Sunday, July 6, 2014

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: 2012 Rivky's original divorce settlement proposal

The Secret of Effective Motivation - Intrinsic vs instrumental

NY Times     THERE are two kinds of motive for engaging in any activity: internal and instrumental. If a scientist conducts research because she wants to discover important facts about the world, that’s an internal motive, since discovering facts is inherently related to the activity of research. If she conducts research because she wants to achieve scholarly renown, that’s an instrumental motive, since the relation between fame and research is not so inherent. Often, people have both internal and instrumental motives for doing what they do.

What mix of motives — internal or instrumental or both — is most conducive to success? You might suppose that a scientist motivated by a desire to discover facts and by a desire to achieve renown will do better work than a scientist motivated by just one of those desires. Surely two motives are better than one. But as we and our colleagues argue in a paper newly published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, instrumental motives are not always an asset and can actually be counterproductive to success.

We analyzed data drawn from 11,320 cadets in nine entering classes at the United States Military Academy at West Point, all of whom rated how much each of a set of motives influenced their decision to attend the academy. The motives included things like a desire to get a good job later in life (an instrumental motive) and a desire to be trained as a leader in the United States Army (an internal motive). [...]

Remarkably, cadets with strong internal and strong instrumental motives for attending West Point performed worse on every measure than did those with strong internal motives but weak instrumental ones. They were less likely to graduate, less outstanding as military officers and less committed to staying in the military.

The implications of this finding are significant. Whenever a person performs a task well, there are typically both internal and instrumental consequences. A conscientious student learns (internal) and gets good grades (instrumental). A skilled doctor cures patients (internal) and makes a good living (instrumental). But just because activities can have both internal and instrumental consequences does not mean that the people who thrive in these activities have both internal and instrumental motives.

Our study suggests that efforts should be made to structure activities so that instrumental consequences do not become motives. Helping people focus on the meaning and impact of their work, rather than on, say, the financial returns it will bring, may be the best way to improve not only the quality of their work but also — counterintuitive though it may seem — their financial success.[....]

Friday, July 4, 2014

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Mill Basin beis din overrules Rav Moshe Feinstein, Gemora & Shulchan Aruch

One of the many problematic aspects of Rivky Stein's campaign against her husband is the "psak" she received from a beis din which calls itself the Mill Basin Beis Din. Despite the fact that nobody has come forth and said they know it exists and or even that they recognize its dayanim - there is a bigger problem. After sending Yoel Weiss requests to appear before them their "psak" claims he refused and therefore they heard one side - Rivky's - and on the basis of that "poskened" that Yoel was required to give a Get. If anyone one has sources that such a procedure is valid - please let me know.
Psak of Mill Basis Beit Din

Whereas the Beit Din, after three weeks since the respondent husband's refusal to appear for a Din Torah, sent the respondent as a courtesy a fourth Hazmanawhich provided him with a final opportunity to appear before the Beit Din at a convenient location situated in Borough Park, Brooklyn, and where the respondent husband was advised within the said Hazmana that should he again fail to appear that the Beit Din will proceed in his absentia; and Whereas the scheduled time set forth in the Hazmana passed, and the Dayyanim of the Beit Din after having allowed a sufficient grace period for the respondent husband to appear, and where the respondent husband again failed to appear before the Beit Din andlor request an adjoumed date; the Av Beit Din in the absence of the respondent husband called the Beit Din to order, and asked that the claims of the claimant wife be presented; and The Beit Din after hearing the claims of Rivka Stein, the claimant wife, and the Beit Din finding her claims credible, and there being no person appearing on behalf of the respondent husband to refute or contradict the claimant wife; the Beit Din rules as follows:

1. The respondent husband, Yoel Weiss is obligated (Chayiv)to issue immediately a Get to his wife, Rivka Stein, the claimant herein, with the entire cost of the Get process to be paid by the respondent husband, Yoel Weiss, and with the cost of said procedure set at no higher than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); and
2. That Yoel Weiss, the respondent husband, within twenty-four hours after service of  this Beit Din Psakupon him by either personal service and/or via email, shall deposit with the Beit Din the sum of $1,000.00 for the Get cost in the form of a bank check [...]

