Friday, December 30, 2011

Rav Eliashiv bans Mishpacha Magazine


"בל ייכנס לבתי היראים" • הגרי"ש אלישיב נגד 'משפחה' לראשונה: מכתב חריף, חתום בכתב ידו של הגרי"ש, פורסם ב'יתד נאמן' ו'המבשר' - נגד 'משפחה' • אוסר לסייע ל'משפחה', ומאשימו בסילוף 'השקפת התורה' • ולמה פורסם המכתב? 


  1. What about banning Haredi violence against small girls?


    Who is behind this ban on Avi Shafran's Ami Magazine, and Bina and Hamodia?

  3. A world without yeshivaworldDecember 30, 2011 at 7:39 PM

    Eckstein has been infected with the same sickness as Pinny Lipschutz that Lubavitch is mamash fest and can do no wrong.

    Here's Eckstein promoting on Yeshiva World the shomer Shabbos cross country bike tour from Chabad's Friendship Circle.

    Do you really think Lubavitch is going to be makpid on tznius of the women?

    I didn't think so and here is the proof:

    On the special website for the event, Chabad is selling official gear. Click on the clothes options for women and you get short sleeve shirts.

    I followed the link to event sponsor Kosher on a Budget because they sounded interesting.

    The first things I see on their website is promoting flavored lip balms which are a kashrus shayle and and ad for Campbell's Select Harvest Italian Wedding Soup.

    This product is made with treif meatballs & parmesan cheese!

  4. Recipients and PublicityDecember 30, 2011 at 9:06 PM

    Mishpacha "magazine for hire" deserves to be blacklisted by the rabbis because it often conveys utterly krum articles.

    However, it's probably a waste of time to "ban" it because frum Jews should not be reading ANY newspapers or magazines, as is well known.

    May as well ban the MAARIV and the Jerusalem Post.

    For serious bnai Torah it's bittul Torah to read any magazines and papers.

    The ones who do read them won't listen to something like this.

    In the United States Freedom of the Press is guaranteed by the US constitution.

    What's next, banning the US Constitution for allowing people to read whatever they like?

    Israel is a Western Democracy and people can read what they want.

  5. The hashkafos are knegged haTorah and should not be brought into a Jewish home.

  6. This is what you get with a kalyiker Ponevezh talmid Moshe Grylak calling the shots at Mishpacha. What would Rav Shach zt"l have advised him to do now???

    The reicheh leitzanim who think kochi ve'otzem yadi, won't listen to Rav Elyashiv or any other rabbonim. At least the yereim veshleimim will understand that Mishpacha's hashkafos are against shalom bayis and anti-Torah.

  7. have we chareidim lost our senses?
    have we gone mad? don't we realize that harav Eliashev shlita is bli eyn harah,almost 100 years old,and he is being manipulated by the gangsters sorounding him,and has become nothing but a puppet in their dirty hands,and they are using his name for all their MESHUGANA and crimminal agenda's.
    let's not forget that 35 yrs ago,when harav Eliashav shlita,was a DAYAN in the Israeli Rabbinut,these same ignorant savages who are now his spokesmen,considered him a zionist fellow traveler,and all his rulings absolutely not valid and illegitimate,just like rabbi Goren's who was the chief rabbi at that time.

  8. >have we chareidim lost our senses?
    have we gone mad?<

    Umm, never mind!

