Thursday, December 17, 2020



[First Reprint]

ASSEMBLY, No. 4454







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  CAROL A. MURPHY

District 7 (Burlington)


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblywomen Vainieri Huttle, McKnight, Jasey, Lampitt, Assemblyman Wimberly, Assemblywomen Lopez, Timberlake, Carter, Swain and Assemblyman Tully






     Requires school districts to include instruction on diversity and inclusion as part of implementation of New Jersey Student Learning Standards.



     As reported by the Assembly Education Committee on October 22, 2020, with amendments.


An Act concerning diversity and inclusion instruction in school districts and supplementing chapter 35 of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


      1.   a.  Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each school district shall incorporate instruction on diversity and inclusion 1[into] in an appropriate place in1 the curriculum 1[for] of1 students in grades 9 through 12 as part of the district’s implementation of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards 1[in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education]1.

     b.    The instruction shall:

     (1)   highlight and promote diversity 1, including economic diversity1, equity, inclusion, tolerance1,1 and belonging 1[on topics including:] in connection with1 gender and sexual orientation1[;] ,1 race and ethnicity1[;] ,1 disabilities1[;] , and1 religious tolerance; 1[and unconscious bias; and]1

     (2)   1examine the impact that unconscious bias and economic disparities have at both an individual level and on society as a whole; and

     (3)1  encourage safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for all students regardless of race or ethnicity, sexual and gender identities, mental and physical disabilities, and religious beliefs.

     c.     The Commissioner of Education shall provide school districts with sample learning activities and resources designed to promote diversity and inclusion.


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.


Educational Indoctrination Bill A4454/ S2781 scheduled for TODAY


Mi LaShem Alei: Gezairos Al-HaDas Poised to Strike NJ Today:

2 Teves, 5781/ Dec. 17, '20

by Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director, Help Rescue Our Children

A.)  Help is urgently needed TODAY to stop NJ's pro-LGBT Educational indoctrination bill A4454/ S2781 (For more information and perspective:  This bill is scheduled for a full Senate vote today, the Seventh Day of Chanukah, starting about noon, along with many other bills, some quite egregious.

Calibrated Timing:

Out of their traditional deference to the principles of Representational Government, NJ's Democratic leadership has once again opted to schedule radical, subversive legislation on impossibly short notice. Thereby, they signal their recognition of the fundamental opposition of an informed citizenry to their social engineering. Their implicit recognition thereof should encourage all proponents of decency that - even at this late stage of societal decomposition - we possess tremendous power at our fingertips - the power of publicizing the Truth - with which all the political power in the world can ultimately never successfully compete.

The Assembly version of this exploitive legislation is A4454 (attached).  Unfortunately, Passaic Assemblyman Gary Schaer recently voted for it, on Oct. 29. That early version targeted high schools, only. The newer, Senate version, S2781 (, scheduled for a full Senate vote today,* extends the indoctrination requirement to begin as early as Kindergarten, R"L. Yes, Kindergarteners.

(*For that reason, if R"L it passes the Senate, we expect another vote in the Assembly, possibly later in the afternoon today, on the newer version.)


Gary Schaer could work to kill the bill - today. He must be inundated with demands that he do so. We cannot take no for an answer. His public Chillul HaShem seems to have no bounds, even when it comes to the educational debauchery - even psychological molestation - of innocent Kindergarteners.

Please contact Assemblyman Gary Schaer here ASAP this morning, or as soon as possible thereafter: 


Remember, the Assembly probably won't get to vote on this until later in the day, or evening, in case someone is unable to call earlier.

The other two legislative reps of Passaic are:

Sen. Paul Sarlo: 201.804.8118

Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese: (201) 943-0615

If the other local reps do vote for it, R"L, that would be an indicator that Schaer didn't do his job in getting them to back off.

NJ Legislative Contact Info For Senate & Assembly:

v: 609-847-3905 or (800) 792-8630

or email: 

The legislators need to realize that we cannot vote for them if they opt to betray their constitutional obligation to protect our most precious resource, children. Also realize that this type of legislation can be unapologetically opposed on grounds well beyond religious ones. For example, antireligious indoctrination isn't just an infringement against religious liberty, it's an extension far beyond the educational mandate of government.  The pervasive misrepresentation of indoctrination as "Education" doesn't alleviate that objection, it only validates and intensifies it.

Additional egregious pro-LGBT legislation scheduled for today includes [but is probably not limited to] these:

B.)  S2545: The homosexualisation and transgenderisation of the Long-Term Healthcare Industry.

This bill is simply too horrific for any brief description to do justice to it, so please read it for yourself, p. 3-6.  This LGBT "Equality" legislation will definitely lead to the forcible sexual assault of residents by deviants. If anyone willingly allows this bill to pass, he's facilitating rape.

Another thing is clear: if this passes, R"L, religious people will be not only unable to own and operate long term healthcare facilities in NJ - we won't be able to even USE them for our loved ones in their time of need. Caring for them independently may often be so much more difficult than we've been accustomed to. A small consolation here is that the Assembly hasn't voted on this yet Hellenistic bill. Therefore, if it R"L passes the Senate today, the Assembly will presumably take it up only after January 1, '21.