While leafing through the Igros Moshe this morning I found a relevant teshuva.(C.M. 3:3)....Question: You ask regarding a psak which was given by a certain beis din regarding a dispute between two parties. After the psak was given, one of the disputants went to one or even before all three of the dayanim and claimed  that his opponent was not complying with the psak of the beis din. The judge or judges accepted this as true without even calling his opponent and asking him about it. Consequently they wrote a seruv against the one who they believed was not complying with their psak.

Answer: In response, it is obvious and self-understood that there is no justification or authority for the beis din to write a seruv under these circumstances. The halacha is explicity stated in Sanhedrin (7b) and explicitly paskened in Shulchan Aruch (C.M. 17:5) [that a beis din can not pasken in a dispute without both parties being present]. Because this is blatantly obvious there is really no need to waste time in further discussion of this matter....

אגות משה (חושן משפט חלק ג סימון ג): - ברבר כתב סיריב שניתן במעמד צד אחר
בע"ה ר"ח כסלו תשמ"ג בנוא יארק,
למע"כ ידידי וחברי מחותני הרב הגאון מוהר"ר אהרן יפהן שליט"א, בברכת שלום וברכה וכל טוב סלה,
נצטערתי לשמוע על מחלתה של הרבנית שרה יפהן תחי' וכולנו מתפללים שהשי"ת ישלח לה רפואה שלמה, ונא להגיד להרבנית אודות דאגתינו ותפילתינו.
בקשר למה שכת"ר שאל אודות פסק דין שנתן איזה בית דין בדבר סכסוך שהיה בין שני צדדים, ואחר נתינת הפסק דין, הלך צד אחד לפני אחד או אפילו כל הדיינים, וטען שהצד שכנגדו לא ציית להפסק דין, והדיין או הדיינים קבלו טענתו בלי אפילו לקרוא להצד שכנגדו לשואלו אודות זה, ונתנו אז להצד שבא להתלונן, כתב סירוב כנגד הצד שכנגדו, הנה פשוט ומובן הוא שאין שום תוקף בדין לכתב סירוב כזה, דהדין מבואר בסנהדרין דף ז' ע"ב ומוזכר בשו"ע חו"מ סימן י"ז סעיף ה,' ומחמת פשטות הענין אין מה להאריך בענין זה,
ואסיים בתקוה שבזכות זהירות ושמירת כל מצוות ודיני התורה, נזכה כולבו בקרוב לקבל פני משיח צדקיבו,
בידידות והוקרה,
משה פיינשטיין
 Sanhedrin(7b): Again: Hear [the causes] between your brethren and judge righteously. This, said R. Hanina, is a warning to the court not to listen to the claims of a litigant in the absence of his opponent; and to the litigant not to explain his case to the judge before his adversary appears. Shamoa’ [hear], in the verse, can also be read, shammea’.   R. Kahana, however, says: We can derive this rule from the verse: Thou shalt not take up [tissa] a false report [referring to the judge], which may be read, tashshi.

Shulchan Aruch (Choshem Mishpat 17:5): It is prohibited for a judge to listen to the claims of one side of a dispute without his opponent being present. ...

See also Halachos of a summons from beis din

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Schlesinger Twins: Michael cancels visits to prevent them seeing grandparents

Guest Post: Beth Alexander

Battling for my children on foreign soil in a foreign community - alone - without any family here is challenging, to say the least.

My parents thankfully came to visit this June and as much as they came to see me and support me, they were of course so much looking forward to seeing their beloved grandsons, Sammy and Benji again. They don't want to see museums or galleries - my visits with the children are what they so eagerly wait for and these precious days are always the highlight of their trips.

The boys saw them on my Tuesday visit - June 17th and were ecstatic! They ran into their arms delightedly and clung to them the entire visit. 'Bobby! Zaidy!' they kept exclaiming, scrambling onto their knees and throwing their arms around them! We had one more brilliant day together on Sunday 22nd June when we went boating along the Danube in the dazzling sunshine. Sammy and Benji's little faces beamed with excitement and pure delight. None of us will ever forget that precious day. My parents have watched our memories published on youtube over a hundred times so far with tears, a combination of anguish and joy in their eyes.

Just as we prepared for the next visit - my dad bought little fishing rods for them since the twins were so fascinated by the fish in the water and my mum was all geared up to cook up another delicious feast, the father dropped the bombshell. He had 'spontaneously' decided to take the children away on a week's holiday and the remainder of visits during my parents' stay were cancelled. I was informed by phone on Tuesday afternoon by the visiting centre and this was later confirmed by email by the Tuesday handover lady.

