Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Pro-Trump Mob Stormed the Halls of Congress. Photographs From Inside the Chaos at the Capitol

A mob whipped up by the President stormed police lines, smashed windows and broke into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to block lawmakers from certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory. The violent scene, which called to mind images of coups in foreign lands, was a culmination of two months of “Stop the Steal” rallies, fueled by Donald Trump’s baseless allegations that widespread voter fraud had cost him the election. The President has repeatedly incited his supporters to challenge the peaceful transfer of power, the essential marker of democracy.

Biden’s Electoral College victory certified -- hours after Capitol chaos

The U.S. Congress early Thursday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Democrat Joe Biden his presidential victory -- after a day in Washington that was marred by pro-Trump protesters storming the U.S. Capitol.

Lawmakers returned to the chamber in an act of defiance, with some Republicans who initially vowed to challenge states’ results due to voter fraud concerns announcing they'd instead vote to certify.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called the breach of the Capitol a "failed insurrection," adding that those who "tried to disrupt our democracy" had not succeeded.

Detractors of the president criticized him for stoking anger among his supporters and said a violent incident was inevitable. They say the president has been pushing the false narrative about election interference for the past month and his presidency was bound to end in chaos.

Congress finalizes Biden's win after riot disrupts Capitol

Following a formal affirmation of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, President Trump said the decision "represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history."

"Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th," Trump said in a statement.

"I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again," Trump said while repeating false claims about the election that incited a mob to storm the Capitol.


Why I’m Fighting For Morality In New Jersey

 By Rabbi Noson Leiter

I was recently asked why I’m spending so much time fighting A4454 in New Jersey. This bill
states: “Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each school district shall incorporate
instruction on diversity and inclusion in an appropriate place in the curriculum of students in
kindergarten through 12.”
It requires this instruction to (1) “highlight and promote diversity, including economic
diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance, and belonging in connection with gender and sexual
orientation, race and ethnicity, disabilities, and religious tolerance”; (2) “examine the impact
that unconscious bias and economic disparities have at both an individual level and on society as
a whole”; and (3)  “encourage safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for all students
regardless of race or ethnicity, sexual and gender identities, mental and physical disabilities,
and religious beliefs.”
Many people instinctively support tolerance, but the fact is that teaching children to respect open
practitioners of LGBT sins erodes one’s natural revulsion for these sins. Sodomy is actually a
capital crime (Vayikra 20:13, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 9:6) and called an "abomination" in
the Torah (Vayikra 18:22).
However, some may wonder: Why spend so much time fighting this particular piece of
legislation? There are several reasons. Here are some:
1. Among the proponents of this bill are several Jews, so we must ensure that the broader
American community understands that Torah Jewry stands unequivocally against it and any
other bill that seeks to indirectly legitimize sin under the rubric of teaching tolerance.
2. Frum Jews are responsible for the actions of their representatives, especially if they vote for
3. Unfortunately, several frum organizations publicize their involvement in public advocacy
when it comes to seeking government assistance, but are generally nowhere to be seen in
addressing spiritual threats. Such behavior conveys the impression that the average Orthodox
Jew cares more about financial needs than spiritual threats. We must correct this impression –
and chillul Hashem.
4. Even if one only cared about Jewish souls alone, it goes without saying that most non-
Orthodox Jews send their children to public school.
5. If we stay silent now, “tolerance" curricula will eventually make their way to yeshivos.
Already in England, the government harasses frum schools that don’t teach about homosexuality
and related matters. There’s no reason to believe that state governments and the federal
government in America won’t eventually follow suit. Indeed, New York two years ago tried to
push for such tolerance instruction in its controversial education guidelines.

6. Consider the new crop of voters that will emerge from such instruction. How will any
candidate be able to support traditional morality and win an election if the next generation is
taught that traditional morality is intolerant?
May we merit a speedy redemption in the merit of standing up for children who can't stand up
for themselves.

