Thursday, April 14, 2022

Communications Minister: Kosher phone lines to be barred from blocking non-kosher content

Despite multiple efforts made by representatives of the haredi community, Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel has decided to cancel a central feature of kosher phone lines, barring them from blocking access to content that the haredi community finds reprehensible. Access for those under the age of 18 will be partially restricted, Ministry sources say, although details are not forthcoming.

Intensive efforts have been made by haredi representatives, including Hassidic leaders, over the past months to persuade Hendel to relent, but Hendel has rebuffed all approaches. Key among those organizations pressuring the government to ban the kosher phone lines from restricting access to certain numbers have been those representing LGBT issues.

Why does NYC still honor two French Nazi collaborators? - opinion

Petain and Laval, incidentally, are not the only World War II villains to be glorified in the United States. The Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama, is named for Wernher von Braun, who, prior to reinventing himself as a key architect of the American space program in the 1950s and 1960s, was a Nazi major who lethally exploited inmates at the Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp to manufacture the Third Reich’s V-2 ballistic missiles. A large bust of von Braun stands prominently outside NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, also in Huntsville. My father, who was imprisoned at Dora for several months, said that conditions there were worse than he experienced at Auschwitz.

ISIS terrorist believed responsible for string of murders

In a joint operation, Israel Police and Shabak agents have arrested a terrorist from Hebron who is suspected of having murdered Yehuda and Tamar Kaduri in their Jerusalem home in 2019, and who is also being linked to an attempt to murder a young girl in the capital's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood. The terrorist is also believed to be responsible for last month's attack on two foreigners in Jerusalem's Arnona neighborhood.

In 2019, police received a report of a couple found murdered in their home in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, a "seamline" area where many nationalist crimes have been committed in the past. Yehuda and Tamar Kaduri had been cruelly murdered, their throats slit. On the previous day, a young girl had been attacked and wounded with a knife in the same neighborhood, and police suspected the attacks were connected.

An investigation was opened but no arrests were made, and then last month, two Moldovan citizens were attacked with a knife in their Jerusalem apartment. Ivan Tarnowski had been killed and his friend was injured. This time, police found evidence that significantly advanced their investigation, and just hours after the murder, Wassim Assayed, a 34-year-old PA Arab from Hebron was arrested in northern Jerusalem, while attempting to cross the separation fence and flee into PA-controlled territory.

Women eating children

Sefer Chasidim (411) There are women who are suspected of eating children either because they are forced or because they are witches. It should be publically announced that anyone hurting a child will have their teeth ground down on the stones surrounding the well or be killed/


 Sefer Chasidim (206) 

If you see that someone is obsessed with the time of the coming of  Moshiach you should know he is involved with magic or demons or the use of G-d’s name so that it should be revealed to him . However  because they are disturbing the angels he will endup disgraced and shamed before the whole world

Laura Ingraham Says Donald Trump's Endorsement of Dr. Oz is a 'Mistake'

Representative Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican, blamed Trump's staff for the endorsement." This is happening because Trump's surrounded himself by staff who are on McConnell's payroll & hostile to the MAGA agenda. Everybody telling Trump who to endorse in primaries works for The Swamp," he wrote. "They played him. Again."

Pioneering Orthodox sex therapist accused of harassment

Multiple claims of harassment have emerged against a pioneering figure of women’s empowerment from former employees of the organization she helped found.

Bat Sheva Marcus, a renowned sex therapist who was the president of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, was accused in scathing Facebook posts this week by a former executive director of the group who said Marcus bullied her, made sexually inappropriate comments and, unsolicited, once gave her a sex toy.

‘Father unknown’: A dread biblical status leads to modern problems

Last week, the Israel Democracy Institute think tank, the Center for Women’s Justice and an organization that represents mamzers, the Dim’at Ha’ashukim Forum (in English the “tear of the oppressed”), organized a first-of-its-kind conference to discuss the mamzer issue in general and the 300-day rule in particular, bringing together experts in Jewish and secular law, activists, and researchers in the field of religion and state.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Jared Kushner may have an ethics problem – to the tune of $90m

A whistleblower has alleged that Kushner’s business interests are among the reasons career White House personnel security officers recommended that neither he nor his similarly conflicted wife, Ivanka Trump, be given a security clearance – a recommendation President Trump ignored.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made millions in Washington. But at what cost?

First things first: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump should never have been allowed to work in the White House. Anti-nepotism rules exist for a reason, namely so that unqualified relatives of the president are not given jobs in the most important office in the world.

Kushner, the son of a now-pardoned felon and real estate magnate, came to the White House from his previous position as an executive in the family business, often playing the role of slumlord. Yet, he was tasked with solving everything from the opioid crisis to modernizing the federal government to criminal justice reform to Middle East peace to the coronavirus pandemic. He solved almost nothing, but he did reportedly help secure a pardon for his father.

Kushner Companies

In 2017, Nicole Kushner Meyer joined her brother Josh in Kushner Companies, serving as a principal.[32] Meyer was criticized for mentioning her brother's White House position during investor presentations she gave in China when soliciting $150 million for 1 Journal Square in Jersey City, causing her to cancel the rest of her roadshow appearances.[33] In another dispute involving 1 Journal Square, the company is attempting to get $113,659 from the city to cover legal expenses.[34]

According to Bloomberg, the company is facing[when?] an increasingly "distressed situation". Over the last few years, family members have sought substantial overseas investment to deal with "troubled finances".[35]

In the 2010s, developers such as the Kushner Companies widely used the EB-5 visa to fuel a "high-end US residential boom".[36] In May 2017, Trump renewed the visa program in his first major piece of legislation.[37] That September, the United States Attorney's office subpoenaed the Kushner Companies over the use of the EB-5 visa program to fund developments.[38]

In December 2017, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York subpoenaed Deutsche Bank records pertaining to Kushner Companies.[39] The New York Times reported in May 2019 that anti-money laundering specialists in the bank detected what appeared to be suspicious transactions involving entities controlled by Donald Trump and Jared Kushner, for which they recommended filing suspicious activity reports with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Treasury Department, but bank executives rejected the recommendations. One specialist noted money moving from Kushner Companies to Russian individuals and flagged it in part because of the bank's previous involvement in a Russian money laundering scheme.[40][41]

In 2020, ProPublica and WNYC reported that Kushner Companies received "a near-record sum" from government-backed lender Freddie Mac. The $786 million in loans helped Kushner Companies purchase thousands of apartments in Maryland and Virginia and appeared to come with "unusually good terms," raising conflict of interest questions due to Jared Kushner's role as Senior Advisor to the President of the United States. [42]

Timeline on Jared Kushner, Qatar, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House Policy

When the Kushner Companies purchased 666 Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan in early 2007 for a record-breaking price of $1.8 billion, it was supposed to be a center of their real estate portfolio. Instead, the Kushners have struggled to cover their debt on the troubled building since shortly after its purchase on the eve of the financial crisis. As Jared Kushner’s father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, was running for President, the Kushners were pitching Qatari investors to help bail out the building. And just weeks after his father Charles reportedly failed to reach a deal with Qatar’s minister of finance, Jared Kushner, in his capacity as a senior adviser to President Trump, reportedly played a central role in supporting a blockade of Qatar by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Kushner never disclosed his meeting with Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the blockade to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the time. Later, a financial company tied to Qatar brokered an especially valuable deal to rescue the Kushner Companies’ property at 666 Fifth Avenue.

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Rav Nota Schiller - That Relentless Seder