Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Donald Trump Is About to Have His Wile E. Coyote Moment

Sure, you’re hearing that Trump being indicted is actually helping him with his base. But that is pure hooey peddled by the hooeymongers in the media who have been serving as stenographers simply repeating verbatim talking points produced by the Team Trump’s ACME Hooey Machine. The facts show that Trump’s support is beginning to erode in multiple meaningful ways. The ground is literally giving way beneath his feet, even if he and a goodly chunk of the punditerati don’t know it yet.

Nobody is saying Trumop is innocent!

 Despite claims that Trump is a victim - none of his supporters are saying he was innocent and did not do what the indictment says.

The most popular defense is what about Hillary? What about Biden? Which is totally irrelevant.

The evidence - especially Trump's own words clearly establish that his case is unique.

Despite Trump's strong efforts to Lock her up. His own Attorney generals decided there was no case as well as did the FBI and his DOJ. With Biden there is no evidence he deliberate took documents or refused to return them nor is there any hint of obstruction of justice. Additionally no one has claimed that the documents that Trump took are equally important secret documents and are just as big a threat to American security.

In sum, Trump whose only defense is that the documents were his property will be going to jail for the rest of his life and that is primarily based on his own words and none of his supporters think otherwise. His only viable option is a plea deal which he rejects.

Yad Yisroel to the rescue

 I have been asked of what use is an index to the Mishna Berura? Aside from the fact that it is one of the foundations of modern halacha why does it need to be indexed. After all it is based on the Shulchan Aruch and is readily accessible as opposed to the Igros Moshe where countless topics are concealed in unrelated matters

The fact is the Mishna Berura contains much hidden wealth since he discusses topics such as incarnation or the status of the Meiri and Kabbala. There is the story Rav Yaakov Kaminetsly once said at a rabbinic convention, I heard this story from  Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz.

Rav Yaakov as a young man was traveling on a train when he noticed he was approaching the town of Rav Schwadron. He noted that the Rav was already a very old man and perhaps he would never have another chance to meet him. So he got of the train to pay him a visit. He got to him and noticed he was indeed very old and frail but engaged him in a conversation regarding a question that had been bothering him. The Rav told him the answer to his question could be found in the Mishna Berura. He returned to the train very upset. Rav Schwadron one of the leading halachic minds of any age obviously was obviously senile since he had said the answer was in the Mishna Berura which deals with Orech Chaim and not the issue that was bothering him. However when he got back to yeshiva he told himself that it was not being respectful to ignore the words of Rav Schwadron. So he looked at the Mishna Berura and in fact saw that it answered his question. 

Now he was really upset so he traveled back to Rav Schwadron to apologize for thinking he was senile. Rav Schwadron told him that there was no need to apologize, He said "Give me the first volume of my Shulchan Aruch." He opened the cover and showed him that it was covered with marks. "Each mark is put there when I complete reviewing the entire Shulchan Aruch So even if I was senile I could have answered your question!"

I was once in shul for Shacharis when a fight broke out between an avreich who had been quietly learning his gemora before the minyan started. We were now up to Berchas Cohanim and one member of the minyan was upset that the avreich did not stand up. So he grabbed his head and pulled him to a standing position. I grabbed my Yad Yisroel and quickly located the statement that standing is only a minhag and is not required. I showed the Mishna Berura to the kanoi. He admitted he was wrong and apologized publically for his action. Apology was accepted.

Republican Admits Biden Tapes Might Not Be Smoking Gun

The Washington Post reported last week that the allegations contained in the FD-1023 document being sought by Republican lawmakers was reviewed by the FBI under former former Attorney General William Barr, only for the agency to conclude the allegations were found not to be supported by facts. The investigation was later dropped, a fact confirmed by several outlet

Biden had nothing to do with Trump's indictment in classified documents probe

Biden had nothing to do with Trump’s indictment, according to Michael Bachner, a former Manhattan assistant district attorney. The video also does not provide evidence of Biden's involvement.

