Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Do frum self-help books contain ancient Torah wisdom - or pop psychology?

The following is an excerpt from Strictly Kosher Reading  page 50- 51 by Dr. Yoel Finkelman. It is truly required reading by any chareidi Jew who wants to understand the relationship between Torah and general culture as manifest in popular English language chareidi literature. This is related to the previous post of whether there is a Torah Psychotherapy?    [A longer selection of the book was posted on Seforim Blog]
Conclusion - Update 8/16/13 It is apparent from the comments to this post is that there is no such thing as Torah Psychology or Torah Therapy that was given at Sinai. There are psychological insights which are found in our Tradition which can be used in therapy - but they don't constitue a program of therapy. A psychology or therapy based primarily or exclusive on Torah sources might be desirable - but it doesn't exist at present and it clearly is not part of our Tradition from Sinai.
Lawrence Kelemen's parenting guide, To Kindle a Soul, for example,  claims in the subtitle to contain "ancient wisdom." "At the foot of a  mountain in the Sinai desert, the Creator of the universe directly re­vealed His profound wisdom to approximately three million people ....  Those present received ... a comprehensive guide for raising great human  beings." The book attempts to describe "this ancient, Torah approach to  education" which is "more comprehensive and effective ... than any of the  schools of child psychology I studied at university." Kelemen describes  the "significant" differences between these supposedly "ancient traditions" and the practices of contemporary parents."

"Yet Kelemen's parenting approach fits neatly within late twentieth­  century American parenting discourse, and it differs significantly from  that of pre-modern Jewish sources. Kelemen combines an American  religious-right critique of supposedly decadent American family life  with a child-centered parenting approach advocated by endless Ameri­can mass-market parenting guides in the 1990s. Criticism of American  materialism and permissiveness; advocacy of limiting the mother's time at work; polemics against spanking; emphasis on good nutrition, proper  sleep time, and bedtime routine; concerns about the adverse impact of  television viewing; claims to provide a "system" for raising moral children; and advocacy of "quality-time" for empathy and close communica­tion between parents and children, all characterized American experts'  suggestions to worried middle-class parents at the end of the twentieth  century. Even Kelemen's claim that his approach derives from the Bible follows the pattern of American religious parenting guides. Indeed, the  book's unstated assumptions - that parenting is a full-time endeavor,  and that parents should actively monitor their children's moment­  by-moment lives - typify experts' advice and popular assumptions in  America during the so-called "century of the child."

Not only does Kelemen's approach match that of contemporary  parenting experts, but it differs from traditional Jewish sources on the  topic. While a complete history of Jewish approaches to children and  family has yet to be written, it is enough in this context to note that  traditional Jewish literature speaks of childhood and parenting in spotty  and unsystematic ways, scattered in works focused on other topics. This  reflects a historical past in which families were considerably less child centered than they are today, and parents learned how to parent more by imitation, instinct, face-to-face conversation, and osmosis than from  the written word of experts. Pre-modern Jews did not write parenting  manuals since they assumed that knowing how to parent was an intui­tive or natural thing.

Take the example of Kelemen's approach to corporal punishment and  spanking. This is a particularly important example because traditional  sources do say quite a bit on the topic, and what they do say clashes rather  dramatically with the approach of contemporary Haredi parenting literature. Kelemen polemicizes against corporal punishment of children, and  even harsh verbal reprimands. Instead - reflecting both contemporary  notions of individual autonomy and the voluntary nature of modern  religious commitments, which make it difficult to coerce people into reli­gious conformity - he insists that parents should calmly explain to their  children what is proper and improper. Parents should then serve as living  role models of the proper, hoping thereby to help children come to their  own appreciation of and identification with the parents' values.[...]

House Dems Demand Probe of Comer’s Indicted ‘Missing’ Biden Informant

The committee Democrats also said that it “appears as if Mr. Luft sought ‘whistleblower’ status to shield himself from prosecution, as the indictment was actually handed down last November and he was initially arrested in Cyprus in February. Luft had since been on the run after he skipped bail in April.

Hear why an ex-GOP lawmaker is now helping Hunter Biden

Former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman talks to CNN's Jim Acosta about why he's now working with the legal team advising President Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Unsealed Federal Indictment EXPOSES CRIME SPREE of GOP Fake Whistleblower

House Republican's Biden 'whistleblower' charged by DOJ


I teach material designed to challenge the students’ assumptions, and I emphasize that there is no consensus about the key questions of Jewish thought and religious truth. Everything that matters is subject to deep dispute, and dispute cannot be “paskened” in the manner we determine the proper berakha on licorice. The range of theological possibilities within Judaism is vast, with numerous schools and sefarim opting for mutually exclusive positions at opposite ends of the theological spectrum.

Think tank leader who claims to have given FBI info on Hunter Biden charged by Justice Department

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chairman of the Oversight Committee, called Luft a “very credible witness on Biden family corruption” in a tweet last week. Comer and other Republicans have heralded Luft as a whistleblower in the Hunter Biden laptop probe.

Luft faces up to 100 years in prison if convicted of all eight counts and sentenced to the maximum amount of prison time, though such a sentence is unlikely.

