Monday, March 14, 2022

White House faces oil standoff with Saudi Arabia and UAE as prices soar

However, the standoff involves far more than oil. In Riyadh, Prince Mohammed feels snubbed by Biden’s refusal to engage with him ever since he took office. The murder of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi by the crown prince’s security aides, the war on Yemen, the jailing of rights activists and the boycott of Qatar have made him a pariah to the administration.
Sir John Jenkins, a former British ambassador to Riyadh and a senior fellow at the UK thinktank Policy Exchange, said ties that had been growing between Riyadh and Moscow, particularly since Biden sidelined Prince Mohammed, would probably need to be recalibrated if a reset was to take place.

NY State releases new guidelines for private schools — and yeshivas push back

The New York State Education Department released long-awaited guidelines Thursday on teaching secular subjects in parochial schools. They were met with immediate pushback from Orthodox Jewish leaders.

The new proposals offer several options for schools to prove their instruction is “substantially equivalent” to public schools, and will take into account different religious and cultural methods for teaching.

The proposal offers schools options if they do not want to be reviewed by their local public school authorities. One option is for schools to test students using NYSED-approved assessments for core subjects like English, math and science. Another option allows schools to become accredited by an Education Department-approved accreditation organization.

Orthodox leaders, however, still consider the guidelines an assault on education at haredi Orthodox yeshivas, where the bulk of instruction is devoted to Jewish texts in their original languages. In a public statement, Agudath Israel of America, which represents haredi interests, rejected the new guidelines, insisting that they do not take into account the “educational value of religious study.”

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Russia shifts stance on hospital bombing that sparked world outrage

In the face of worldwide condemnation there were rare signs of inconsistency in the response from Russian officials, who since the start of Moscow's invasion on Feb. 24 have stuck tightly to the same narrative for what Russia calls its special military operation in Ukraine.

Russian forces bomb a mosque in Mariupol as attacks continue in Kyiv

Russian forces shelled a mosque in the port city of Mariupol on Saturday that was sheltering more than 80 people, including children, the Ukrainian government said, AP reports.

Driving the news: There were no immediate reports of casualties, per AP.
The Ukrainian Embassy in Turkey said 86 Turkish nationals, including 34 children, were among those who sought safety in the mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife Roksolana.

The views of Rav S. R. Hirsch (part 1): : Understanding Korbanos

Guest Post  by Hirschy

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch famously criticized the Rambam [1] for (among other things) ignoring the details of the mitzvos while explaining their ta'amim. Perhaps the clearest example of their different approaches can be found in their approach to korbanos. The Rambam says explicitly that there is no rhyme or reason (at least that we can detect) for why the torah requires that one type of animal as opposed to another be brought for a particular korbon. [2] Rabbi Hirsch completely rejects this approach. The reasons for this wide ranging machlokes are not the focus of this post. Rather, I would like to simply take one example of the intricate explanations offered by Rabbi Hirsch that highlight how fruitful his approach can be. Since my goal is more to get others to learn the material inside themselves than to present any kind of comprehensive analysis, I will not quote how Rabbi Hirsch arrives at his conclusions. However it should be noted that while some of this may seem arbitrary, it is anything but. Rabbi Hirsch develops his ideas in rigorous- some might even say tedious, detail.

The first thing to note about korbanos is what they are NOT. Rabbi Hirsch notes that we have no word in western languages that accurately translates what the word "korbon" means. He stresses that the common translations of 'offering' and 'sacrifice', completely distort what the Jewish concept of a korbon is all about. Those words tend to imply a sense of destruction for Some Being's sake. This is exactly wrong, according to Rabbi Hirsch. The purpose of a Korbon is to raise up the person bringing it. The death of the animal is necessary, but is definitely not the ultimate purpose. Rabbi Hirsch stresses the fact that shechitah does not need to be done by a kohen. This is highly significant given what the kohen represents.

Rabbi Hirsch even take issue with how most meforshim translate korbon o'lah. He rejects the common pshat which explains that it means totally burnt. Instead, he explains that it means to uplift.[4]

To be continued...