  9. From the last news I got from Israel, it seems that the ban was fake.

  10. "January 03, 2012

    Mishpacha Mag Ban A "Forgery," Part Of "Ongoing Business War" With Yated Ne'eman, Mishpacha Magazine Honchos Say

    Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv 2"…Anyone who has ever attended a Yeshiva knows that a posek cannot and does not issue a ruling, much less a ban, unless he is presented with both sides of the story and carefully weighs the evidence before he issues a ruling. We know for a fact that this procedure was not followed in this case, since not one person from Mishpacha's Hebrew staff was summoned to Maran Rav Elyashiv's home to explain their side of the story.…"

    Originally published 10:52 pm 1-2-2012

    This memo was allegedly sent out to Mishpacha Magazine's English language edition's staff:

    The letter which was published by the Hebrew Yated [Ne'eman] in Israel last Friday, in which Rav Elyashiv supposedly banned the Hebrew-language Mishpacha, was part of an ongoing business war that Yated is waging against Mishpacha. This specific letter was prompted by the Hebrew Mishpacha’s launch, last week, of its mid-week edition, which is distributed free of charge to 150,000 chareidi families across Israel.

    Mishpacha's new newspaper was launched with the staunch backing of gedolei Yisrael including representatives of Rav Aron Leib Steinman, Rav Nissim Karelitz, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rav Ovadia Yosef, and gedolei haAdmorim, shlita, and is perceived as a major threat by the Hebrew Yated. Apparently, the Yated’s fear of competition spurred them to orchestrate this new “ban,” to which they accorded wide publicity.

    The following was our response to a chareidi news outlet who contacted us yesterday, asking whether we were aware that HaRav Elyashiv was planning to sign a letter against the Hebrew Mishpacha or if this move caught us by surprise.

    "We were most definitely not caught by surprise, as we are well aware of the ongoing turf war between the Israeli Yated and the Hebrew Mishpacha. In fact, we were expecting it, since similar tactics were attempted by the Yated previously, both with Maran Harav Elyashiv Shlita and other gedolim. While we are not privy to all that's going on behind the scenes, we highly doubt the authenticity of this letter. Anyone who has ever attended a Yeshiva knows that a posek cannot and does not issue a ruling, much less a ban, unless he is presented with both sides of the story and carefully weighs the evidence before he issues a ruling. We know for a fact that this procedure was not followed in this case, since not one person from Mishpacha's Hebrew staff was summoned to Maran Rav Elyashiv's home to explain their side of the story. We are therefore confident that this letter was penned and signed by Yated's Hebrew staff members, who have access to Rav Elyashiv's court and are able to do as they wish while using and abusing the name and the honor of the Gadol Hador. And that is the real disgrace in this entirely shameful incident."

    Since the release of this statement, we obtained information that seems to confirm that the signature was indeed a forgery.

    Despite the negative publicity, Mishpacha will continue to protect the honor of gedolei Yisrael and will not react to such manipulation of the gedolim.

    It should be underscored that the Hebrew-language Mishpacha is totally distinct from the English magazine of the same name, with different content and a different Rabbinic board. In addition, the Hebrew-language Yated has absolutely no connection with the English language, American-based Yated."

  11. 11:56:

    Nice cut and paste job from Failed Messiah about an "alledged" memo sent to Mishpacha staff. No confirmation or proof that the alleged memo exists.

    Quality reporting by Rav Elyshiv's chief critic, Shmarya! Mishpacha can spin the ban just like Nat Lewin can spin things. Truth springs forth naturally regardless of what spin doctors tell you.

  12. I once saw in mishpacha rwgaeding the ban on telephones that one of gadolim that sighed the ban did so because he held stocks in one of the phone companys.!!!!!!
    This is their דרך, all the gadolim are phoneys.
    Like the lady who wrote the guest post, there are no rabbis must get very lonly up there.

  13. Yudel Shain can you give a few examples of krum mishpacha articles? Do they exist in the english version also? How about Ami? How about on your blog?

  14. listen everybody let me remind you that rav elyashiv may be 100 years old but was not born yesterday! rav elyashiv knows very well of his influence and would never sign aletter damaging peoples livlihood without knowing exactly what was going on.somebody who doesnt see it this way might as well just say that he has absoloutely no regaurd for daas torah unless he gets a personal interview with rav elyashiv! Dear jews please open your hearts to daas torah-without it we have no hope as a nation!


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