Donald Trump is a traitor on par with Benedict Arnold and Jefferson Davis

 The first two failed to destroy our republic. As I read the news of the insurrection in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, I can only wonder what damage has been done by the third.

The Disgrace on Capitol Hill

Fueled by lies about a stolen election, protesters overran police and stormed America’s seat of government on Wednesday, forcing a lockdown of the U.S. Capitol and a 6 p.m. city curfew. This sounds like a dispatch from some foreign correspondent in an unfortunate land. Instead it was President Trump’s parting gift to Washington, and the country, for denying him a second term.

VP revealed to have called in National Guard - NOT Donald Trump

In an odd statement, acting Pentagon chief Christopher Miller – installed by Trump after he pushed out Defense Secretary Mark Esper after the election – said he had spoken to Pence – not Trump – about calling in the Guard.



After Illinois Rep. Mary Miller praises Hitler, Rep. Jan Schakowsky calls on her to resign

At the rally, Miller, said, “Each generation has the responsibility to teach the next generation. You know, if we win a few elections we’re still going to be losing unless we win the hearts of our children. It’s the battle. Hitler was right on one thing that whoever has the youth has the future. Our children are being propagandized.”

Trump's parting gift- Democrats take control with Warnock and Ossoff wins

The Democratic Party of US President-elect Joe Biden has won control of the Senate - and of Congress overall - with two victories in the state of Georgia.

Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff defeated Republican incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue respectively.

Democrats will control the Senate, the House of Representatives and the White House for the first time since 2009.

An estimated four million Georgians turned out to vote in the run-off election.

The result is a severe blow for outgoing Republican President Donald Trump.

Orders of senior ultra-Orthodox rabbis on school closure remain unclear

On Tuesday night Edelstein issued a statement that criticized the public for negligence in obeying health regulations, and called those who are lax in  observing health warnings “rodef” – that is, someone who poses a danger to the lives of others.


Guns drawn, lawmakers under desks as pro-Trump mob roams and loots Congress

Where are they?” a Trump supporter demanded in a crowd of dozens roaming the halls of the US Capitol, bearing Trump flags and pounding on doors. They — lawmakers, staff members and more — were hiding under tables, hunkered in lockdowns, saying prayers, and seeing the fruits of the country’s divisions up close and violent. 

Orthodox Jewish Trump supporters decry violence, not movement behind mob

And on Wednesday, some Orthodox Jews took their support for Trump to the next level, traveling to Washington to participate in the Trump rally that turned into a mob.
Some of the Orthodox Jewish Trump supporters who attended even traveled to the rally on specially chartered buses from Orthodox Jewish communities, some of which were organized in special WhatsApp groups. One person who attended the rally said there were at least eight buses to Washington organized by Orthodox Jews.
Groups were formed for people from Monsey, New York, and Lakewood, New Jersey, two areas with large Orthodox populations. Two buses were reportedly chartered from Brooklyn.
Orthodox Jews were present at the rally where President Trump spoke Wednesday, telling the crowd to “walk down to the Capitol” and that “you will never take back our country with weakness.” But many Orthodox Trump supporters condemned the violence that followed when protesters stormed the capitol.

Trump Is to Blame for Capitol Attack

President Trump and his Republican enablers in Congress incited a violent attack Wednesday against the government they lead and the nation they profess to love. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Mr. Trump’s seditious rhetoric prompted a mob of thousands of people to storm the U.S. Capitol building, some breaking onto the House and Senate floors, where the nation’s elected representatives had gathered to perform their constitutional duty of counting electoral votes and confirming the election of Joe Biden as president.

It is fitting that some carried the Confederate flag as they attacked the seat of American government and forced the suspension of congressional debate. They shattered windows and broke doors, clashing with overwhelmed security forces as they shouted their support for Mr. Trump and their defiance of the lawful results of the 2020 election. One woman was killed. The nation’s leaders were sent scurrying for shelter.

Graham: Trump and I have had a hell of a journey, but enough is enough