Another intriguing observation here is that Yechiel Kalish (who recently lost his bid to hold onto his seat in the Illinois Legislature) had voted for pro-LGBT legislation, specifically HB246, similarly applying to schools. He also has had a close working relationship with the Orthodox Nursing Home industry. For some reason, he was tapped to moderate a forum at the recent Aguda Convention. He posed two questions regarding LGBT, clearly seeking some measure of dispensation for leniency in dealing with the LGBT threat to religious Jewry (which he realizes is formidable). B"H, he failed to obtain any "heterim."  However, his first question pertained to supporting LGBT propaganda for kids in schools, and the second question pertained to the challenges faced by the gaying of the Nursing Home Industry. It's fascinating how timely those questions are relative to the legislation coming up today in NJ.  Was there a hidden agenda afoot?

C.) S3078: State-mandated LGBT in the Workplace

May we merit to see yeshuos in the merit of emulating, in some modest measure, the Mesiras Nefesh of the Chashmonayim in these very days of Chanukah, well over two millennia ago.

Help Rescue Our Children:

US: 845.642.1679

Israeli Hotline: 03.721.3337

Gezairos Misyavnim in NJ, c/o Aguda

BS"D  Gezairas HaChinuch & LGBT Tyranny Tommorow, Thursday:

2 Teves, 5781 / Dec. 16, '20

Esteemed Rabbonim, Leaders and others,

A few urgent points are in order now for NJ: 

1.  Firstly, NJ State Senator Singer urgently needs calls to pressure him to do all in his power to push the Republicans to try to table the "Educational Molestation" bill A4454/ S2781- parading as a "Diversity & Inclusion" bill (LGBT indoctrination mandated for public schools). It's scheduled for a full Senate vote for TOMORROW, Thursday, R"L. We need you to join those Bnei Torah calling his office to get this bill tabled immediately. 

Due to a terrible change made in the current Senate version of this bill - expanding LGBT indoctrination through elementary school, starting with little Kindergarten children - there may be another vote in the Assembly too. Therefore, all THREE of your legislative reps must be alerted to your unwavering opposition to this outrageous government overreach, and misrepresentation of indoctrination as "Education." Realize that government has no legal or constitutional mandate for indoctrination, sexual exploitation of minors, or emotional/ psychological child molestation.

2.  Secondly, there's another LGBT scheduled tomorrow for a full NJ Senate vote too, S2545. In the name of "Equality" (of non-equals), it would  force transgender people into healthcare facility rooms with roommates of the opposite of their actual gender. This lunacy would invariably afflict the health of many vulnerable, seriously ill residents, who see it as a jarring invasion of privacy, and a frustrating betrayal of trust on the part of the facility.

NJ Legislative Info For Senate & Assembly:

v: 609-847-3905 or (800) 792-8630

or email: 

3.  Thirdly, it's important that weak Republicans realize that we don't need pro-LGBT Dems OR Republicans - who either vote for  LGBT indoctrination and lunacy, or who passively enable it - by allowing it to come to a vote, when we know they could table the bill if they really cared. 

Contact Information:
Sen. Singer:



Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Zos Chanukah" Gezairas HaChinuch Battle


Rosh Chodesh Teves / Dec. 16, '20

NJ State Senator Singer urgently needs calls to pressure him to kill the "Educational Molestation" bill A4454/ S2781- Diversity & Inclusion bill (LGBT indoctrination & school books mandated for public schools) - scheduled for a full Senate vote for TOMMOROW, R"L. We need you to join those calling his office to get this bill tabled immediately. 

We don't need pro-LGBT Dems OR Republicans, who either vote for this type of LGBT indoctrination, or who passively enable it by allowing it to come to a vote prematurely. 

Sen. Singer:


Trump fires back after McConnell recognizes Biden's victory: 'Too soon to give up'

 “Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!” Trump wrote on Twitter early Wednesday morning, as he re-tweeted an article from the Daily Mail that was headlined “MAGA turns on Mitch.”

McConnell sets stage for new face-off with Biden after delivering blow to Trump's election fantasy

 Putting his authority on the line, McConnell also asked his Senate colleagues not to stage any stunts when Congress meets for a joint session to ratify the election on January 6, effectively crushing the President's hopes of an 11th hour reprieve, CNN reported.

Brooks: I will not back ‘serial adulterer,’ ‘notorious flip-flopper’ Donald Trump - Republican hypoctites

Then you’ve got the public policy issues – where Donald Trump is a notorious flip-flopper on a myriad of different issues. It is only a little bit of an exaggeration to say that Donald Trump has taken virtually every position – liberal, moderate, conservative or otherwise on every public policy issue that exists. Nobody knows what Donald Trump would do with any degree of certainty because Donald Trump is all over the map on every issue.

