Friday, February 28, 2025

She hoped Trump’s victory would change her life, but not like this

Getting fired meant she would no longer have health insurance, including the 12 weeks of paid maternity leave that was a guaranteed benefit of her federal service. Also gone would be the promotion that would allow her to plan for the kids she so badly wanted to have.

Donald Trump might have made a bad mineral deal with Ukraine

President Donald Trump, who prides himself on his negotiating skills, is on the brink of clinching a deal that would give the U.S. preferential access to Ukraine’s extensive raw material reserves.

But Trump might end up getting less than he bargained for. Estimates of Ukraine’s supposed mineral wealth are based on outdated Soviet-era surveys that didn’t take into account the viability or cost of developing them.

The latest draft of the agreement, cited by Ukrainian newspaper Economic Pravda, would see Kyiv pay 50 percent of revenues from its state-owned natural resources into a fund that would invest in Ukraine. There would be no U.S. security guarantees in return.

On paper, the U.S. stands to make a killing from the deal.

In practice, the extent of Ukraine’s mineral patrimony is still largely a mystery.

Shas MK dismisses UTJ threat to torpedo government if no law exempting Haredim from IDF 

Shas MK Avraham Betzalel on Thursday appeared to dismiss threats to bring down the government issued by fellow ultra-Orthodox party United Torah Judaism, which has demanded the swift passage of a bill largely exempting yeshiva students from military service.

In the latest signal from Shas that the party would not support time-bound ultimatums issued by UTJ, Betzalel told Radio Kol Hai that there was no set date when the conscription law needed to be passed. Failure to pass the budget next month will trigger automatic elections.

Measles cases reported in New Jersey, Kentucky amid ongoing outbreak in Texas

More measles cases are being confirmed across the United States as health officials work to treat patients in an ongoing outbreak in Texas.

The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) and the Franklin County Health Department announced on Wednesday a confirmed case of measles in an adult resident, the first in the state in two years.

The departments said the resident recently traveled internationally to an area where measles is spreading.

Meawhile, in New Jersey, health officials confirmed two new measles cases in Bergen County linked to a patient whose case was confirmed earlier this month.

An official briefed on the situation told ABC News on Thursday that the new cases in New Jersey are members of the same family and were not vaccinated. Because they are in the same family, public health officials are hopeful public spread will have been limited.

How Zelensky learned the art of the deal and got to visit Trump

A few days ago, the US president falsely branded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a “dictator” who started Russia’s war in Ukraine and had “no cards” to play.

But on Friday the Ukrainian war hero will get a full White House welcome.

“We’re going to have a very good meeting. … We’re going to get along really well. OK. We have a lot of respect. I have a lot of respect for him,” Trump said Thursday.

Zelensky has had his own epiphany.

Last week, he accused Trump of ushering Russian President Vladimir Putin out of isolation after the US sent his officials to peace talks in Saudi Arabia without Ukraine. And he warned that the US president was living in a “disinformation space.”

But Zelensky has learned a critical lesson: Give Trump the win.

Pam Bondi Becomes Bipartisan Laughingstock After Epstein Document Dump Flop

U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi seemed to briefly unite the online political spectrum under one banner Thursday after failing to deliver any new information on the notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

The backlash toward Bondi exploded after she repeatedly promised to release never-before-seen files relating to Epstein, hyping up the document dump for days as bombshell developments that had the potential to reshape the U.S. political and cultural conversation.

When the moment finally came, however, promises appeared to be broken.

During an appearance on Fox News Wednesday, Bondi told host Jesse Watters that “some Epstein information” including flight logs and names would be released by her office the next day which she guaranteed would “make you sick.” The move was a key pillar in the Trump administration’s broader goal of thinning the glass between the public and the government in pursuit of transparency.

But the information released by the Justice Department Thursday seemed to be entirely comprised of information that had already been made public over the past decade as a result of multiple cases against Epstein and those in his inner circle.

CUNY cancels Palestinian studies on 'genocide' after Hochul intervenes

Two Hunter College Palestinian studies faculty applications for teaching issues such as apartheid and genocide were canceled on Tuesday, according to a City University of New York statement, after direction from New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

The social science and art and humanities job postings were removed from the public university system's website, with the CUNY Board of Trustees Chairperson William Thompson Jr. and Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez saying that they had agreed with the governor and ensured that her order was enacted.

“We find this language divisive, polarizing and inappropriate," the CUNY trustees said of the postings.