[1]See his 19 Letters, letter #18

[2] "Bringing korbanos is greatly beneficial, as I will explain. But this that this one has to be a sheep and that one has to be a ram, or that there must be a specific number [of animals]- for that it is impossible to provide any reason at all. Those that trouble themselves to find the the cause for any of these detailed rules [of a mitzvah] are in my eyes void of any sense....the repeated assertions of our sages that there are reasons for allcommandments...refer to their general purpose, and not to the objective of every detail" Moreh Nevuchim 3,26   (Part of this translation is from Rabbi Joseph Elias's edition of the 19 letters Page 157-158)

[3]The rambam's view of korbanos has been famously controversial. The Ramban criticized it in very sharp terms since it seems to indicate that korbanos were simply meant as a means of distancing people from serving avoda zara. There is a lot of discussion about what exactly the Rambam meant. See Emes Le'Yackov vayikra 1:9, as well as the sources in the maf'tayach section of the Frankel Rambam hilchos me'ilah 8:8. See also the explanation/defense of the Rambam's view in Rabbi Elias's edition of the 19 letters, pages 289-90. (A quick google search of "Rambam view of Korbanos" can also be used) While that discussion is interesting, it largely irrelevant to our's, since we are simply summarizing the opposing view which is held by Rabbi Hirsch.

[4] See the note on Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's 'The Living Torah' Bereishis 8:20. Rabbi Hirsch actually argues against the common translation on the grounds that the names of all the other korbanos express something about the nature fof the korban itself- e.g. a chattas is brought for a cheit. It therefore would be strange to simply identify the o'lah by the fact that it is completely burnt. In Rabbi Hirsch's conception the term 'o'lah' also expresses it's nature and purpose.

Off the Derech - Tough approach makes things worse

Scientific American     Psychologists have long struggled with how to treat adolescents with conduct disorder, or juvenile delinquency, as the condition is sometimes called when it comes to the attention of the courts. Given that the annual number of juvenile court cases is about 1.2 million, these efforts are of great societal importance. One set of approaches involves “getting tough” with delinquents by exposing them to strict discipline and attempting to shock them out of future crime. These efforts are popular, in part because they quench the public's understandable thirst for law and order. Yet scientific studies indicate that these interventions are ineffective and can even backfire. Better ways to turn around troubled teens involve teaching them how to engage in positive behaviors rather than punishing them for negative ones.

One get-tough technique is boot camp, or “shock incarceration,” a solution for troubled teens introduced in the 1980s. Modeled after military boot camps, these programs are typically supervised by a drill instructor and last from three to six months. They emphasize strict rules and swift punishments (such as repeated push-ups) for disobedience, along with a regimen of physical work and demanding exercise. According to the National Institute of Justice, 11 states operated such programs in 2009. Indeed, Mike S. was sent to a boot camp program following his discharge from the hospital.

Even so, research has yielded at best mixed support for boot camps. In a 2010 review of 69 controlled studies, criminologists Benjamin Meade and Benjamin Steiner, both then at the University of South Carolina, revealed that such programs produced little or no overall improvement in offender recidivism. For reasons that are unclear, some of them reduced rates of delinquency, but others led to higher rates. Boot camps that incorporated psychological treatments, such as substance abuse counseling or psychotherapy, seemed somewhat more effective than those that did not offer such therapies, although the number of studies was too small to draw firm conclusions.

Another method is “Scared Straight,” which became popular following an Academy Award–winning documentary (Scared Straight!), which was filmed in a New Jersey state prison in 1978. Typically these programs bring delinquents and other high-risk teens into prisons to interact with adult inmates, who talk bluntly about the harsh realities of life behind bars. Making adolescents keenly aware of prison life is supposed to deter them from criminal careers. Yet the research on these interventions is not encouraging. In a 2003 meta-analysis (quantitative review) of nine controlled studies of Scared Straight programs, criminal justice researcher Anthony Petrosino, now at the research agency WestEd, and his colleagues showed that these treatments backfired, boosting the odds of offending by 60 to 70 percent.