The president does not have the power under the Constitution to charge anyone with a crime, according to Marc Scholl, who served as a criminal prosecutor in New York. Under federal statute, that authority is reserved for federal prosecutors, who must present evidence and convince a grand jury to move forward with an indictment.

How do Donald Trump and Joe Biden's classified documents cases compare?

As former President Donald Trump prepared to be arraigned on charges related to his handling of classified documents, some supporters complained that Trump has been indicted by a special counsel while President Joe Biden hasn’t.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fox conspiracy nonsense Biden indicted Trump so he would win nomination

Joe Biden is desperate to run against Donald Trump in 2024. His campaign team imagines that the current president is likely to beat the former president, as he did in 2020. The corollary is that they’re not at all convinced he could win over anybody else. 

Hence, the indictment of Donald Trump on charges of mishandling classified information, which inevitably fuels Trump’s grievance agenda, raises money for his campaign, and appears to have further solidified his standing as front-runner in the crowded GOP primary field. The charges are meant to make his nomination inevitable but weaken his appeal in the general election.

'I condemned the shooting, now they want to kill me': Deadly attack on Israeli border divides Egypt

A week has passed since the fateful Saturday morning of June 3, and a further question may now be added to the intense pain over the deaths of the three combat soldiers from the IDF Paran Brigade during the terrorist attack along Israel's southern border, and to the various questions regarding the functioning of the forces there – how is this incident perceived on the other side of the border? While a wave of deep mourning has swept over Israel, the newspapers have been blackened by dozens of eulogies and the TV studios have been filled by an overwhelming sense of missed opportunity, in the meantime, Egypt has been overcome by another type of shock. On the one hand, a doubtful thunderous silence has been noticeable, while on the other hand – this incident has resurrected dark feelings from the past. The Egyptian security forces wasted no time in attempting to understand precisely what had happened, to engage in a professional dialogue with their Israeli colleagues, and eventually to try and convey this compl

Trump’s 2nd indictment: Read the full document text

A newly unsealed federal indictment charges former President Donald Trump with 31 counts of “willful retention” of classified records, as well as several counts related to his alleged effort to obstruct the investigation.

Fox News’s Turley: Trump could face ‘terminal sentence’ if DOJ proves even one count

“Now, we have not heard their other side. Generally, the indictments are a lot stronger on the day they are issued than on the next day, so they may be able to knock down some of these issues,” Turley said. “But some of the evidence is coming from his former counsel, and these are very damaging statements made against him. It may be hard to move those.”

Nikki Haley reverses course, says Trump ‘reckless’ if indictment true

The federal indictment against former President Donald Trump indicates he was “incredibly reckless” in handling classified information, Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley said Monday — days after decrying the case as “prosecutorial overreach.”

“If this indictment is true, if what it says is actually the case, President Trump was incredibly reckless with our national security,” Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations and onetime governor of South Carolina, told Fox News.

“More than that, I’m a military spouse, the 51-year-old added. “My husband’s about to deploy this weekend. This puts all of our military men and women in danger.”

Monday, June 12, 2023

Jim Jordan Twists Himself Into a Pretzel Defending Trump in Classified Docs Case

Bash noted some of these discrepancies to Jordan, explaining that Smith found the Secret Service was unaware Trump was allegedly hoarding boxes of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. She also pressed Jordan on whether he had evidence that Trump declassified the documents on his way out, leading Jordan to offer what appears to be the crux of the GOP’s efforts to defend Trump.

“I go on the president’s word,” Jordan said. “He said he did and the Supreme Court said that’s what counts.”

In following “the president’s word,” Jordan seems to be following the lead of a man federal prosecutors indicted for, among 37 other counts, making false statements.

No power can help independent of G-d's will

 Mishna Berura (98:8) In prayer a person should fully believe that there is no created entity - mazal or star that is capable of fulfilling his requests. It only happens according to G-d’s will

What does it mean when we say "Mazal Tov" to someone at a Simcha

So, what do we mean when we say "Mazel Tov"? We are saying a brief prayer at this time which is strongly influenced by the Mazalot, that Hashem will ensure that the "energy" that is sent will be only for good