Ukraine Minerals Deal Could Be Trump's First Big Win—Or a Fiasco

Donald Trump's plan to recoup U.S. funds spent on Ukraine's self-defense holds significant potential, but is accompanied by several contingencies, question marks and potential drawbacks.

The deal could mark the first major foreign policy win of the new administration—addressing Republican concerns about the costs of aiding Ukraine, while also providing a repayment mechanism that alleviates some of the political obstacles for future assistance.

The specific details of the agreement and plans for its execution remain scarce, and the deal faces several pitfalls before it can be declared a victory for the U.S. president.

According to a copy of the deal published by the Financial Times, in compensation for America's "significant financial and material support to Ukraine," the country will vest a share of its natural resources into a "Reconstruction Investment Fund," jointly owned and managed by the two nations.

Though the text of the deal does not put a price tag on how much will be placed in the fund by Ukraine, it states that Kyiv will contribute "50 percent of all revenues earned from the future monetization of all relevant Ukrainian Government-owned natural resource assets...defined as deposits of minerals, hydrocarbons, oil, natural gas, and other extractable materials, and other infrastructure relevant to natural resource assets (such as liquified natural gas terminals and port infrastructure)."

Chidushim against Chazal

 Ohr HaChaim (Bereishis 1:1): You should know that we have permission to explain the implication of the verses after careful study - even though our conclusions differ from the explanation of our Sages. That is because there are 70 faces to Torah (Bamidbar Rabbah 13:16). There is no prohibition against differing from the words of our Sages except if it changes the Halacha. Similarly, we find that even though the Amoraim did not have the right to disagree with Tannaim in halachic matters - but we find that they offered alternative explanations to verses.

Ohr HaChaim (Bereishis 46:8): Don’t be bothered by the fact that our explanation is the opposite of what our Sages stated. We have already asserted that concerning the understanding of the non halachic verses of the Torah permission is given to the diligent student to innovate.

Ohr HaChaim (Devarim 32:1): Even though I am explaining this differently than our Sages but we know that there are 70 faces to Torah (Bamidbar Rabbah 13:16). Concerning Agada it is permitted to offer explanations even if they contradict those of our Sages as long as they don’t contradict the Halacha….

Ohr HaChaim (Vayikra 26:3): Vayikra Rabbah (22:1) states that Scripture, Mishna, Halacha, Talmud, Tosefta, Agada and even what a faithful student would say in the future - were all taught to Moshe on Sinai. It is clear from this medrash that permission has been granted for Torah scholars to explain and interpret in various ways and for the diligent students to provide new insights in expounding verses - to the degree that it can be justified with the verse. 

Ramban (Bereishis 8:4): The Ark came to rest in the 7th month on the 17th day of the month… - Rashi writes that we learn from this verse that the Ark was submerged in the water to a depth of 11 amos according the calculations that he wrote in his commentary. This is also stated in Bereishis Rabbah (33:7). However, since Rashi in various places minutely analyzes medrashim and toils to explain the plain meaning of the verses - he grants us the right to also do it. That is because there are 70 faces to the Torah and also many medrashim contain disagreements between the Sages. Therefore, I claim that this calculation is incompatible with the language of the verse.

Ramban (Shemos 12:40): Now the time that the Jews lived in Egypt was 430 years. … “When you calculate the 400 years from the birth of Yitzchok you will find that from the time they entered Egypt until the time they left was 210 years.” This is the view of Rashi and it is also the view of our Sages (Mechilta). However this view is not completely accurate. In fact it is clear from the verse (Bereishis 12:14) that Avraham was 75 years old when he left Charan and the Bris bein HaBesarim took place a long time after that. Therefore we need to explain events according to what has been taught in Sefer Olam…. 

Ksav V’HaKabbala (Shemos 12:40): … Ramban was not pleased with the approach of Seder Olam and he found a different way of understanding the 430 years. However anyone who reads realizes that his approach is quite forced. The Ramban has already criticized Ibn Ezra’s approach and the view of the Abarbanel is worthless. Most commentators give forced explanations to explain the five years which apparently were added to the 400 years that G d had talked about at the Bris ben HaBesarim. The Rosh (Baal Maasi HaShem) also did… His words have no basis…Consequently we have no explanation to rely on other than that of the Talmudic Sages. Furthermore the wording of the text fits in better with their explanation than the alternatives and there is no need for any additions.