The kindergarten doesn't break up until the end of July and it must be very unusual for a doctor to suddenly take a week off work without giving notice to his boss and staff in the hospital. However, there was absolutely nothing we could do about the painful news.

Denying contact is a familiar pattern. My visits are regularly cancelled and Mr Schlesinger also ensured that the paternal grandfather - his own father - was also denied access to his grandchildren. In 2011, just after he was awarded sole custody, he forced me to sign a declaration in court banning me from allowing all further contact between the twins and their grandfather during my visits with the threat of losing my own precious visits if I refused.

This week, through his actions, he also prevented my doting parents from seeing their grandchildren.

This means the only grandparent with whom the children have contact is their paternal grandmother, Tamar: the same woman who fought for ten years in the courts to deny her ex husband all contact with his own children, Michael and his sister Tina. Tamar: The same woman who was an accomplice in trying to have me committed to a mental hospital on fabricated grounds and the same woman who didn't even apply for visitation to Sammy and Benji until 12 months after her son was evicted and could only have supervised access to the twins. Once she did, I immediately granted her request because I felt it is so important for the children to have family in their lives.

While my parents were always kind and generous to us during our short-lived marriage, Mr Schlesinger repaid them by taking them to court in Vienna and attempting to sue them for 15,000 Euros. He had to pay rent for me and the children while they lived with me and tried to extort that money from my parents who had flown over to Vienna to support me in 2010. Of course his case couldn't hold up and the court rejected his outrageous claim.

Children need role models to teach them love, trust, tolerance and cooperation in order to become decent, caring and sensitive adults.

Just what lessons will Sammy and Benji learn from the example set by their father?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Rivky's first Order of Protection

 update - added second document

 weiss insider comment

Why don't we clarify for the record and define why an order of protection was given in the first place and how the order of protection was violated according to Rivky's allegations on a number of occasions.

The order of protection was issued based on the concerns of Rivky that she was afraid Yoel would harm her based on the accusations she claimed against him.

She got 1 OPP from the family court and each time Yoel was arrested she got another Criminal Order of Protection, all the OPP's stem from the initial complaint she filed with the family court.

The first time he violated his OOP was when he was not served with the initial OOP, and he was searching for her as any normal husband would do when they come home at night and don't find their wife and children at home as expected, The police asked him to come to the precient and after hearing from him they scolded Rivky for not serving the OPP, and let Yoel go.

The 2nd time Yoel violated the OPP was when he drove by a block where he saw his son walking with his wife, he rolled down the window and waived hello, the next day he was arrested for violating the OPP.

the 3rd time Yoel violated the OPP was when he went into Eichlers book store on 13th Ave, and Rivky happened to be in there, she called the police and stated Yoel was stalking her.

The 4th time Yoel violated the OPP was when he was driving his car on his parents block and made a right turn and Rivky happened to be working at that corner, she called the police and said Yoel violated his OPP by passing by her.

At that time Yoel obtained a OPP that way Rivky cant come near him and then in affect she could be arrested just as easily, at that time Rivky tried numerous attempts to reach out to Yoel through 3rd parties to try and medieate, those attempts did not move anywhere.

Then out of the thin air Mr Bamberger called saying he heard that there are issues and he would like to reach out to both parties and see if he can help, "miraculously" Rivky agreed to drop the OPP, but stated that the criminal OPP will take her some time to remove but she's working on it.

When Yoel began his communications with Mr. Bamberger, both Yoel and Rivky dropped their OPP at the same time, but not the Criminal OPP which stemmed from the violation of the family OPP that she dropped.

The 5th time Yoel Violated the OPP was when Mr. Bamberger advised Yoel that the OPP was not in affect and Rivky has allowed Yoel to pick up his childern from Rivky's house, after numerous times of picking his children up from the house, and Yoel ended his communications with Mr. Bamberger, Rivky called the police to advise Yoel has Violated the OPP by coming to her house to pick up the children.

Rivky has tried on a few more occasions to get him arrested for violating the OPP, but by then the Police and the courts were sick and tired of her allegations and finally they revoked the OPP's.

