Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Donald Trump Is About to Have His Wile E. Coyote Moment

Sure, you’re hearing that Trump being indicted is actually helping him with his base. But that is pure hooey peddled by the hooeymongers in the media who have been serving as stenographers simply repeating verbatim talking points produced by the Team Trump’s ACME Hooey Machine. The facts show that Trump’s support is beginning to erode in multiple meaningful ways. The ground is literally giving way beneath his feet, even if he and a goodly chunk of the punditerati don’t know it yet.


  1. Literally?

  2. I'm planning to vote in this upcoming U.S. Presidential election if Trump is the Republican candidate. I was sitting on the fence whether to vote or not. I did not vote in 2020. So this indictment is revving up this roughly 1/70,000,000 of Trump's base.

  3. Yes this is a common view on the right - Trump promotes my agenda so it doesn't matter if he is a digusting criminal or as long as he irritates Leftists he is my man.
    BTW the same was said about Hitler

  4. Yes this is a common view on the left - Biden promotes my agenda so it doesn't matter if he is a digusting criminal or as long as he irritates Rightist he is my man.
    BTW the same was said about Stalin

  5. It's not about the base. Trump's base is not eroding, any more than the USSR was a worker's paradise, as these same leftists assured us.
    It's about the centrists, the people who actually decide the election. They're repulsed and that will make the difference.

  6. Yes.
    The figurative ground is literally giving way beneath his figurative feet.

  7. Hitler battled the communists in the streets on his way to political power. I don't think Donald Trump is coming after the Jews. So if he's effective against the communists, great.

  8. Wow I guess I missed all the criminal indictments against the "Biden crime family
    You keep making moral equivalence where none exist. Trump is the deranged criminal as clearly shown by evidence. No one has produced evidence against Biden despite years of allegations and wishful thinking by the right

  9. no, I keep pointing out the corruption of the American legal system in which one president who takes documents home is served with criminal charges while another is told "Yeah, just don't do it again, okay?"


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