Times of Israel Every second Jewish American who talks to me
about Israel talks about Women of the Wall,” says Chen Bram, an
anthropologist and organizational psychologist who is currently a
Schusterman Visiting Israeli Professor at the University of Florida.
“They all know this story.”
For many American Jews, Women of the Wall,
the tallitot- and tefillin-wearing women who read the Torah at the
Kotel, have long been heroes of Jewish religious
pluralism. Most Israelis, however, are only recently aware of the group —
though they may be more knowledgeable about other religious pluralism
issues in Israel.
Bram is surprised by how much Americans know about Women of the Wall. He
says chairwoman Anat Hoffman is accorded rock star status by liberal
American Jews. Conversely, Rabbi David Golinkin, President of the
Conservative Movement’s Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in
Jerusalem, says Hoffman and her colleagues are considered irrelevant by
most Israelis. [...]
It is not merely a matter of media coverage,
but a reflection of a major disconnect between the two largest Jewish
communities in the world. This divide is slowly being bridged, however,
as the notion of a “global Jewish Peoplehood” is entering the public
discourse, and religious pluralism and civil rights are rising higher on
the Israeli political agenda.
“The whole battle for the Western Wall is an
Americanized and American-imported battle for religious moderation and
tolerance,” explains Shmuel Rosner, senior fellow at the Jewish People
Policy Institute and L.A. Jewish Journal columnist. “Women wearing a
tallit is not something Israelis are used to. They don’t necessarily
have negative feelings about it, but it’s just strange and feels like it
doesn’t belong here.”[...]
There is no disconnect or problems with Diaspora Jewry as a result of the Women of the Wall.This is simply a narrative that liberal newspapers such as the Jewish Daily Foward are creating. It is complete fiction. What a lot of Jews wonder is why the Charedi community in Yerushalyim permits these reform activists to continue desecrating the Kosel and distrubing those who come to worship.I guess it is the good work of the police stationed at Kishle who are sure to keep order.