soul and he becomes much more desirous of that which he lusts for whether food or did – then he was originally. He now develops a lust for things which are bad which he never had a desire for before. For example if a person has a strong desire for licentious behavior with beautiful women – when he becomes fully involved in acting on this lust he will then develop a desire for homosexual relations or bestiality or similar things with other lusts. This is similar to what our Sages say in Sukkah (52b): If you try to satisfy your desires you will find that you are unsatified but if you starve your desires then you will be satisfied.
DeleteYour comment about the Ramban and the quote from the Ramban seem to contradict each other. The Ramban clearly states that licentiousness leads to homosexuality. It does not mean that it's the only cause but just indicates that it is an unusual form of activity.
Deletesimply saying that the Ramban is not a universal explanation for homosexuality. That is the reason that I thought you were citing it. Don't see it's relevancy to this discussion.
DeleteI don't understand the Igros Moshe. I remember hearing that the chinuch gives a reason for the issur and a quck google search found it. He brings the Chinuch and Tosafos as opposed to R Moshe zatzal. Can you clarify?
יש המסבירים את האיסור בכך, שהקב"ה חפץ ביישובו של עולם, ולכן ציווה שלא להשחית הזרע במעשה שאין בו כל סיכוי כלל ליישוב העולם, מלבד העובדה שעניין זה הוא טירוף נמאס ומכוער בעיני כל בעלי השכל [24]; יש המסבירים אותו בכך, שמניח את אשתו והולך אצל זכרים [25], ובכך הורסים את התא המשפחתי; ויש מי שכתב, שמשכב זכור הוא מהתועבות הגדולות, ואין צורך לזה שום טעם במה שהוא תועבה, והוא איסור ערווה, ואין זה רק כדי שישאו אשה ויקיימו מצות פריה ורביה [26].
ס' החינוך מ' רט; [25] תוס' ורא"ש נדרים נא א; [26] שו"ת אגרות משה חיו"ד ח"ג סי' קטו. וראה שם, שבגלל הקלה בחומרת האיסור של משכב זכור הוכיח זיופו של פירוש תורה המיוחס לרבי יהודה החסיד, עיי"ש. וראה הדברים החריפים בשו"ת אגרות משה חאבהע"ז ח"ד סוסי' קיג; שם חאו"ח ח"ד סי' קטו;
All readers please ignore tzaddok. He is very well "read" but not deep and has been shown repeatedly to misquote and misunderstand. He has his own agenda and attacks anyone personally who disagrees with him. He has special venom for those who refute him.
ReplyDeletePerhaps he can explain the arrest of the brother of the new chief rabbi which has become a position of nepotism.
Stan: It sounds like you're writing you're own autobiography! (except for the 'well read' part)
DeleteCall me naive - but it seems to me that being arrested in Israel is just a risk every Talmid Chacham has to take when getting too high up in the Rabbinate. The charges are so nebulous and contrived that I just don't buy it.
DeleteRabbi Norman Lamm(Homosexuality): It may be, however, that the very variety of interpretations of to'evah points to a far more fundamental meaning, namely, that it is an act characterized as an "abomination" is prima facie disgusting and cannot be further defined or explained. Certain acts are considered to'evah by the Torah, and there the matters rests. It is, as it were, a visceral reaction, an intuitive disqualification of the act, and we run the risk of distorting the Biblical judgment if we rationalize it. To'evh constitutes a category of objectionableness sui generis: it is a primary phenomenon. (This lends additional force to Rabbi David Z. Hoffmann's contention that to'evah is used by the Torah to indicate the repulsiveness of a proscribed act, no matter how much it may be in vogue among advance and sophisticated cultures: see his Sefer Va-yikra, II, p. 54).
ReplyDeleteTzaddok thanks for the troll haj klajj.
ReplyDeleteI suggest you email Rav Eidensohn. He will be able to provide you with a list of comments and the IP addresses from whence they originate. You will unfortunately need to search through it by statements, and it may take some time. However, if you do your due diligence, you will notice that I did not write that comment. I only publish from my google account for this very reason.
DeleteYou have used several monikers, and you have even falsely and feloniously published a blog under my name, where you were foolish enough to use comments of your own there(claiming that they were here) which D"T had rejected.
I'm sorry if you do not like the fact that people are starting to see you in a negative light. I know how this feels. I would thus suggest that you start to comment in a more respectful manner. You will notice above that Chaim and I have been able to patch up our internet relationship and have a respectful discussion based around sources without personal attacks and ad homs.
I would suggest you do the same, and perhaps people will again start to take you seriously.
Tzadok after all the sheker you have posted on this blog about fake agunahs and justifying the utter corruption of the rabbanut and your baseless hatchet job on rav gestetner as well as your advocation and hope for violence against me lets get real here. Just on sunday you started lying and claiming what my positions on.
ReplyDeleteUntil you apologize for falsely besmirching rav gestetner and admit to the rabbanut forcing fake gittin there is nothing to talk about.
your baseless hatchet job on rav gestetner
DeleteNo hatchet job. Rav Shlomo Amar said that is possul and all who sit with him are possul. It is his letter. I just hold by him.
as well as your advocation and hope for violence against me
Again not true. You spewed forth a number of racist commments against Sephardim. I suggested that you try saying those on the steps of Porat Yoef.
lets get real here. Just on sunday you started lying and claiming what my positions on.
Again not true, as I showed by reposting a comment that you, under one of your monikers had made.
Until you apologize for falsely besmirching rav gestetner and admit to the rabbanut forcing fake gittin there is nothing to talk about.
Good then maybe you will stop aiming comments at me, because neither of those things is going to happen.
DT - why have you not been posting some of my comments?
ReplyDeleteThe one from yesterday, addressed to you, was significant
Sorry - I see that it was posted (April 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM). It's just that you have yet to answer.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should edit the question (from April 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM)
DeleteDT - I'm glad to tickle you, but your response is hardly to the pt.
If you can stop your snide chuckle and just answer - I think many would appreciate it.
Again, to make no mistake - I am NOT looking to apologize for those who indulge in these G-d awful aveiras. But I AM looking to not throw the baby out with the bathwater; to attend to the growing need of yidden afflicted by these tayvos to be encouraged and respected for their desire to embrace yiddishkeit as much as possible.
Fantastic ideas ! Coincidentally , if anyone is requiring a Shipper\'s Letter of Instruction , my kids filled a template form here http://goo.gl/M92G1j