I will try to upload the original request where Rivky request the OPP. [document is below]

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Response to codefendants in RICO claim

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Defensive counterattack by Yoel's supporters finally begins

 It was inevitable that the incredibly serious and yet unsubstantiated charges Rivky has brought against Yoel in the media - would result in an organized counterattack of his supporters. Having seen many of the significant documents my only question is why they have waited so long and tolerated the slander and mudslinging against Yoel and the resulting incredible chillul HaShem?
Friends and classmates of Yoel Weiss who have known him all his life, are convinced that Rivky Stien story does not fit Yoily's personality. Yoily is NOT a bully, was never violent, the opposite of impulsive, extremely thought out and very calculative, does not make hasty decisions, and has a heart of gold. Yoily himself refused to share details about Rivky. His words were '' I am not getting trapped following Rivk'y footsteps'' We decided to investigate Rivky's story and her new pertzah. She has caused much turmoil in the community. She began washing her dirty lingerie in the face of the entire frum community, launching her website, expressing herself in a most provocative manner to the secular media, a manner which does not fit proper even in the eyes of the average goy. Her white trailer trash talk is totally unappreciated and unwanted in our community, and if strongly desired, one can hear and see such talk on the the Jerry Springer show were she and her John Doe's belong.

In her website she is giving the impression to be this nebechdig very frum g-d fearing woman, and the only reason she launched the website is because Yoel refuses to give her a get. We see it different. We and the majority of who knows Yoily, came to realize the truth, that Rivky's campaign, as being starved for PR, and being manipulated by her John Doe's. Her website is professionally designed to attract the viewers, and many sent her generous donations which she claimed is needed for her attorneys. Needless to say, her website ignited a tremendous chillul Hashem at a level unheard before in our community, that a Jewish woman seeking a divorce - portraying to be frum and normal, (before ever brining it to a real Beis Din), should have the audacity and courage to divulge (regardless if true or not), her personal bedroom abuse stories to the public, and yet to go into much detail...what a shanda.

She tells her story in a graphic manner with several attractive photographs attached, in order to entice frum man getting trapped under the skin of her avoda zarah. She claims (if you believe it) her website so far attracted over 250 Thousand viewers from the community (mostly man) and she is somehow proud of herself to be the most ever spoken about Jewish frum woman. Receiving such overwhelming support from the blind in the community, gave Rivky the comfort to continue parading her avoda zarah in an escalating shameful manner, and her chillul Hashem is becoming more and more aggressive by the hour r.l. One rav expressed himself as Reb Gamliel said on the osso ish ''Midechutzef killo hei, shma mina mamzeir[as] hu''

We began digging into the matter, speaking to family members, friends, classmates, foster care families, reviewing phone records. After pealing layer by layer, we discovered a horrifying dark side behind this innocent little agunah Rivky Stein.

We decided not to divulge many details at this time, some involve sensitive information. Neither will we at this time identify two of her acquaintances and her primary advisers, except for Joseph Bamberger, who openly invited himself to be exposed. The two acquaintances for time being are identified as John Doe # One, and John Doe #Two. Since Rivky, launched her personal affairs to the public, and since she is Mchalall Shem Shumayem B'hafresyah, we feel every right to share the following with the public.

1. Rivky Stein can not be trusted on a single word she says. More then one friend & classmate of hers, remembers Rivky making up false crazy stories, and some go back since she was 11 years old. Some remember Rivky as being the delusional bully, getting what she wants, and when she wants it, at any cost.

2. This is not the first time Rifky, alleged molestation & rape allegations. She has made such allegations in the past against her own family members, and also against foster family members.

3. Joseph Bamberger is NO mediator as Rivky wants the public to think, he is a 32 year old divorced home wrecker, whom she met in Canada while supposable still romantically in love with Yoily her husband. Much more to come on Bamberger very soon, please be patient

4. 61 years old John Doe # one, has a horrible reputation, a known adulteress, a miserable individual, an outcast in the community by every means, this very John Doe is responsible for Rivky's actions. Yes imagine, this beguilingly good looking Rivky Stien falling for this 61 year old ''Good Year Blimp'' John Doe # One, and she jumps as he directs her. He thinks he is smart, but this time my friend John Doe # one --you went a bit to far. We are in the midst of getting your rap sheet and your last 30 year history together, and once that's completed, you may rest assure John Doe # one, you will be exposed to the entire world. Phone records reflects that Rivky spends hours daily with John Doe # one. Rivky has been seeing hanging with him, driving with him, and even staying over night at his house on more then one occasions...what a shanda, what a pertzah.

