Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How do we know Weberman is guilty of abuse? - posts discussing the evidence

Satmar still has not given up in trying to free Weberman and is conducting a compaign against his conviction, jailing and his victim. The following are some of the important posts regarding the guilt of Weberman which you can show to his defenders.

There seems to be an inherent belief in these people that any male who is convicted of sexual abuse of a woman or child must be innocent. Furthermore anyone who has been convicted by the secular goverment must be innocent. Finally anyone who is a talmid chachom, a nice guy and has ever done anything for the community is incapable of committing a crime.

These are the posts dealing with the validity of the guilty verdict in the Weberman trial


  1. How public is this campaign? Have they made inroad outside of Satmar? Who is handling the appeal?

  2. I really am curious to see how Satmar plans on selling "Weberman is a Tzadick" to the oilam. For people who are so makpid about separation of sexes they have yet to give a best case scenario for their contracting out "at risk girls" to the likes of Weberman and his buddy Yagen

  3. Truth and Satmar have long since parted ways. Too many Chasidic and Litvish clans are more interested in protected one's own than doing what's right.

  4. against trolls saysJune 11, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    There seems to be an inherent belief in these people that any male who is convicted of sexual abuse of a woman or child must be innocent. Furthermore anyone who has been convicted by the secular goverment must be innocent. Finally anyone who is a talmid chachom, a nice guy and has ever done anything for the community is incapable of committing a crime. How is this belief any different than that put forth by Stan, Emes L'Yaakov, Torah Truth and the others that have flamed anyone who has dared to utter a word regarding freeing Agunot? You seem to think that this misogynistic view is safe in some cases but not in others. However, in reality it is the same poison just in different manifestations.

  5. I do not believe Weberman will succeed in collecting very much money for his appeal. However, there will always be some diehards.

    Most people in Williamsburg and KJ believe he is guilty. However there is a feeling that his life sentence is too long. I disagree here: http://wp.me/pFbfD-Xg

    The folks collecting money often lie and say they believe someone is innocent even when they know better, a point I develop here: http://wp.me/pFbfD-To

    They also love demanding more than one witness in spite of the fact that they work hard to intimidate witnesses out of testifying: http://wp.me/pFbfD-TC

  6. I've heard from a well known Rabbi and a prominent psychologist that they both met with numerous other victims of the Weberman/ Yagen machine. Both Aron and Zali know as well that Monroe and Willi are full of victims, why they would risk further damage from more exposure is a mystery to me.
    Then again they really don't care about Weberman per say, it's that there are people willing to break the code

  7. This is an impressive list of links for Weberman.

    How do we know Kolko is guilty? An plea of guilt is worthless if it gets a 60 year sentence down to 2.5 years.

  8. I should add that I have several dozen links about the Weberman case. I was blogging about it with inside information starting from the day after he was arrested. For more on Weberman, go to FrumFollies.Wordpress.com and use the search box.

  9. I remember Rabbi Webermans attorney George Farkas saying that he looks
    forward to an appeal for rabbi Weberman.
    If he was looking forward to an appeal but almost a year
    later there is still no appeal.
    I guess he really was not looking forward to it that much.


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