Wednesday, October 7, 2009

R' Haskel Lookstein's critque of conversions

The Jewish Week - Interview

The Jewish Week
- Corrections to interview


  1. This is very old news. Why are you linking to it now?

  2. Dov Weinstein said...

    This is very old news. Why are you linking to it now?
    the issue came up on the post of R' Tropper and the halachic process

  3. I just noticed that you reject all anonymous posts, which I totally understand. I can't bring myself to write about my conversion and all the anxiety I have over it in any way other than anonymously however. So anyhow, my apology if this was a waste of your time. At least it was a bit cathartic for me!

    Gut moed

  4. Rivka said...

    I just noticed that you reject all anonymous posts, which I totally understand. I can't bring myself to write about my conversion and all the anxiety I have over it in any way other than anonymously however. So anyhow, my apology if this was a waste of your time. At least it was a bit cathartic for me!
    I don't understand what you are talking about. You can pick any name you want to post as long as it is not "anonymous".

  5. As I wrote here and elsewhere, it is not only fight about the standard of conversions , it is a part a political war the haredim wage against the Modern Orthodox which started after the death of rav Moshe and rav Yaakov where the kanyoim and the clowns took over.

    For readers of this blod rabbi Bomzer is known for conversions (especially of one Brazilian woman) but Rabbi Bomzer is also the president of Vaad Harbonim of Flatbush. An organization of rabbis which gives hecshers to restaurants, mikvahs etc. The problem with organization was that many of the rabbis and the president were Modern Orthodox R'L.

    So the kanoyim (which include at least one rabbi from Rockland county, is that better Mekubal?) started to spread rumors that their standards are not high, their mashgichim are not observant etc. Eventually they created their own organization Kehila Kosher to compete and destroy Vaad Harabonim of Flatbush.

    Basicaly the lies they tell about rabbi Bozer here they tell about him there.

    After they finished with Rabbi Bomzer, now they are going after rabbi Lookstein. The RCA who never protected rabbi Bomzer would not protect rabbi Lookstein. Their leader Basil Herring sends emails to Tropprt telling him hoe great Tropprt is

    That the RCA did not put rabbi Lookstein on their bati din list shows how much they afraid of and how much they try to please the haredim. In any case the haredim only come for the "lenient" and the "liberal" rabbis.

    I am sure rabbis in the RCA are familar with Pastor Martin Niemöller's poem:

    First they come.....

  6. DT:

    You have a statement on your main page stating:

    "2) Anonymous posts are automatically rejected"

    It may cause confusion for some.

  7. Y. N. said...


    You have a statement on your main page stating:

    "2) Anonymous posts are automatically rejected"

    It may cause confusion for some.
    thanks for pointing out the problem

  8. Per Dov Weinstein, "This is very old
    news. Why are you linking to it now?"

    I thank you for that link; this is
    news to me.

    I appreciated reading the thoughtful


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.