5. The fraudulent concocted Beis Din, & Siruv and its false ''excommunication'' [Cheirem] psak, is an outright forgery, a cut and paste job fabricated and arranged by John Doe # One. The FBI and the Attorney General have been made alert. Mail Fraud. Wire Fraud. Extortion. and more....Mr John Doe # one, you know how to read,... look up the sentencing guidelines.

6. Phone records also connect Rivky to John Doe # two. Not surprisingly he is another married shady outcast in the community with a most horrible reputation. He too may be responsible for manipulating this nebechdiga agunah in causing this massive fraud and extortion tactic & chillel hashem rl.

Of weider zen soon

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rivky Stein & Yoel Weiss: Credibility - would you buy a used car from Rivky?

The following is part of the court record regarding the RICO case. Yoel's lawyers submitted this list of reasons to question Rivky's credibility at a premotion conference. After reading this incredible catalogue, it is obvious that Rivky Stein's accusations are very problematic.

To fill out the picture, I hope soon to have a post regarding the alleged mastermind behind Rivky's complaints - Uziel Frankel. An additional topic is Rivky's mother - whom she seems to take after. Putting it all together , hopefully this tragic drama will come to an end.

Rivky Stein and Yoel Weiss: Yoel takes pictures of his wife off the Internet

Yoel Weiss wrote:

Recently I had put a number of pictures of Rifky on the Internet which did not show her as a frum young lady who is the victim of a horrible husband.

The pictures were taken about nine months before she married me and they show how she truly is - in interacting with her friends. She wasn't trapped by a photographer and had no objection to these pictures being taken.

However it has become apparent that there are some people who have misinterpreted my motivation and they think I am trying to harm her - chas v'shalom - and control her. Therefore I have removed the pictures.

Rivky Stein and Yoel Weiss: Court document regarding Rivky's credibility

The world is frothing at the mouth about the alleged disgusting behavior of a young charedi Jew - Yoel Weiss. It reinforces not only what many anti-Semites believe about Jews, but even the average person is delighted to find mud about religious Jews and many newspapers have printed her story as established TRUTH. It is all over the Internet with the help of Facebook and a dedicated web page Redeem Rivky. It is an incredible chilull HaShem. In addition the feminists have gotten involved because after all she is providing them with "clear proof" that Torah Jews hate women.

The only apparent problem with this story - is that it is not true.  Everything is based on her accusations and so far she has not produced any credible supporting evidence- not even from her "beis din" or  "mediator". However the real evidence of her questionable credibility can be found in court documents.  Below is an example, where it is clear that the court does not believe her accusations against her husband. Besides harming her husband and her children - she is harming the cause of real agunos.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Rivky Stein and Yoel Weiss:The "Mediator's Report" - Was Joseph Bamberger accepted as a mediator?

Joseph Bamberger
One of the key documents in this case is a court document labeled as being written by the "mediator." It is one of the documents available on the Redeem Rivky site   "Mediator's Report".

It struck me as strange that a mediator - someone who is supposed to arbitrate for the welfare of both sides and thus is officially neutral - should write a report for public consumption that clearly views the husband as the one responsible for the marriage breakup. There is no indication whether he is a psychologist, rabbi or social worker - no credentials are associated with his name. There is no indication of whether he is experienced in this work or whether he was used because he had the trust of both sides and was trusted to be neutral and viewed as having wisdom and commonsense.

Bamberger writes:
During early April 2013, Yoel Weiss requested my assistance to help mediate between him and Rivky Stein. Having in the past successfully helped numerous  couples traverse their divorce and custody amicably, I attempted to provide the same guidance to Weiss and Stein.
 The document has the name of the mediator inked over - presumably because the mediator didn't want his name used [DT- he confirmed that in an email]. However the full report is available elsewhere in the court documents - and includes his name - Joseph Bamberger and email address and phone number. 

I asked Yoel Weiss about this report. In particular why the mediator had apparently taken sides.

Yoel Weiss responded simply that Joseph Bamberger was not the mediator and he had never accepted him as such. These are his word,
He was not a mediator he was there for one purpose to remove the order of protection and that's it
 I have also asked Ezra Stein - Rivky's older brother to respond - and have so far not received any response.

 But Joseph Bamberger has responded to my email for more information.
I have no interest in being involved any more than I have, I am declining your request...

This obviously raises some very serious questions as to the significance and validity of this document. It is also strange that a court document wasn't notarized. [to be continued]