Monday, September 21, 2020

Integrity in Public Life

 It is precisely the fact that Moses did not need to do what he did, that gives the passage its force. There must be transparency and accountability when it comes to public funds even if the people involved have impeccable reputations. People in positions of trust must be, and be seen to be, individuals of moral integrity. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law had already said this when he told Moses to appoint subordinates to help him in the task of leading the people. They should be, he said, “Men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain” (Ex. 18: 21).



Justin Haskins: Fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat now. I don't care what GOP senators promised in the past -(Power is more important than integrity)

 I sympathize with those senators who have made promises in the past and wish to honor them. Honesty is, of course, important, and honoring promises under difficult political circumstances is a rare trait in Washington, to say the least.

 However, the Republican senators who made promises not to fulfill Supreme Court seats close to an election have a more important duty than upholding political promises made in days, months or years past: ensuring that the rights of all Americans are protected. They can do that by filling Justice Ginsburg’s vacant seat with a constitutionalist who will promise to faithfully interpret the Constitution in line with the intentions of those who passed it into law.

 The senators who pledged not to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat under the present circumstances should never have made those promises and if they are forced to pay the price in November for making foolish, irresponsible commitments, then so be it.

Chris Wallace calls out Republican for allowing Trump’s Supreme Court pick but not Obama’s

Cooper rolls tape on what GOP senators said about replacing a justice in 2016

'A Very Strange Speech': What AG Barr's Words Mean | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Graham Flip-Flops On Filling SCOTUS Vacancy | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Leifer accusers express relief at long-awaited extradition ruling


‘We can’t believe we finally got here,’ says one of three Australian sisters who accuse ex-principal of sexual assault; others also praise decision, after 71 hearings



Court rules accused sex abuser Leifer to be extradited to Australia


In possibly final ruling after 6 years of hearings, judge says ex-principal must face child sex abuse charges in Melbourne, pending expected appeal



Slowing the Republican's Sprint to Name a New Supreme Court Justice Nominee to Fill RGB's Seat


The Democrats' response to RBG's death should terrify Trump

 The Democratic response so far should terrify Trump and GOP Senate candidates up for election this year. Democrats have already begun channeling their pain at losing RBG into action, pouring a record-breaking number of donations to Democratic candidates and causes via the online fundraising platform ActBlue. The New York Times reported that from about 9 p.m. ET Friday -- about 90 minutes after RBG's death was announced -- ActBlue reported receiving $6.2 million in donations, the most ever in just one hour in the platform's 16-year history. That record was broken the following hour when $6.3 million was donated, more than $100,000 per minute.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Trump called 'demented' after blaming 'blue states' for coronavirus death toll

 New York, California, and New Jersey – all led by Democrats– were among the states with highest number of deaths from coronavirus. However, both Texas and Florida, which are Republican led, are also in the top five states in terms of coronavirus deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. These five states also have the largest populations in the country and were the first to tackle major outbreaks of the virus, suggesting that there is no scientific correlation between political party of state leaders and the spread of the virus.

"Yes Mr. President, if you don't count the total number of Americans who have died you might think it's not so bad," Schumer said. "If you close your eyes and pretend that half of the country doesn't exist some might think you didn't do such a spectacularly awful job."

Clyburn Torches Barr For Comparing Covid-19 Quarantine To Slavery | The 11th Hour | MSNBC