I’m quite confident that a lot of voters are enamored by the personality and entertainment nature of the Donald trump campaign, and I am firmly convinced that 12-18 months from now, when the reality of a Donald Trump vote sets in, a very large segment of Donald Trump voters will be very angry at what they’re candidate is doing and [will] be very regretful of voting for Donald Trump.

I will not publicly support, or endorse with my reputation, someone who I know to have such huge character flaws and who is dishonest. I only endorse candidates who I believe are superior for a particular reason. So if Donald Trump is our nominee, I will sit back, watch and learn.



GOP AL Rep. Mo Brooks Wants to Force Republican Vote on Trump's Election Overturn Effort

Republican Alabama Representative Mo Brooks has pledged to use the Electoral Count Act of 1877 to challenge the electoral vote when Congress meets to approve the vote on January 6. If Brooks finds a Republican senator willing to join him, the law would require all GOP Congress members to go on the record in stating whether they support President Donald Trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election.

 While Republicans and Trump's re-election team have been unable to prove claims of widespread election fraud, with 51 of 52 such cases being dismissed or withdrawn from court due to lack of evidence, Brooks' challenge would be a last-ditch effort to at least symbolically protest the election of President-elect Joe Biden while also pledging loyalty to Trump and avoiding the wrath of his supporters.

 It's unclear if Congress members could abstain from voting or simply vote themselves as present, and it's unlikely that such a vote would actually overturn the election's result as it would require majorities in both congressional chambers to succeed, something the Democrat-led House wouldn't do.

Rav Wolbe - the importance of expressing love and affection to one's spouse

 Rav Wolbe(Igros Kodesh #2) We know that when the angels came to visit Avraham, they asked “Where is Sarah your wife?” he replied that she was in the tent. Our Sages say that they asked this in order to make Sarah more precious to her husband. These words seem to make no sense because Avraham was at that time 99 years old and they had married when he was 47 years old and therefore they had been married already for 52 years. Furthermore we are talking about Avraham and Sarah, so what relevance to say this about the epitome of kindness that they wanted to make her more beloved to her husband? In addition our Sages say they also asked Sarah about Avraham in order to make him more precious to her! We thus see that even in old age or with high spiritual level, a couple needs to constantly renew their affection and love. The wife needs to hear regularly and repeatedly that he truly loves her and he needs to speak the truth and not make insincere compliments especially at the times of intimacy. 

I heard similar advice from Rav Freifeld

 He said he once saw a New Yorker cartoon of a man talking to a bar tender I said to my wife. “What do you mean I never tell you that I love you?”  I told you 30 years ago

President-elect Joe Biden Tells Republicans That He’s Done With Their Games

Dropping much of the let’s-all-come-together comity from recent weeks, President-elect Joe Biden showed just how out-of-patience he has become with his predecessor and his allies. Where Biden initially treated those who voted for Donald Trump with a gentle touch and offered empathy for their loss, he has now exhausted his ability to humor their fact-free views that Biden’s victory was illegitimate.

“We saw something very few predicted, even thought possible: the biggest voter turnout in the history of the United States of America, a number so big that this election now ranks as the clearest demonstration of the true will of the American people, one of the most amazing demonstrations of civic duty we have ever seen in our country. It should be celebrated, not attacked,” Biden said last night in Wilmington, Del., hours after the Electoral College made clear what has been apparent for weeks.

 To put Biden’s point another way: the 2020 campaign is over, the MAGA crowd needs to back off and Trump needs to start packing.

Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: 'It's over'

 Geraldo Rivera, a Fox News correspondent and longtime friend of Donald Trump, has a message for the president: "It's over."

During a segment on "The Story With Martha MacCallum," Fox News host Martha MacCallum asked Rivera and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk to share their thoughts on President-elect Joe Biden's Tuesday night speech after the electoral college officially submitted their votes.
"He is absolutely right. It's over," Rivera said, nodding to Biden's speech that focused on moving forward. He added that he wants President Donald Trump to "understand it is over."
Kirk, who leads the right-wing college activism group, wasn't willing to concede that fact. In defense of Trump and his legal team's efforts to overturn the results of the election, Kirk said Trump supporters still have "very good questions" about the election results.
"There are still plenty of pending legal challenges," Kirk said. "There are hundreds."
"That's so dishonest," Rivera quickly chimed in. "You have to stop this."

Mitch McConnell deserves no praise for finally recognizing reality

 In the same speech in which he finally recognized Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the President-elect and vice president-elect, McConnell also lavished praise on the notoriously narcissistic President, speaking for several minutes about "the outsider who swore he would shake up Washington and lead our country to new accomplishments, both at home and abroad" doing "exactly that."

Trump was such a great President, McConnell said, "It would take far more than one speech to catalog all the major wins the Trump administration has helped deliver for the American people."
It was a humiliating display from a grown man, the kind of fawning obsequiousness that is uncomfortable to watch. Only after this bout of bootlicking did McConnell -- ostensibly the leader of his party now, but somehow still servile to a President in the twilight of his power -- turn to the matter at hand: a new president he had spent weeks refusing to recognize.