Thursday, October 8, 2020

Vice presidential fact check: Daniel Dale selects his lie of the night

Jewish journalist assaulted by ultra-Orthodox mob at Brooklyn virus protest

 A prominent Haredi journalist was assaulted on Wednesday while covering his community’s protests against New York coronavirus shutdowns that largely target the city’s Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods.

'Magnitude of this failure is astonishing': Medical journal writes unprecedented editorial against Trump for COVID

  In a historic move, the New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial on Wednesday condemning President Donald Trump and his administration for their response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

For the first time in it's 208-year history, it called for current leadership to be voted out of office.

In an editorial signed by nearly three dozen editors, the journal said the Trump administration has "taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy" regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, writing the "magnitude of this failure is astonishing."

‘It wasn’t wise’: Republicans urge Trump to restart Covid talks

 President Donald Trump is taking a huge political gamble with his decision to end coronavirus relief talks weeks before the election. But Republicans don’t want him to call it quits just yet.

Several frustrated GOP lawmakers — who are facing major political headwinds as they fight to hang onto their Senate majority — are urging Trump to come back to the negotiating table, as millions of Americans are out of work, airlines are on the verge of massive layoffs and the Federal Reserve chairman recently warned of dire economic consequences if Congress doesn’t act.

Gasping For Air

'The Big Bang wasn't the beginning' says Nobel prize winner Sir Roger Penrose


“The Big Bang was not the beginning,” Sir Roger Penrose said this week, after being awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. “There was something before the Big Bang.”

Fox News Poll: Biden gains ground over Trump

 Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a 53-43 percent margin, in a Fox News national survey of likely voters conducted after a combative debate and the president testing positive for coronavirus. Biden’s 10-point advantage is up from a 5-point lead last month. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Private Concern Grows After Trump Flip-Flops On Relief Measures | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Appeals court rejects Trump's effort to block enforcement of tax returns subpoena

 The Second Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday upheld a lower court ruling allowing Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance's office to enforce a subpoena to get President Trump's tax returns and other documents dating back to 2011, rejecting Trump's attempt to block the effort.

 "We have considered all of the President's remaining contentions on appeal and have found in them no basis for reversal," the court said in its ruling.

Trump's erratic behavior continues as he halts stimulus talks and spreads falsehoods on pandemic

 President Donald Trump's behavior has become increasingly erratic since he left hospital after he suddenly blew up congressional talks on a Covid-19 economic rescue package and falsely claimed that the coronavirus was no worse than the flu, as chaos rocks a super-spreader White House.

With uncertainty still clouding official bulletins of the President's condition, there is bewilderment in Washington at some of his irresponsible and politically questionable moves since he was discharged on Monday. But a defiant Trump continues to portray himself as a hero leader who conquered Covid-19 and is chasing his own political goals while ignoring the human and economic toll of the virus, which has now sent the top Pentagon generals into quarantine.
The President has gone on a lengthy Twitter spree on Wednesday morning, with his first tweet was at 8:18 a.m. He has tweeted or retweeted more than 50 times -- mostly wild or false claims about Democrats.

Psychiatric diagnosis and mekach taus

R. Yitzchak Zilberstein in his חשוקי חמד על מסכת סוכה quotes an actual case where R. Zvi Pesach Frank orally ruled that despite the fact that the groom hid from the bride that he was taking psychotropic medication, it was not מקח טעות.



Chris Hayes On Trump Admin.’s Ongoing Recklessness That Led To Covid Outbreak | All In | MSNBC

How Fox News and Trump are spinning lethality of Covid-19

Donald’s Trumpumphant Return to COVID Infested White House