Sunday, July 9, 2023



NJ Jews reel after kosher baker rejects synagogue’s order for rainbow Pride treats

 NJ Jews reel after kosher baker rejects synagogue’s order for rainbow Pride treats

But the local Jewish community is still reeling. Multiple rabbis have accused the baker of bigotry, and some local Jews are boycotting his shop. The area’s Jewish federation privately said it would stop buying from Mittel before publicly walking back its position. And Eshel, an advocacy group for LGBTQ Orthodox Jews and their families, announced an “ally training” in West Orange this coming Sunday in response to the incident.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Ex-Trump Official Defends Hunter Biden Over Cocaine Accusations

"There is no way. It is inconceivable to think cocaine can sit [at the White House] for a 72-hour period. So I would rule him out at this point," McEnany said of Hunter Biden.

BBC apologises after presenter said 'Israeli forces are happy to kill children'

“Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?”

Responding, Bennett said: “Quite to the contrary. Actually, all 11 people dead there are militants. The fact that there are young terrorists who decide to hold arms is their responsibility.”

Republicans Continue to Blame Hunter Biden for White House Cocaine Saga

Yet it was none other than former President Donald Trump who tried to make the most direct argument about the source of the illegal substance.

“Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden?” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post, lobbing the accusation not only at Hunter Biden but the president as well.

Merit based college admissions are required by supreme court - so why are legacy or donor preference admissions ok?

Iván Espinoza-Madrigal is the Executive Director of Lawyers for Civil Rights and is one of the attorneys representing the plaintiffs.

“As the Supreme Court recently noted, ‘eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it.’ There should be no way to identify who your parents are in the college application process,” he said.

“Why are we rewarding children for privileges and advantages accrued by prior generations?” Espinoza-Madrigal added. “Your family’s last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of merit, and should have no bearing on the college admissions process.”

BBC apologizes for anchor saying 'Israeli forces are happy to kill children'

The BBC issued an apology on Wednesday following a contentious interview in which a presenter made controversial remarks suggesting that "Israeli forces are happy to kill children," according to the Jewish Chronicle.

Anjana Gadgil, the news presenter, made these comments while discussing Israel's military operation in Jenin with former-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, during a Tuesday evening broadcast.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Fox Host Blasts ‘Tasteless’ Comments Linking Hunter to White House Cocaine

At the same time, the Fox Business host took issue with fellow right-wing media stars trying to make the drug find about President Joe Biden’s troubled son, who has become a frequent target among conservative media.

“Of course, social media starts making fun—bringing up Hunter’s name, it’s not funny,” Casone exclaimed. “And I think that there’s a lot of cheap shots taken at Hunter Biden.” She concluded: “He is a recovering addict. Nobody wants to see him regress or slip back into addiction. And I think the comments were tasteless.”

Notably, several of the most prominent individuals who’ve rushed to connect the White House blow to Hunter Biden were Casone’s own Fox colleagues.

White House cocaine culprit unlikely to be found: Law enforcement official

The small amount of cocaine was found in a cubby area for storing electronics within the West Exec basement entryway into the West Wing, where many people have authorized access, including staff or visitors coming in for West Wing tours.

How long do you need to study to have a clear understanding of Jewish fundamentals?

 Just talked with an individual  who attended yeshiva for a number of years who told me "I have reviewed the Chovas Halevavos 50 times and I still don't know what bitachon is!"

When I asked Rav Noach Weinberg about publishing a sefer with diverse views on fundamentals. He said it was very important because of the widespread ignorance in yeshiva circles. But he cautioned. "You  need to make a false pretense like I did when I spoke in Lakewood. They are confident they have the answers so I told them they need to know for the sake of kiruv."

Green madness: You’d have to burn a pizza stove 849 years to equal one year of John Kerry’s private jet = more lies from NYPost

Environmental bureaucrats are out to save you from pizza.

The city government is set to restrict emissions from coal- and wood-fired pizza ovens in restaurants in the city.

New Yorkers are once again suffering at the hands of the unelected food police in the name of public health and climate change.

Rightwingers say ‘pink-haired liberals’ are killing New York pizza. Here’s what’s really happening

The pizza pile-on was sparked by a inaccuracy-riddled report published over the weekend by the New York Post, which claimed that the city’s department of environmental protection was “targeting” coal- and wood-fired pizza restaurants by forcing them to install expensive emission control devices to reduce their “carbon emissions” by up to 75%.

Harvard psychologist shares 9 toxic phrases ‘gaslighters’ always use—and how to respond

“Gaslighting,” or the experience of being manipulated into doubting your feelings and perceptions of reality, can happen to anyone.

This behavior is often used to gain power and control in relationships. Being on the receiving end of it can be damaging to your self-esteem, and can even lead to anxiety or depression.

As a Harvard-trained psychologist who specializes in trauma and relationships, I’ve observed this firsthand. If someone uses any of these nine phrases, they may be gaslighting you:

Antisemitism controversy surrounds CAIR's claims against Israel in Jenin

In addition, according to a background document of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), some members of CAIR’s leadership have used inflammatory anti-Zionist rhetoric that on a number of occasions has veered into antisemitic tropes related to Jewish influence over the media or political affairs. According to the ADL, CAIR frequently partnered with vehemently anti-Zionist and anti-Israel groups like Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and American Muslims for Palestine, many of whose members employ extreme rhetoric and questionable tactics to demonize Zionism and Zionists and disrupt pro-Israel activity.