Vayikra Rabbah (22:1). Torah, Mishna, Halacha, Talmud, Tosefta, Agada, and even what a faithful disciple would say in the future were taught to Moses on Sinai…

Michtav M’Eliyahu (4:353): 5) It is important however to distinguish between those explanations which are basically interpretation of the verses and those of our Sages which are the actual meaning of the verses. Given this clear distinction it is puzzling why many Rishonim strive to follow a different understanding than the true explanation given by our Sages? We find such tendencies in the commentary of the Rashbam, Ibn Ezra and other Rishonim. What is the purpose of offering explanations which differ from the definitive true ones? I think that they offer these alternative explanations for the sake of confused people. In other words, these Rishonim want to show that there are many different aspects even in the simple understanding of the verses and that it is permissible for a person to create new interpretations according to what makes sense to him. (Of course, any alternative explanations which contradict foundation principles of faith are prohibited.) This is consistent with our understanding of R’ Shmuel HaNagid. This advice is very critical in order to save the souls of the confused people. Such an approach is similar to that of the Rambam who wrote so much for the confused. We see this from the fact that many difficulties that exist in what he wrote could have been explained in a much clearer fashion. However, since he was addressing confused people he provided alternative explanations which they could accept - as long as it didn’t contradict the Halacha. Using this approach, I have been able to understand the difficult comments of the Radak who was a very holy person and one of the great members of the period of the Rishonim. In particular, it justifies his comments concerning the disparity of the text of the Torah and how it is to be read in a number of places (kri v’kesiv)….

Yaavetz (1:108): I am upset with Rishonim such as the Radak and other pursuers of the simple meaning of the text (rodfei hapshat) whose lust for the surface understanding causes them to swallow it without proper preparation and without proper cooking. Many times, we see that they have arrogantly rejected the views of our Sages for their own understanding based on the simple meaning of the text. Here also in this case they don’t accept the traditions of our Sages in understanding the nature of the altar of the Temple…

Rambam (Teshuva 3:5):… There are three types of deniers of the Torah. 1) One who says that the Torah is not from G d. Even if he says even one verse or word was written by Moshe on his own – he is a denier of the Torah. 2) And similarly if he denies the explanation i.e., the Oral Torah or he contradicts the transmitters of the Oral Torah such as Tzadok and Boesus did. 3) If he says that G d substituted one mitzvah for another or that some aspect of Torah has been abrogated even though he acknowledges the Torah is from G¬ d such as the Hagarites. 

Rambam (Introduction to Mishna Torah):… We are obligated to accept and observe all that which is found in the Babylonian Talmud and each city and land can force its residents to conduct themselves in according with the practices as well as the decrees of the Talmudic sages. That is because they have been fully accepted by the Jewish people. Furthermore these sages who made decrees or prohibition or practices or decided laws or learned the meaning of the Torah – constituted all of the sages of Israel or most of them at the time. They are the ones who heard the Tradition of the essence of the entire Torah – generation after generation – all the way back to Moshe.

Maharal (Shemos 12:40.68):… The fact is that the Bris bein HaBesarim was before according to our Sages. I have gone into great length in this matter because there are those who think they are smarter than our Sages and reject their views and raise questions against them and say that the decree was 5 years before leaving Charan. However the words of our Sages are correct and we should accept their understanding. If you look into the matter you will find that their view is one solidly based on the truth and there is no need to belabor the point. However I am astounded by the Ramban because he is bothered by the 30 additional years here and he doesn’t want to say the decree was 5 years before…The basic point is that we should not deviate from the views of our Sages because their views are substantive and they are correct and there is no doubt about this to those who investigate and understand the words of the Sages.

Bava Basra (75a): And I will make your gates from gemstones (Yeshaya 54:12). R’ Yochonan explained this verse to mean that in the future G d will bring precious stones and pearls which are 30 cubits by thirty cubits  and will carve opening in them of 10 by 29 cubits and will set them up at the gates of Yerushalyim. A certain student ridiculed him: We don’t even have jewels the size of dove eggs so how could there possibly just large jewels? At a later time he was traveling on a ship and saw angels cutting precious stones and pearls which were thirty by thirty cubits and were carving out openings in them of 10 by 20 cubits. He asked the angels what the purpose of their work was. They answered that G d would use these gems at a future time for the gates of Jerusalem. When the student returned, he told Rabbi Yochanon that the interpretation that he had ridiculed was in fact fine - since he had seen the large gems with his own eyes. Rabbi Yochanon replied, “You fool! If you had not seen it you would not have believed it. You are someone who ridicules the words of our Sages.” He set his eyes on the student and he became a pile of bones.

