Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Video: Guma Aguiar Talks About his Breakdown



  1. Recipients and PublicityNovember 24, 2010 at 6:08 AM

    This is a major development!

    Now doubt Tropper and Tom Kaplan hoped and assumed that Guma would be locked up forever but as this Israeli news clip shows, from Israeli news sources but posted on a Chabad news site, and makes abundantly clear that Guma Aguiar is back and in many ways he looks and sounds healthy, albeit a little nervous, yet more realistic.

    In this interview Guma seems to indicate that he is glad to be back in Israel intimating that he he was recuperating in America presumably. He can afford the best help there is on this Earth.

    In hindsight, Guma had great support from his wife and from his mother and his kids that must surely have helped him.

    One wonders what has been the outcome of the legal battles between Guma and his uncle Tom Kaplan.

    Amazingly it was right after Tropper was unfrocked with online public revelations of his sexcapades with Shannon Orand (now fully converted and evidently remarried) and forced to resign from his Kol Yaakov yeshiva and bringing down the multi-million EJF with him, that soon after almost simultaneously Guma suffered his own breakdown that was also posted online.

    Now EJF is trying to make a comeback under a new alias again headed by Rav Reuven Feinstein and funded yet again by Tom Kaplan, Tropper is hanging tough and refuses to leave Monsey as he was supposed following the decree against him of the top Monsey rabbonim -- when who should reappear and make a comeback of his own -- none other than Guma Aguiar himself doing what he loves most, agitating for his pet causes and lauding Chabad and its Rebbe.

    Who ever said that history never repeats itself?!

    This should be fascinating to watch......again!

  2. It is encouraging to know that even after his encounter with Tropper he still keeps his emuna.

    Unfortunately many people who encountered Tropper got completely turned off from Judaism.

    In any case there is no doubt that he has a much greater zechus giving money to Beitar Jerusalem FC than his uncle Tom Kaplan giving money to Tropper the Shtooper/classic EJF/New EJF/Rabbi Reuven Feinstein

  3. Recipients and PublicityNovember 30, 2010 at 8:26 AM

    In relation to all this it may just be that EJF has been renamed for yet another reason, perhaps it may have something to do with the legal struggles between Tom Kaplan/Leib Tropper versus Guma Aguiar/Ellen Kaplan Aguiar (Tom's sister) over the profits from their joint business at Leor Energy and control of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation that had been the source of funding for EJF, that also carried the "Lillian Jean Kaplan" name as part of its title, that is, that it may be possible that Tom Kaplan/Tropper had to come up with a new name for EJF because it just may be that Guma and his savvy mother Ellen may have succeeded in getting a huge share of Leor Energy profits and wresting the legal control of both the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation, and its NAME, which was founded by them (i.e. Guma and his mother signed the incorporation papers) and hence it would be impossible for EJF to go on because the EJF name was also known as the "Lillian Jean Kaplan" something or other for the Jewish family.

    Thus Tom Kaplan/Tropper HAD to drop the EJF name legally and come up with a new name for an organization with goals IDENTICAL to EJF's but being forced to drop the "Lillian Jean Kaplan" name ANYWHERE.

    There seems to have been a news blackout, but surely there are legal records of the cases and its resolution (if they have been resolved) -- also WHAT ABOUT THE CASE OF TROPPER SUING GUMA? anyone who can help out here please?

    How about Jersey Girl, can she do some research to clarify what happened in the end with the case over the fight over splitting the pot over Leor Energy, Tropper's case against Guma Aguiar for allegedly assaulting him, and the related case of the fate of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation.

    Time will tell.


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