The verdict for other get-tough interventions, such as juvenile transfer laws, which allow teens who commit especially heinous offenses to be tried as adults, is no more promising. In a 2010 summary, psychologist Richard Redding of Chapman University found higher recidivism rates among transferred adolescent offenders than among nontransferred ones.

Perils of Punishment

Psychologists do not know for sure why get-tough treatments are ineffective and potentially harmful, but the psychological literature holds several clues. First, researchers have long found that punishment-based strategies tend to be less effective than reward-based strategies for lasting behavioral change, in part because they teach people what not to do but not what to do. Second, studies indicate that highly confrontational therapeutic approaches are rarely effective in the long term. For example, in a 1993 controlled trial psychologist William Miller of the University of New Mexico and his colleagues found that counselors who used confrontational styles with problem drinkers—for example, by taking them to task for minimizing the extent of their drinking problem—had significantly less success in helping their clients overcome their addictions than did counselors who used supportive styles that relied on empathy. Similarly, a 2010 review by criminal justice researcher Paul Klenowski of Clarion University and his collaborators found that delinquency programs that involved confrontational tactics, such as berating children for misbehavior, were less effective than programs that did not use them. [...]

These results show that merely imposing harsh discipline on young offenders or frightening them is unlikely to help them refrain from problematic behavior. Instead teens must learn enduring tools—including better social skills, ways to communicate with parents and peers, and anger management techniques—that help them avoid future aggression. Several effective interventions do just that, including cognitive-behavior therapy, a method intended to change maladaptive thinking patterns and behaviors, and multisystemic therapy, in which parents, schools and communities develop programs to reinforce positive behaviors. Another well-supported method, aimed at improving behavior in at-risk children younger than eight years, is parent-child interaction therapy. Parents are coached by therapists in real time to respond to a child's behavior in ways that strengthen the parent-child bond and provide incentives for cooperation [see “Behave!” by Ingrid Wickelgren; Scientific American Mind, March/April 2014]. 

Authority of scientific statements of our Sages

R’ Sherira Gaon (Otzair HaGaonim—Gittin 68b page 152):
Our Sages were not doctors and what they said is merely a reflection of what was known by the medical experts of their times and therefore there is no mitzva to accept their statements concerning medicine….

R’ Avraham ben HaRambam (Discourse on Agada): We are not obligated to accept the views of the sages of the Talmud on matters concerning medicine, natural science or astronomy — simply because of their greatness and authority — as we are concerning their explanations of the Torah. That is because concerning Torah, they were the ultimate experts and they had the exclusive authority to teach it as it says in the Torah, “You should do according to the Torah that they teach.”

Ramchal (Introduction to Agada):
It is important to know that when our Sages expressed important issues in terms of nature and astronomy — they utilized the science of their days as a metaphor or analogy. Thus, the validity of their ideas is not dependent upon the validity of their descriptions which served only as vehicle to express the ideas. In fact had they expressed their ideas in the more accurate science of today they would not have been understood. It is also important to understand that they believed that material things are influenced and directed by spiritual forces such as angels and demons. The physical world is thus influenced by the higher spiritual worlds and the converse is also true — that the physical world impacts the spiritual world. Whoever isn’t aware of this cannot comprehend our sages at all.

R’ S. R. Hirsch (Letter on Agada p 9–10): in my humble opinion the first principle for understanding the words of our Sages is that they were experts in the law of G﷓d. They received, transmitted and taught His Torah, commandments, laws and statutes but they were not necessarily experts in science, mathematics, astronomy or medicine — except when it was relevant to knowing and observing the commandments of the Torah. We do not find that secular knowledge was transmitted at Mt. Sinai… The greatest of our Sages knew the wisdom and the science according to what was accepted as true by the leading secular scientists of their day. Thus, they were the equals of these scholars but they did not transcend the secular knowledge of their day.