Conceal material which can cause confusion

Ohr HaChaim (Devarim 34:6): I saw in the commentary of the Ibn Ezra that Yehoshua - and not Moshe - wrote the last verses in the Torah. However, when explaining the plain meaning of the text one should not state the view that Moshe did not actually complete the writing of the Torah [Even though this view is stated by our sages in Bava Basra 15a]. I myself have heard that people get confused from this view which can lead to denial of the validity of the Torah. In fact, this is the claim of the non Jews that the Jews made up the text and that there are things in it that didn’t happen … Therefore one should only present the view that Moshe wrote the whole Torah as it states in Bava Basra (15a).

Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 1:17): Don’t think that theology is the only thing that should be withheld from the masses. Most of science should also be kept from them. In fact, we have repeatedly cited the statement of our sages (Chagiga 11b) that Maaseh Bereishis [physics according to the Rambam] should not be taught in the presence of two people. This concealment of information from the masses is not unique to Judaism but was also characteristic of the philosophers and the non Jewish sages of the ancient world. They would conceal the basic principles of wisdom by presenting them as riddles… Now if the secular sages found a need to conceal information from the masses by using figurative expressions and similes - even though there was no danger of loss - surely it is appropriate for the religious community not to express issues which are difficult for the masses to understand or that they understand it different than what is meant.

Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim Introduction): The seventh reason why an author seems to contradict himself occurs when discussing very deep and profound issues. It is necessary to conceal some aspects of the information and to reveal some. In order to accomplish this concealment it might be necessary in one place to utilize one set of principles and in another context it might be necessary to utilize a different set of fundamental principles - even though the principles contradict each other. Obviously, the author should write in such a way that the ignorant masses are totally unaware of the internal contradiction.

Shabbos (13b): If it hadn’t been for Chanania ben Chezkiah the book of Yirmiyahu would have been concealed because there are statement in it which appear to contract the Torah. He was able to show that it did not contract the Torah.

Shabbos (30b): The Sages wanted to conceal the book of Koheles because its words seem to contradict each other. Why wasn’t it concealed? Because the beginning is words of Torah and the end is words of Torah…

Judge halts mass firings of federal workers at some agencies

A federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday found that the mass firings of probationary employees were likely unlawful, granting some temporary relief to a coalition of labor unions and organizations that has sued to stop the Trump administration’s massive trimming of the federal workforce.

The ruling puts one of the most comprehensive pauses so far on the attempts of President Donald Trump’s administration to carry out mass firings across federal agencies.

The case specifically grappled with the involvement and oversight of the Office of Personnel Management, led by acting director Charles Ezell, in directing agencies to cut back their workforces beginning with shorter-term, or probationary, employees.

Murdoch’s Paper Pleads With RFK Jr. to Change His Tune on the Measles Vaccine

The New York Post challenged the anti-vax crusader to back measles vaccines as Texas grapples with outbreak.

Trump’s favorite hometown paper just demanded Robert F. Kennedy Jr. convince them he’s not a “crank” and go to measles-hit Texas to “preach the truth” about vaccines.

The New York Post’s Trump-endorsing editorial board called on the secretary of health and human services to “prove” that he really did believe in the safety and efficacy of vaccines in Thursday’s edition.

“Go to Texas, Mr. Secretary, and preach the truth as only a convert can: This vaccine is safe, and getting children jabbed is an act of love," the board challenged the nation’s top health official.

Lost and found: Early commentary on Maimonides’s Mishneh Torah on display in Jerusalem

A unique manuscript featuring a previously lost 15th-century commentary of Maimonides’s monumental work Mishneh Torah is on display for the first time at the National Library of Israel (NLI) in Jerusalem and available online, the library announced on Monday.

The work, described in Hebrew as Mezukak Shivatayim (Distilled Sevenfold), extensively quotes Jewish sages whose names and works are unknown to modern rabbis and scholars, opening the way to recover thinkers’ lost wisdom. The commentary also offers a unique glimpse into the life of one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the late Middle Ages: the Jews of Provence, part of modern-day France.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

'No more tunnels, no more fears': Trump shares 'Trump Gaza' vision in AI video

A song can be heard featuring the lyrics, "Donald Trump will set you free, bringing the life for all to see, no more tunnels, no more fear, Trump's Gaza is finally here."