‘Missing’ Biden corruption witness Dr. Gal Luft hit with federal charges

Dr. Gal Luft, a key figure in House Republicans’ investigation of the Biden family’s international influence-peddling, faces federal charges of arms trafficking, operating as an unregistered lobbyist for China, and conspiring to flout US sanctions on Iran, according to a Manhattan indictment unsealed Monday.

GOP’s ‘Missing’ Biden Probe Witness Faces Laundry List of Federal Charges

Dual U.S.-Israeli citizen Gal Luft had already skipped out on his bail while in Cyprus awaiting extradition to the U.S. for a separate case in March—though he alleges that the sprawling case against him represents political persecution and retaliation by the Biden Administration against a potential witness.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Pinchas was an angel

 Bamidbar Rabbah (16:01)And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two spies heresh (Josh. II, 1). Who were they? Our Rabbis taught: They were Phinehas and Caleb. They went and risked their lives and succeeded in their mission.  And they went, and came into the house of a harlot whose name was Rahab. and lay there (ib.). She rose and welcomed them. The king of Jericho became aware of their presence and heard that they had come to search out the land; as it says, And it was told the king of Jericho, saying, etc.  (ib. 2). When they came to seek them, what did Rahab do? She took them away to hide them. Phinehas said to her: ‘I am a priest and priests are compared to angels’; as it says, For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the angel1 of the Lord hosts (Mal. II, 7), and an angel, if he wishes, can be visible, and if he wishes he can be invisible. How can we infer that prophets2 are compared to angels? From the fact that it says in reference to Moses, And sent an angel, and brought us forth out of Egypt (Num. XX, 16). Was it not Moses who brought them out? Certainly; but you can infer from this that prophets are compared to angels. Similarly it says, And the angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said:... I made you go up out Egypt (Judg. II, 1). But was it not Phinehas who said this? Yes; but you can infer from it that the prophets are called angels. Phinehas, then, said to Rahab: ' I am a priest and do not need to be hidden. Hide Caleb, my companion. I will stand before them and they will not see me. ‘She did so; as may be inferred from the verse, And the woman took the two men, and she hid him (Josh. II, 4)3: not ‘she hid them’, but ’she hid him’ is written. This proves that she did not hide Phinehas but only Caleb. All this serves to teach you how much these two righteous men risked their lives in order to perform their mission. 

Kanoi a path in Avodas HaShem

 The word kanoi is usually said as an insult or derogatory description. But it seems that the Torah views it as a legitimate approach to life.   

A clear case is that of the prophet Elijah. While it seems at first glance that his approach was disapproved by G-d as he was told after killing idolaters that he needed to appoint a replacement and then he died. It should be noted that he went to heaven while alive and in fact became an angel, In fact only two men achieved this Chanoch and Elijah. Clearly he achieved spiritual perfection.

Another example is Pinchas. At first glance he seems to be portrayed as a hot head, a genuine fanatic. Someone who has the presumption to kill a gadol or major leader of the Jewish people and was rewarded by G-d with the bris of Peace and became a cohen. The Zohar notes that he not only saved the Jewish people from a plague but he did ths without official authorization. Moshe had been given the task  by G-d to kill the idolaters which had caused G-g's anger and the resulting deadly plague. But before he carried out the command Pinchas killed Zimri. The Zohar says his unauthorized killing not only stopped the plague but atoned for the sin of Aharon's sons which was also an unauthorized act

The medrash says the bris of peace he was given was not simply protection from the wrath of the defenders of the system but rather was a show of approval. It notes the word shalom is written with a small vov and thus the word is actually shalem (perfection).  I once asked the Tenker Rav how Pinchas could kill without authorization. He replied with a story of the Baal Shem Tov.

The Baal Shem Tov had a student that he was constantly insulting and shaming. The other students asked how he could do this since it was equivalent to murder and causes the loss of Olam Habah. He replied that he knew this one student was soon to receive horrible suffering from Heaven for something he had done. By embarrassing him he was saving him from this punishment/

The Tanker Rav said we see his sole motivation was his love of his fellow Jews and had no concern for the consequences for himself

In addition one of my sons was a kanoi at an early age. I took him to see a well known Kanoi - the Shomer Emunim Rebbe. He told him being a kanoi was not done for entertainment or fun and pleasure.

In sum there are two paths in Avodas HaShem - 1)follow all the rules written and unwritten. 2) Do what is needed to please G-d and help your fellow man - without regard to the consequences

11 Times Tech Really Did Take Our Jobs

The reality is that jobs have been overtaken by new developments in technology for centuries, paving the way for mass production and creating outrage among those who relied on those jobs. From women who worked in the textile industry to switchboard operators in the 1970s, all the way through the 2000s when video streaming services took the place of physical video stores.

Vindman on cluster munitions: ‘From a practical standpoint, the president did the right thing’

“Russia believes that, as long as this war is continuing on, it maintains a veto over Ukraine’s NATO membership,” he told CNN. “So that means that we’re setting up a recipe for Russia to continue to interfere, continue to wage war in Ukraine, in an effort to block accession.”