Trump Pick Joe Kent Backs Madison Cawthorn's Attack on 'Thug' Zelensky

Joe Kent, a Trump-endorsed congressional candidate from Washington state, on Saturday backed up remarks from Representative Madison Cawthorn, who called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a "thug."

In a video clip published on Thursday by local news station WRAL-TV, Cawthorn, a North Carolina Republican, is seen insulting Zelensky, who has received bipartisan praise for leading Ukraine during the Russian invasion that began last month.

"Remember that Zelensky is a thug," he said. "Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

Kent, who is challenging GOP Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, tweeted on Saturday that Cawthorn "nailed it."

FACT CHECK: Trump’s Florence rally contained false, misleading claims

Former president Donald Trump held a rally Saturday in Florence which contained false and misleading claims.

Below is a look at some of the claims made during the rally.

Ukrainian ambassador to Israel files suit against Interior Min.

The Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, has appealed on behalf of the Ukrainian Embassy to the Israeli Supreme Court against the policies of the Israeli government and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina).

The person representing the Ukrainian embassy during the trial is lawyer Tomer Warsaw, who claims that with the word "quotas," the Interior Minister creates a smokescreen that actually hides behind a violation of international conventions and law.

The Ambassador wrote in a statement: "The Ministry of the Interior's new policy violates agreements between Ukraine and Israel regarding exemption from visas for Ukrainian citizens. In light of exhaustion of all the diplomatic possibilities, the Embassy had no choice but to request that the Warsaw Law Office petition the Supreme Court against the new plan in order to protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens."

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Swedish Jewish man denied entry to bus due to Jewish symbol on clothing

“But then the driver shouted at me that I had to get off, because other passengers did not like that I was Jewish” the man wrote, adding that the driver insisted that he leave the bus.

Charedim say thanks for their warm welcome in Southend

A representative of Southend’s new Chasidic community spoke at an interfaith gathering as part of a series of events to mark the former town’s upgrade to a city.

The award of city status was granted last autumn as a tribute to local MP Sir David Amess, killed in an attack last year, who had been an ardent campaigner for it.

The Chasidic representative was Binyonim Bineth, who observed: “As newcomers to Southend, the Chasidic community has not only been accepted — we have been embraced.

“Southend stands as a beacon of light in its inclusivity and its vision for the future.”

Belz Chasidim from Stamford Hill began moving into the seaside resort around six years ago.

Cheney, Kinzinger Blast Madison Cawthorn for 'Echoing Putin Propaganda'

Local North Carolina news station WRAL on Thursday published the video clip of Cawthorn at a recent event criticizing Ukraine and the Eastern European nation's president after Russia's internationally condemned invasion of the country began on February 24.

"Remember that Zelensky is a thug," the Republican congressman said in the video. "Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies."

Antisemitism in Ukraine

The issue of Antisemitism in Ukraine received worldwide attention in 2022, when Vladimir Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine while he was alleging the need to "de-nazify" the country and its government.[51]

Henry Abramson, an expert on Ukrainian-Jewish history, says that many Jews around the world were surprised by the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential election of Volodymyr Zelenskyy because of "the stereotype of prevailing Ukrainian Antisemitism." According to Abramson, Zelensky's "Jewishness has not stood in the way of his being accepted as a symbol of the nation. (...) It is remarkable but not necessarily mind-blowing to see a Jew in the position as leader of Ukraine. It has happened several times before that Jews have been involved in the tight leadership of this country, particularly over the last century."[52]

According to Abramson, "Here in the West, there is a deep-seated stereotype of Ukrainian Antisemitism. It is particularly true of the children of Holocaust Survivors, who grew up in the diaspora, for two reasons. First of all, there was some degree of Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis. That is, of course, Putin's go-to line which is absolutely absurd and offensive that Ukraine needs to be De-Nazified. That's ridiculous."

"The second reason for this stereotype is that Jews in the diaspora have been separated from the day-to-day of Ukrainian life" says Abramson, and because of the assumption that the historical and present relationship between Jews and Ukrainians over thousands of years can be forever tarnished and defined by the handful of incidents he lists, such as: